This maybe in some new info. Might be good news….. Janis
Thomas Williams Brings Breakthrough News Aug. 11 [video]
Thomas Williams brought us some very positive and exciting intel on Thursday evening and I thank two readers for sharing the link to this video from Thomas and Chloe.
I will give a few points from the show, but I recommend you listen to this yourself. There are, indeed, surprises—and some remarkable developments and short timelines on what will be happening.
Even Thomas has been surprised by some of the news he’s been given and never shares anything unless he is sure it is accurate—at least as much as he CAN be sure.
What did Thomas report? Points not in any particular order; my own comments are in [square brackets]…
- The political game is following the script and the little twist we have been expecting is about to come into play: Trump is about to be “activated” to self-destruct so Hillary will win.
- Having said that, Hillary IS very ill, and while she may make it to November 5, she will not be around to actually be sworn in. Bill is in even worse shape than she is, and she has declined rapidly lately.
- The Speaker of the House will be the President, the intel says. [If what we were told a few years ago holds true, that is an interim move and I believe we will either have a new election with new candidates, or the entire structure will change and there will be a “council” type of structure in place of the current one and we’ll start fresh.]
- In 2017 a restructuring of everything on the planet will be underway with many changes for the better.
- The cabal regularly enjoy their own little Adrenalin beverage and the last batch was spiked or “corrupted” as Thomas put it, so while some have already unwittingly enjoyed the Kool-Aid, they will soon become sickened as a result and it’s all they have left. Many will die or disappear very soon. Most will not survive.
- There will be no violence in the take-down of the cabal/reptilians/dracos; it would only be a very last resort if all else failed. [Hence the “Kill-aid”. Now I feel like we’re doing the “exterminating”. It doesn’t feel good. ;0( … ]
- All Dracos will be removed from the planet permanently; other negative ETs who reside here will be given the ultimatum to change their ways or will be removed from the planet permanently. [Tolec has also confirmed that all Reptilians will be removed and other beings not sharing our new high frequencies will simply not survive.]
- We have heard from both Cobra and Terran/American Kabuki lately that the “veil” or Matrix is thinning, retreating, etc. Thomas reports that as of last Sunday, August 7th, we are officially out of that magnetic Matrix.
- The Super Wave already IS bathing us with higher frequencies and it is probably not a pump and dump sort of thing; it is most likely permanent, and is the sort of resonance we have always been meant to enjoy. Some people are having more difficulty adjusting than others, with symptoms ranging from anger, violent outbursts, irritability, feeling tired, and aches and pains all the way up to bliss. [I’ve been tired and sleeping like a normal human being.]
- The Super Wave is also neutralizing the negative, disruptive frequencies of the implants we all have.
- As for the off-planet “agreement” Terran spoke of, and perhaps the surrender Cobra has brought news of, that is a long story but apparently the Draco made an agreement 16,500 years ago with the indigenous people of Earth and we have been under the Draco’s global martial law ever since. [Believe it or not, the Galactic Council and Universal Protection Unit felt they had to honour that agreement and so the predation and our persecution were allowed to continue.] Now, it appears both governing bodies have stepped in and nullified that agreement and will be enforcing it. A new Peace Treaty is in effect now, enforced by the Universal Protection Unit comprising 5 different star nations.
- The Peace Treaty encompasses all sentient life on our planet; people, animals, plants, elementals, etc.
- If the cabal still around now try to pull anything, the consequences from the council will be swift. [but by then it’s too late, isn’t it?]
- i.e. Not surprisingly, the cabal booby-trapped the Rio Olympics but that attack was prevented. Thomas said the cabal broke the agreement the first day it was in place and those consequences will be meted out. [So, we Earthlings won’t be part of any arrests, sanctions, etc. it seems. They’re going to save us from ourselves. You know how emotional we are. And angry.]
- Thomas says the transfer of the REAL Collateral Accounts [nothing to do with that scoundrel Neil Keenan] will take place shortly, and “Project Cleanup” will mean that in the next 5 days (show was on Aug. 11) things will really begin to change.
- Thomas reported that the Turkey fiasco was designed to mess with Putin, who has been playing both sides. He has one more chance to choose the right side… or else. [It’s Judgement Day, Vlad.]
- Regarding what Yellow Rose called the “Ma Net”, the AI (artificial intelligence) Matrix that has been programmed to work in favour of the controllers, is being reprogrammed. Now, rather than reflecting our own pain, anger, sorrow, hopelessness, aggression, etc. back down on us, it will perform as it was designed and transmit the status of the situation on Earth back to Source. [I don’t like the idea of being constantly monitored like a baby in a crib. Ma… Big Brother… Big Sister]
- Thomas believes chemtrails will be a top priority right up there with food and water and will be dealt with quickly. He confirmed that they have dropped off dramatically of late and that areas sprayed now are usually part of a retaliation tactic for something the cabal didn’t like going on in that area. [I’ve seen very little spraying here in the Phoenix area for the past 90 days or more]
- Anything unnatural, not “of nature” or naturally occurring will disappear, i.e. clones. [I’m glad I don’t have silicone implants]
I’m tired of typing now. There are two hours of great information in the video and I recommend you listen for yourself.
Cheers! ~ BP
OH—P.S. We will be seeing a lot of activity in our skies after late August, and NASA turning off the ISS camera won’t change a thing.
Do you know what the magnetic Matrix is?
What is the Super wave?