In Vedic terms these beings are classed as demonic beings and not god conscious beings
These beings need treatment in rehabilitation centres as they are sick in mind, body and spirit.
These being should not waste their Human birth as it is very precious and the purpose of your life is to evolve and unite with the source some intelligent humans say go back to Godhead/Source/Spiritual World.
Your purpose of life on this planet is to be kind to mother earth, be kind to all living entities and to advance yourself in mind, body and spirit.
Mind : advance in spiritual knowledge
Body : treat it like a very holy temple and not abuse your body....drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs and eating dead animals flesh is abusing the body and will only cause sickness and disease.
Spirit: advance spiritually...soul development...self realization and selfless service meaning help those who are unfortunate.
In vedic terms beings who drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs and eat meat will be born in their next life in hellish planets and it will take long time for them to get a human birth.
These being should not be trusted and should be put in rehabilitation centres. They should be in low class jobs and not in high class jobs as they are really incapable of helping others when they themselves are doing the wrong other words incompetent as they will make wrong decisions and spoil lives of others.
These beings are sick in mind, body and spirit and so are a disgrace and more likely liars, corrupt and mostly criminals ..not to be trusted at all and there is no reason why they should be treated with respect till they treat themselves and become humans with a good purpose in life.
In vedic terms they are classed as demonic in nature reason why planet earth is in such a state is because of these beings who are generally greedy, selfish and corrupt ...some of these beings have taken places in high class jobs mostly be corrupt means and they must be removed from their jobs and send for treatment in rehabilitation other words they need to shape up or ship out.