Firstly lets take dead animal meat eaters.. they don't care how the animal was brutally slaughtered but they worry about filling their stomachs ...the highest amount of meat eaters are black people and they are the least evolved on Planet Earth and holding back Ascension . ..THE FOOLS DON'T KNOW THAT ALL LIVES MATTER AND YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT ...IN OTHER WORDS THEY EAT ANIMALS SO ARE ANIMALS NOT HUMAN BEINGS.
Meat eaters should know how the animals are killed brutally in slaughterhouses and so should never eat meat.
Meat eaters should be put in rehabilitation centres and failing treatment put in fema camps because they don't care all lives matter then their lives don't matter.
9 out 10 times you are provoked by black people and when you challange they claim you are more should people listen to their nonsense.