I arrived on earth approximately 28 years ago and inherited the body of an 11-year-old female. The original soul - a member of my Soul Family - chose to leave at that time, and so the arrangement was made for me to enter and begin my lessons and carry out my goals. That was a fairly traumatic experience that is a story in itself. I became part of what is known as the "Walk In Project" because of my work and because of a desire I felt to be part of the earth's transformation process at this time. The Walk In Project is a project facilitated mainly by the Interplanetary Peace Council - or IPC (which you would know as the Federation of Planets or Association of Worlds) and which is overseen by the Ashtar Command group. It is a project which allows beings of extraterrestrial origin to experience the physicality of earth and to act as go-betweens for the IPC. Our earth bodies also provide a vehicle by which other members of our crews and family can experience earth, and in some cases teach or interact with earth humans.There are also Walk-Ins of other origins who come to earth for various reasons who are not affiliated in any way with the IPC or Ashtar Command. Some are enlightened earth-based souls, and also there are some Walk-Ins who do not act in the light.My origins are Pleiadian, or Plejaran. When I left my realm of experience to come to earth I was approximately 226 years of age, which I am told is the equivalent of about 22 earth years. I lived on board one of the Ashtar Command space craft, but was born on Taygeta in the Pleiades. I lived with my parents and one brother. My parents are prominant figures within the Ashtar Command group. I had trained and worked as a biologist but also have a deep interest in spirituality, genetics and interplanetary communication. I did some work around earth with communication with cetaceans, who act as gauges for fluctuations in electromagnetic energy and also gather other data for us while they are on earth. I have also incarnated on earth before, and I felt that I had a great deal to offer humanity to assist them to raise their vibrations and reach their full potential. The decision to essentially leave the life I had off-world and spend at least 50% of my time on earth was a hard one. I knew I would have to sacrifice much in order to become part of a society where extremes of expression and limitation were the norm. To make things more complicated, I chose to remain conscious of my identity and origins and desired to maintain conscious connection to my off-world family whilst on earth. Many Walk-Ins from our project chose to be conscious also, and thus we do not suffer from the spiritual amnesia that Starseeds and other incarnates experience.This conscious knowledge became both a gift, and also a burden, because I miss my family an my 'home' environment a great deal whilst I am on earth. Like most things of worth, such gifts come with difficulty. However, over time I have come to love earth and had to go through a challenging personal process to accept it as my 2nd home.But when I first arrived here, I could not communicate very well at all. For three years I barely said anything except monosyllables, and only when necessary. I also discovered I had many misconceptions about human life. It would be truth to say I was haughty and aloof, and I was quite frankly horrified by much of what I saw and felt and nearly backed out of the whole deal. I could not equate the culture I had known with a culture where there was greed, selfishness, competitiveness, jealousy and displays of possessiveness and out-of-control egotism. I had to learn to accept things the way they were and realize that these elements were reflected in various ways within me as well. My father had told me that earth humanity is very reflective of the way our ancestors were. Although I had prepared for my earth experience, it was still a huge culture shock once I was actually there. Over the years since I have continued to be challenged in various ways, and although I believe the goals are worth the discomfort, I still get occasions when I just wish to leave. In that way I can completely relate to how many Starseeds feel at times.The upside to this is that I can return regularly to visit with my family and friends, and I am also required to provide regular reports to the Interplanetary Council. The way I travel is astrally, but I am able to manifest a physical form when I am away from earth that is like a combination of my earth body, and my Pleiadian one. When I came to earth, I did not leave my physical Pleiaidan body as you would know it, but rather changed its frequency so it became pure energy, and then I entered my human form in my entirety.Of course my physical earth body has been aboard our space craft also, as sometimes it is needed to take it up for "maintenance".It is possible for aware souls to visit the ships within the Ashtar Command group or even go to other worlds, but this is done in the astral form, or light body, rather than physically, because your physical bodies would have to be altered to be able to exist in our density and environment. Much is lost in translation when you return to your physical forms because your experiences do not have much reference on earth yet. Sometimes you cannot even make an approximation because the things you see and feel are so 'otherwordly'.I call myself a 'Captain' in my screen name because I have recently passed 'exams' and other tests that earned me the title. I was offered the Command of a ship, but that would mean I would have to be away from earth permanently, and I am not yet ready for that phase. Of course these are military terms, as you know, and are really just earthly equivalents of the roles we undertake on board space craft. Being a Captain means that I had to learn and pass advanced piloting and navigation tests, and also had to be able to take responsibilty for a small crew (such as those we use for transport or research). It means that I can still carry out my work on earth, but can also pilot craft when desired. I am definitely not an engineer, but enjoy mostly just the 'flying' of the craft itself.To become a Commander, one must do much study, and pass stringent tests of responsibilty, delgation etc. and also you have to be someone who is in emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance. The Commander facilitates and oversees the operations of a space craft, and also the crew itself.Of course there are various technologies within the Ashtar Command because there are representatives from many different cultures. Some are physical-type craft, and some have interdimensional qualities and capabilities. There are massive Spacers (Mother Ships) and also smaller shuttles, reasearch and reconnaisance craft (which are used to go to planet surfaces). We travel not by moving physically through space/time continuum, as you would understand it, but our craft move through densities by altering frequency. They travel in the "spaces in between" space and time continuum. To your eye, they would "be there one moment, disappear, and then appear suddenly somewhere else". This would happen within a second or less. The larger Spacers or Mother Ships do this also, but on a larger scale. We increase their frequency in a manner that you might call moving into "hyperspace". These craft can travel only within a certain distance of planets because they cause energetic frequency waves that can interfere with life on the planet's surface. So usually they will arrive at their destination, and then just stay in orbit near a planet. Some of these can be as large as small planets which are home to millions.I have been curious about all the discussion on earth about Ashtar Command ships revealing themselves or arriving en masse... I have spoken before about why this would be a huge risk to interplanetary visitors, and also to the humans they interacted with. We have nothing to prove, so our purpose for doing such a thing would have to be examined carefully and the benefits and dangers are weighed very carefully. Right now the time isn't right for such things. However the time is right to spread more of a conscious awareness of earth humanity's interplanetary connections, and that is what we are focused on. Right now it is a process of educating and helping awakening souls to quickly reach full potential.

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  • Hi Anakya, the military side to the Ashtar Command is interesting, I have to admit. Just want to ask though, does it follow to some extent the earth's military concept of 'need to know'? This means only those that need to know of some matters will be in the know. But if you're lower in rank, more often than not, you'll just be following orders. Things are not transparent here which can be a reason for worry.

    I was just wondering if military matters are transparent from where you're from. I have a feeling it is because of telepathy.

    It's just odd that there's some form of military in the higher dimensions. I'm just inclined to believe that love and cooperation exist on that level. But I guess there are negative forces still and there needs to be some sort of defense.

    I think you mentioned that some starseeds may have remembered some kind of wars that happened before which is how the Star Wars scenario may have seeped into our media. I always thought Star Wars, Star Trek, and the like, were just science-fiction, but did something like that really happen in the past? This is just too incredible..
    • That is one of the things I find interesting about language - all the connections, parallels, hidden meanings and symbology... Sanskrit has the most keys to higher density life and concepts because it was created originally from a mixture of ancient Pleiadian and Andromedan (and a few other) languages in the universal Language Of Light - which is actually communication in the form of energy, impressions and images - but in the case of earth, this has been 'converted' to a verbal version. Sound vibrations.

      Unfortunately as time has passed on earth, many of these lovely original languages have become blended and altered from the original. And then you have colloquial terms which are particular to certain cultures, slang etc. So it has changed, but some of the original vibrations of the Language of Light remain interwoven into some of the older earth languages. Many of the ancient Eastern languages, aboriginal and Native American still hold some of the original 'tones' and vibrations that were part of the ancient language of Light.

      The tonal version of the word "Ashtar" has different meaning to Pleiadians than it does on earth (although the comparison to the word for 'star' is no accident either). To us, it refers to someone who is a spiritual guide and teacher - and also a world teacher, like Sananda and Monkaa. By "world teacher" we mean that they are those who have chosen to assist other worlds to grow and evolve spiritually. So it is a kind of title, rather than the person's actual name vibration. 'Ashtar' was used in communications with earth because it was simpler that way, and it was a personal choice of Commander Ashtar to keep his personal life seperate from his work as facilitator of the fleet.
      • What´s interesting and thought-provoking that Many of the Ancient Eastern languages, aboriginal and Native American still hold some of the original 'tones' and vibrations that were part of the ancient language of Light;)
    • Hi Teddy,

      We use earth's military titles but the titles are not attached to actual defense roles or strategies, as on earth. Since all within the IPC (Federation) are non war-like, there is no need for a 'military' as such. I believe the military titles began to be used in the 1950's when communicators from the various Commands were attempting to get the message across to earth's military leaders about the direction and path earth was headed on at the time. We used them as equivalents only, so that people on earth could relate to the various roles somewhat and because that is what the contactees could relate to. Many of us though - myself included - are inclined to abandon such titles as no longer being relevant in our communications and interplanetary relations.

      We don't have 'government secrets' where only high ranking officials may know something, and others may not. Firstly this is because we don't have government (only a wise council of beings who make decisions based on the collective feedback and consensus), and also because you are correct with regard to the telepathy - it is technically possible to sheild a piece of information from another, but that kind of secrecy and maintaining of facades is not part of our various cultures and has not been for some time. Because we are each individually strong in our center, and our identity and personal power, we have no need to hide any aspect of ourselves or what we know from each-other. We are of the understanding that combined knowledge, openness and honesty are the strengths of any group or civilization that desires to function efficiently and in a balanced manner.

      However, with regard to our communications with planets like earth - this must be done carefully and diplomatically without omitting or changing any vital piece of information. That can be difficult at times because we have to find ways to convey what needs to be said so it can be understood on many levels. When some of our group are agreeable to delivering some teaching, and others are not, we will make a decision based on consensus - so that would mean we do not go ahead with it, because all must agree. There are no 'grey areas' with us. We either do something, or we do not. We don't have the concept of 'trying' in our consciousness.

      You are correct in the understanding that even we need some kind of defense (i.e. regarding earth military and any civilization that might have an adverse reaction to us) and for us this mainly takes the form of technology that allows us to cloak our ships and hide them from detection systems, and also the ability to visit whilst remaining in our higher density forms (which we find safer for the most part). We do have groups of specially trained personnel who work in our security sector. These people would be the equivalent of body guards. We call them "Guardians" in the Pleiadian culture. These are the only ones of us who have weapons and can use them, and also have developed other means of combat and defense. Many Diplomats and officials from various civilizations have these kind of guardians for their personal safety if they have to go into areas that might be dangerous to them. Guardians also serve a dual purpose in that they receive special training regarding planets we are visiting, so they can act as advisors and guides for us.

      For instance, it can be a simple thing such as pouring water into a glass. For you this is an every day action, but we have technology that simply manifest our drinks or food, and there is no act of us mechanically pouring. So when I first came to earth, I had to learn how to judge how much to pour into a glass! It took many spills before I got it right, and I had a Guardian with me who had to tell me when to stop!. I'm glad to say I also learned to cook here, and that is a skill I am most grateful for.

      Yes the Star Wars movies were interesting. George Lucas is a reincarnated being from Orion, so he translated his memories of the ancient wars directly into the script for these movies. On a higher level he had agreed to create these because they were supposed to be a kind of warning to earth that a similar scenario could develop here (and there are equivalents of the orion wars playing themselves out in the Middle East in particular). A lot of refugees from that time incarnated on earth not long after (we are talking about 3,000 years ago in earth time). Orion had an Empire - just like in the movies - which subjugated and controlled the people on the various planets within the Orion system. They created a massive shield around their system to prevent interstellar craft from entering their space, and they destroyed anyone who attempted entry, or attempted to communicate with the Orion people. The Andromedans and Pleiadians of the time were some of those who tried to help free the people of Orion because some of the people had begun to override the Empire's oppression and begun to develop spritually - making them open to expanding their awareness and communications from advanced civilizations (just like on earth). Once they realized there was more to life and existence, they desired freedom and to embrace the concept of God all-that-is.

      There were some pretty big battles fought in the name of freedom, both from the rebels in the system, and also with the groups attempting to free them. Eventually it was successful, and now the Orion system is a wonderful place to be and visit as it has really moved on from those times.

      However, the refugee souls that incarnated on earth around that time and shortly after, for the most part came with big chips on thier shoulders, and a need to come to terms with and complete lessons about aggression, oppression and fear-based realities. Some of those who came to earth were also the more enlightened of their people, and came to teach and be a support to others.

      As for movies like ET and the Star Trek series - both creators of these were heavily influenced by 'dreams' and visions they were sent about these concepts as a means to deliver the truth to the people via entertainment. And of course they are both Starseeds. Watch for some even more interesting creations coming through Steven Spielberg in the near future.
  • A truly wonderful story. I hope to hear more interesting info.
    Thank you and many blessings to you Captain Anakya!
    Love & Light
  • I've always wondered why I love Star Wars so much... :D well not anymore
  • Hi Captain A

    Thanks for coming back and sharing your light/truth with us all again. It is deeply appreciated my friend.

    Many bright blessings!
  • Napa, My driving isn't that bad!

    Everyone's viewpoints are valid, and everyone has their own version of truth. It's time to put judgement aside, since that is one of the major factors contributing to the apparent chaos on earth at present.

    It is a choice as to whether anyone wishes to buy into any given piece of information or not. A good question to ask is: "how does this information enrich my life and enhance my growth right now"?

    The phrase "don't worry, be happy" springs to mind. Putting so much time and energy into things that have not / will not necessarily happen, is pointless. It's important to live in the moment.
  • Hello Captain A, I have always loved names that start with an A, my daughters are ayla and alexa, thank-you for sharing your experiences with us, it sound so interesting and so familiar too, blessings to you and I hope you know how much we all love you, ( especially during those times you are missing your family), thank-you for helping us all, I hope we move forward quickly and help you to accomplish your mission!, Love mercedes
  • Welcome Captain ! Welcome on board ! Welcome for all you undertake ! Welcome for your Mission !

    Now I shall use language from Atlantis : " Axte Incal, Axtuce Mun " : The One who knows God, knows the Universe !
    From language spoken by Beings who look like to us from Koldas (our twin planet in a gemellar Universe) " Mulga Koldas " what means " We are coming in Peace " ( The 12 Planets speak from Carl Van Vlierden book)
    I had heard that when we stay in space for one year that is equivalent to 50 earth years. It was an experience happened to a fisher man from Japan in the 18th Century and this story has been told in Ancient Astronaut Society ( Head Office close to Chicago, ILL), I was a member from France with Erich von Däniken, Joseph Blumrich,( a friend of Wernher von Braun!), Andrew Tomas, Robert Charroux, George Sassoon (from UK) and Gene M. Philips the founder.
    Certainly, you have heard about Billy Meier who has close contacts with the " P" as says Barbara Marciniak. I remember a story of an Amphibian Being who lost his way on earth and Billy Meier helped him to find his path through his Pleiadian friends... Do You have seen " Cocoon" with Brian Donlevy in the movies ?
    Look a while pictures on my page and see what last year I have received from Commander Merkabah Shamiyr : he sent me an e-gift !
    So, thanks for your testimony and if you want I could get email from Billy Meier Staff in Switzerland.
    Another famous Ascended Master is now a Walk-In : Saint-Germain ! Look at Info space US in Mount Shasta : name is Mark Jess Kneass !
    With Love and Respect,
    PS Do you still speak Maya ? It is your native language !
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"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7zZoXHqla4"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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