Is it normal to feel very energetic when there is a thunderstorm?
It seems to me that people think me thinking that a Thunderstorm is comforting is weird.
Does this mean I have a dark soul or something?
I would love to know what this means if any of you know?
Also I would love to hear what gives you energy?
Thunder breaks up stagnant energy where needed. I read that somewhere. Tesla was born during a thunderstorm.
scares naughty little kids into behaving. lol!
You can't beat a good cracking thunderstorm to energize matters.....Donner und blitzen, ja.....!! ;-)
OMG I LOVE thunderstorms!!! They are amazing and even the thought of them gives me an energy boost. They are so beautiful but so deadly. So many vaults! I have always watched them with my dad ever since being a little girl. They must scientifically do something with your own personal energy.
love watching, hearing and feeling thunderstorm weather; nothing dark about it......................
I LOVE thunderstorms! Get a lot of energy from it! Favorite weather!
im take your word for it sounds fun haha. but I do have a question im probally going to go on this other spirtualforums for the question also. I have this energy in my right arm that seems to randomly happen in all point of time mostly when im sitting though. ive been trying to send the energy to my navel center and it goes away. and if I don't do that ill send it threw my palm out . but it seems that it leaves and it come back all the time. it doesn't bother me it just it keep happening there no pain at all. is the energy stuck I dunno or maybe it not circulating correctly and get stuck that's what im thinking let me no anyone thought thanks:P