Time Lines
Response from Captain to a question about a recent channeling on space brothers yahoo list :
"Many questions though arise in my head: what is true and what is not in the message from Luisa Muratori? That we are changing timeline seems accurate, but please give your feelings about this.
Is it true that the Earth is meant to become a territory of Sirius since the beginning? Could be, could be not. Are we really getting closer to Sirius? What does that mean, what does that entails, in the practical aspect?"
Response : Captain Lyur :
Strange that we always go back to Sirius (ie the Sheldan Niddle messages - true channel was Valerie Donner to refresh memories) and many others.
The Earth is meant to become a planet of the Confederation, whose headquarters are certainly not on Sirius, and our confederation has nothing
to do actually with Sirius. The headquarters on Sirius B are those of the Galactic Federation of Darkness, posing masquerading often as "space brothers".
Besides the Sirius thing, canceling a time line is not something easy, and the situation is more complicated than that. First we were already
on a fake time line when the elite and the alliance (earthlings-reptilians) "performed" their September day plot. Please see the story of the time tunnel
in the Montauk experiment, look for videos by one of my colleague speakers Al Bielek. The alliance did find the end of the time line in the future
with no civilization left and only the statue of a giant horse. Those stupidos did not realize they were on a fake line !
Which means we are in double forked
twice time lines. On top of this, some time before, there were knots done on the time line (s). Only one member of the ground crews spoke about this not long ago.
So to "fix" all these knots would be similar to the "temporal cold war" presented (quite accurately) in the last Star Trek series "Enterprise" which was cancelled because
too much "enlightening".
The paradoxes of changes in times lines were presented many times in the various Star Trek series, including what is called the "mirror universe" or parallel reality.
Still it is based on Einstein theories, and quantum physics which are a mix a 3D, 4D and 5D science.
If a fake (or several fakes actually) time line is cancelled, I do not think that everything is erased, that is in this HU universe, we create our realities, and in order to so do,
we must have memories of past events, so-called mistakes and lessons. So the experience of a cancelled time line will still be there.
So we are not going to awake on a wonderful Earth one day, forgetting everything, as it never happened. Specially when we still are a "territory"
and that a majority - so it seems - of Earthlings still want to live a life in 3D hardship-control, or in 4D - astral world full of vampires and ghosts like we are flooded with in movies and TV.
Because people create their reality every minute, the "new agey" stupid motto that "everything is going like magic into the light" is a scam of the matrix just like the "september day".
Yes a tiny % of people on Earth (majority of other life form yes) are bound to go into 5D, and we will find ourselves one day back on other planets and in the fleet.
As for the current situation, I did not get any input from the fleet, as if something is frozen, and or waiting a big event to trigger things.
The big test is to come for Earthlings with a big smack in their face, so that they will have to CONSCIOUSLY choose to be (stay) a slave or become a free spirit.
Whatever in the fleet or for us crew members on the ground, we cannot go around the universal laws of free-will, creation, manifestation and take a decision against
the will of the locals.
But yes we can withdraw our energies from the fake time lines and cancel our contract to stay on such insanities.
We cannot do much else, and just watch the Earthlings killing themselves and the planet along with them. For the current Earth situation, just read all my pages
on my blog http://wolfheartmusik.skyrock.com
We just have to survive in all this, I will speak more about it. We should not have to wait too long though even on fake time lines, the extinction is well underway with the genocide of the chemtrails,
the radio active contamination with the whole Pacific ocean soon dead, 90% of bees dead in California and civil war on the way and so on and so forth.
Would the Confederation let a whole civilization destroy itself ? Yes absolutely, law of freewill. The space brothers always said that they will intervene in case there is danger for the whole planet
to explode (nuclear war like on planet Maldek/Mallona) or a cosmic event.
Do the fleet clean some of the radio activity and lethal products in the chemtrails, some maybe, but there is still plenty left.
Yes new fleets and new squadrons have arrived in the solar system we do not know yet what their votes are in the galactic councils. And we do vote in those as well.
So all plans possibilities are still "open" And there will be totally new stars in the new universe, so let us forget Sirius shall we ?
more later
golden love
P.S. I am feeling the need to move away from a totally controlled Internet and social networks created by intel services (facebook), the elite alliance of darkness like Rupert Murdoch owning MySpace, and all the rest in the hands of the big brother system. I am moving to a new network where you are paid when being online, no control and no advertising, where the motto is, as stated by one of the free thinkers founders ''Let's lock arms, and...fight the forces of evil. » See you there.
Those interested contact me martineindigo144@orange.fr with subject line « Star People Abundance »