Learn to remember your dreams. Learn to analyze their meaning. Same as you would your crop circles, study your dreams. Understand the connections. To each of you, what we fail to realize is that Many of our dreams are connected. many of our ideas and beliefs root from the same tree, building upon each other, creating the journey we are now on. We are the links to all of the great mysteries of the world. We must now understand our purposes in life. Use the energy in which creates us to be the light that "guides your path of righteousness"

Just as the stars and planets have brought us new discoveries, science is slowly understand the magic behind our mind/brain and science is slowly changing their views on what our subconscious is creating for us. Try your hardest to remember your dreams as of lately and to come. As the energy in time and space shifts so will the energy that exists within it. For were are all the creations of the ultimate energy of All.

Night mares will come for some. Strange visions for others. Fear not for these are simply the messages we are constantly asking for! Our wishes are being granted but in a way only our imagination can create. Study these visions as if they were animated film. Our sleep is good for us. If it has been said to be the "cousin of death" than maybe some of our dreams are the closest thing to the "other side" that we may come across.

I've had many dreams in the passing weeks. Many involving people who's faces i cannot remember but i can recall not even knowing who they even were, As if they were blurred at times. Also in my dreams i see the things we call UFO's. but in reality we know what they are (subconsciously), only their names are unidentified. Sumerian Texts described that the Enki Called them Celestial Chariots. A beautiful name. That for now at least, i wish to use in honor of the early times on Earth.... In my dreams these Chariots appeared on 3 separate nights. One night they involved 2 soft glowing smooth triangles that could fly through walls of buildings with no disturbance. Another night included 2-3 glowing discs in the sky flying around and blending in with the clouds and sky itself (like a blanket). Another and so far the latest night included 2 round metallic crafts with a dark center dome. The snippet of small traces of skin samples being scrapped off were seen. Even what seemed to be a mythical snake that flew in and out of our dimension similar to the "rods" we often come across with our recordings and photos. The race of people from the triangle craft gathered many people and wanted to know if any of us could grow potatoes and other goods. I realized i didn't know these techniques and they left those of us who could not behind and promised to return with new work for the rest of us. The strange part about this all is that these people looked like us, but more what we can call "Hollywood" in their looks and charm. But they also carried small fire-arms?

Basically i know i must try to decode my dreams to understand the messages my subconscious is sending me. Something we ALL must do. The time is amongst us. The light is drawing closer and the signs are becoming more creative for our understanding.

The reason why children are so much more happier and in tune with themselves than adults, is because children believe in something we seem to lose along the way because of "careers" The all mighty dream. The gift of the imagination. The greatest Artist of our world in history once showed us the power of the imagination as well as the "secrets" behind them.... We are the artist of our own destiny. Therefore behind the art of our dreams we must find the "secret messages"

Share with me your stories. Find the links and fill the gaps. Find the connections.

Martyn Redd --- signing off ---

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  • I am more for the Lucid dreams that need no hidden messages and that can be lived for real in dreamland and then in real life. Once you can do that there are no nightmares or others there is being. There is perpetual action from dreams to reality.
    Note: I am no perfect example, i only talk of my own limited experience that come in and out of my reality.
  • Hi Martyn,

    Thank you for such an excellent post. We spend half our lives dreaming and to think that dreams mean nothing is completely illogically. In one of my recent dreams, I was working on Disclosure. Unfortunately my recall was very poor and all I can remember was it was about disclosure and the issue was difficult and seemingly “unmovable.” Still, I feel that I continue to work on this in my dreams.

    Even after many years at this, I’m still learning every night and every day. Studying dreams requires a certain, definite discipline, and dream interpretation is mighty tricky stuff, but it is some of the most rewarding work that you can do for yourself and ultimately, for all consciousness.

    Most of my book learning on dreams has come from the Seth material. Below are some basics that I personally can share from my own experience as a Dream Artist. Below that is an excerpt on dreams from Seth. Hope this is helpful.

    Dreaming Tips

    • The ideal conditions for dreams and dream recall is the North-South position – your head to the north and feet facing south. This provides the optimal conditions for the intellect and intuitions to function best in the dream state. While not absolutely necessary, it’s helpful.

    • Eating a little something sweet or starchy before going to bed is helpful. (The charming ritual of leaving a chocolate on the pillow for “sweet dreams” is based on this. There is a certain sugar molecule used in the sleep state that scientists have yet to detect.) Also, fish or fish oil, asparagus and eggs are also helpful. Again, not necessary but can be helpful.

    • Intent is everything. Suggest to yourself before going to sleep that you’ll remember your dreams when you awake. Train yourself to write them down as soon as possible or dictate them into a recorder. Most important of all is to simply remember them, your feelings about the dream being the priority.

    • Along with suggesting that you remember your dreams, start a dialog with your inner self and ask for dreams that you can understand. Dreams are the language of the inner self. When I started out trying to interpret my dreams, I became frustrated with what seemed to be impossible to understand. I then asked my inner self for “dreams for dummies” and sure enough, my dreams began to become more and more understandable.

    • Dream symbols are unique to each individual and have meaning to all “layers” of the self or truly what is multi-dimensional. When you examine your dream symbols/scenarios, think about what you FEEL and any associations with your past experiences. What you FEEL is of primary importance – it’s the main communication even if you don’t understand the camouflage symbols.

    • Be observant for any associations or syncs with the symbol/scenario in your awake life.

    • Try to rely primarily on your intuitions for interpretation, i.e., the first thing to come into your head can be more accurate than subsequent logical analysis. (But that’s not to say there’s any problem with using a combination of intuition and logic.)

    • Note the environments of your dreams – bright, colorful, fast or slow moving, etc. Eventually you’ll discover patterns to these environments which will help determine the kind of messages in your dreams, such as past life experiences, prophetic events or even subconscious blocks that need clearing (often these are your nightmares).

    • The meanings of dreams continually unfold in awake reality. You can accurately interpret a dream’s meaning in your present and then in several years, the same dream can be just as meaningful in a completely different way. Constantly take time to ponder your dreams as much as possible. Sometimes the most spontaneous discoveries happen even after pondering a dream dozens of times.

    Excerpted from “The Early Sessions – Book 4 of the Seth Material” by Jane Roberts

    “The sleeping personality is as close to the inner self as you will come in this existence, for here the personality is soon free of the camouflage concerns with which it must be involved in the waking condition. In the sleeping state we see the personality as it is in operation. We see its abilities and its limitations, for dreams are a reflection of the needs of a personality and of the abilities. The focus of attention and concentration are magnified a thousand-fold in the dream state, and dreams form the basis for your physical environment.

    First, problems are worked out within the dream framework. Answers and solutions are arrived at. These answers and solutions are then transformed into physical reality. No dream is meaningless. No dream lacks purpose. Each dream has meaning to all levels of the personality, and one dream object is a symbol which is translated by all layers of the self, in a mathematics which is more complicated than any dealt with by your physical computers.

    As we have suggested in the past, the dream state can indeed work for your benefit in a more efficient manner if proper suggestions are given before sleep. The dream fabric itself, the dream drama, is woven of many threads and all aspects of the personality contribute some of the ingredients.

    One dream will enable the ego to solve pressing immediate problems. The dream drama will enable the personality to act out various possibilities which are experienced as reality. The most effective drama is then reacted to in physical reality.
    This same dream, however, will deal with many other actualities. It will serve as a method of communication between the various portions of the self. It will deliver information concerning past and future, and if proper suggestions are given it, then the self will use the dream drama particularly to better the overall condition of the personality.

    There are chemical and electrical connections that cannot be ignored here. For a dream has a chemical reality and an electrical reality. It is built up, on one level, of chemical components that have an electrical basis, and it is through these connections that transformation within the nerve structure of the physical organism is made.

    The pituitary gland is of great importance here, and the thyroid gland of secondary importance. Negative electrical charges are responsible mainly for the durability of any given dream. The mind, as you know, does not appear within physical reality, although the brain is indeed of physical origin.

    Our dreams therefore occupy the same space as is occupied by the mind – no space at all. There still must be a connection with the physical organism, and here our chemical and electrical components enter in. Each dream is actually built up through a chemical synthesis that follows strong electrical pathways.

    All experience has an electrical reality, deposited from birth within the physical cells of the body, so that at physical death we have an electrical counterpart of the physical being with all memory and experience intact. Were such experience a part of the physical self only and dependent upon it, the personality could hardly survive physical death. And were dreams so connected to the physical self, then whole areas of the personality would dissolve with physical extinction.

    As it is, these dreams, having an electrical reality, are deposited in coded form with all other experience, within but independent of the physical cells. Dream experience is as real to the personality as waking experience. Only the ego makes any distinction.

    Suggestions should always be given before sleep that the subconscious will maintain the organic integrity of the physical organism. Suggestions should also be given so that a harmonious relationship be maintained among all levels of the personality structure. Suggestions should be given that constructive tendencies are given free reign. Perhaps more important, suggestions should be given that only constructive suggestions will be reacted to. …

    Because suggestions are formed of the same stuff that forms your physical reality, suggestions can indeed change the framework within which you operate. This is no Pollyanna hogwash.”
  • Wow. Your dreams seem so interesting. I seem to only remember dreams of being late for school – my worst nightmare! I read this article that suggests placing a note pad + pencil by the bed and recording the dream immediately upon getting up. According to the author, this aides the brain in retaining the memory of the dream. I usually assume that I will remember my dream but a few minutes later I completely forget. lol.
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