I found some very cool info on time travel and the TRUTH of wormholes  where every existent and non existent moment can link to the one vortex of time.



What they are explaining is ...


Black holes can change and slow down the vortex of time where one time moment can change into another linked time of moment on the same space time continuem.




to go back to a past time where you were not born or did not exist, you would have to connect to that past moment within a time vortex where you were not born yet on the one space time continuem.


example: from 2010 to 2050 you would have to travel 55% of the speed of light to slow down that time vortex and freeze the present time.


for already seen moments are in the memory of time.

seen moments are always the same as time is an illusion where any sort of moment can happen where that one moment has already happen must happen by itself and can not be changed.


foreseen moments are seen before it happens in the future and can and can not be changed into the same moment.


every moment that happens is in the present frozen on one moment to the next moment of future from past energies.


every moment that happens is a illusion and is non existent to physics.


time is an illusion and can and can not exist. you can go back to a moment or non existent moment where you were not born to say visit your mother or father in that past time paradox and change the same course of time on where that one course of time will happen and has happen.


foreseen- means to see events and things before they happen without physically travelling to that future time.


read this information on you tube. I could not believe it. but it's 100% believable that past, future from present time travel does exist in existent and non existent illusional wormholes and paradoxes. possible by reversing the space time capacitor by 100 faster then the speed of anti matter in space time.


if you travel faster then light or travel 50 % speed of normal light waves in space would of future time travelled while time on earth is irralavant then time freqauncies in space.


to travel 500 years into the future... you would get there in 6 months by travelling around a vortex in space or black hole slower by 99 % speed of normal light. you would be aging in time slower then the time on earth space time.


as long as you are in earth space time and not vortex or spiral paradox time frame you will stay in the present.


to go back to the past..


you would have to minimize the illusion of light example....   light 90-% below the 1 second speed of light energy on earth in a time paradox or moment.


you would illusionize the existence of light by travelling faster then it then the speed of light and go back to a recorded moment in history and reverse the space time frequancy  by 50 % if you were to go back say 50 years before you were born.


because going faster then the speed of light is anti time for earth space time for light generates around the earth in present time frame.


you would have to anti the space time capacitor  by going faster then the speed of light to go back to a non existent space time frame date.

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  • Very true. Albert Einstein discussed the principles of wormholes and curvature of space, where one could "cheat" time when traveling in space.

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