1. - A research center at the New York Public Library posted a photo taken in Harlem in 1939 featuring a man who bears a striking resemblance to modern-day music producer and rapper Jay-Z.
The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture posted the photo (left) on its Tumblr account on Tuesday and added 'Does the man on the right remind you of someone? Perhaps it was his great-grandfather taking a break'...
The photographer's name was Sid Grossman, but the name of the subject was unknown.
It is not the first time, here are some other interesting pictures...
very intriguing, but also weird ... ;)
thanks Hellen ;)
Thanks for sharing Lindsay, interesting heritage.
Lots of revelations happens while running … ;) you could experience this so you will know that your Grandparent are ok … through your physical body … ;) cause if they reincarnate into your body while you are alive – that would be a very different thing all together – maybe ‘walk-in’ or as Egyptians call it a ‘body walker’
the challenge is with all information that we have – is that its based on too many cultural, religion and other influence to make any fundamental statement, there is language barrier and old terminology which makes it difficult to understand.
The world reincarnation came from mainly certain part of the world were mummification was present … mainly Egypt, China, Tibet and a few others and it's fairly new to the western world … but then there are other methods, different sources saying that your soul can’t arrive at the same planet etc twice except one detail - the divine fragment (Thought Adjuster) that dwell within you; may have lots of experiences to share ;) – however time travel is mechanical - physical process … its more visible and comprehensive than spiritual … ;) – so everything is possible in the Universe … ;)
i have a feeling that 'reincarnation' is a bit more complicated than we understand, but yea it is real ;)
interesting concept RH ... , time travel is more mechanical - reincarnation is more spiritual/individual experience - however the possibilities are countless.
Ara: Dead God, maybe it's true!
you probably right 1 Darkstar, however we don't have much 'officials' proclaiming that it is, may be it's our clue, and based that everything is energy i guess so is the time travel is as real as everything else around us - perception is a tricky thing ... ;)
... ;) - ok - another possibility, i like time travel way better ;)