I and many others I'm sure have and do find themselves at a crux or juxtaposition in their lives between realities lovers or ideas and truth. How many timelines really exist? is it innumerable? Do we or will we ever have an opportunity to visit outcomes of a life we may have lived...or will we just choose that experience in the now of a new experience that would accomplish the same goal or learning curve.
All this speculation arises from experiences of culmination in love and the lucidity of finality. I seem to wonder weather My life may or may not be more fulfilled if only i had put myself on that path when i had the chance. I feel i may have already made all the choices there have been to make and now i am simply trying to understand why i made these choices.
The striving after one goal shouldn't hamper the striving after the others.
What does it mean to have choice? How do we know what to choose and how can we expect anything from that choice?