Be Kind To Yourself For An Hour.
And If you forget,
Be Kind To Yourself For An Hour.
And if you remember,
Be Kind To Yourself For An Hour.
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The conscious perhaps.
Spirit however desires for us to discover our truth,.
And puts us in situations where we can discover it.
Over and over again.
regardless of whether we ant it or not.
regardless of how much it hurts or not.
Everyone can deal with truth.
We are all truth at the core.
truth is compassionate.
just not always pleasant.
It is for we enlightened ones to deliver truth to those that are in denial of it in a way that eases the pain.
Not makes it worse.
But how do you know truth.
what makes your truth right and mine wrong?
all you've done is give an example of what you believe truth to be.
How do you not know truth.
I know you feel lost.
Because I have have felt lost too.
I know what its like to look and not see.
I know what its like to do and do and do and feel like you're going nowhere.
I lose track of time, days.
This is the way of it for the enlightening worker.
We look around us and see what everyone else is doing.
And think that we are meant to do the same.
And the harder we try do what they do, the less success we have.
Our solutions lay down a different path.
The path of faith in the unseen,
It is the path within that leads to the world of miracles.
And when you give pure intent to follow that path,
When you humble yourself before God and hand yourself over to Him.
everything changes.
Because when God wills it,
The Angels lend a hand.
Feel free to disagree with me all you like.
As a courtesy,
Don't swear in my discussions.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
I hope things get better for you.
How would you know?
let me help you with that...
make it as easy or as difficult for yourself as you choose.
when was the last time you were actively kind to yourself fo a day.
Or an hour for that matter.
were you being kind to yourself when you posted your reply?
Reread it.with a kind headspace.
And understand what I've written.