"To Be or Not to Be"- important




Message from the One and Only

March 11, 2014


"To Be or Not to Be"


Dear friends:

An unusual and still mysterious event has occurred with an airliner which perceptually vanished over S.E. Asia. From the information that I received, The One intervened directly in order to avoid a potential tragic dangerous situation which could have badly affected our world because of what was intended. I will not go into more details as I myself have not received many.
Suffice it to say that, in the message I received today, The One says that It decided, for the first time in many thousands of years, to openly intervene to stop a serious situation and let this open intervention stand as a symbol to the way by which the Godliness will operate from now on at all levels of Creation and towards each entity or structure that foolishly challenges The Oneness intensely.

This is the real explanation. Please integrate the fact that our world will never operate anymore as it used to before, as the One if now fully and openly engaged. Do not take this lightly, and try to realize fully the implications.

Please read the message slowly, and let it sink in. It is a message of Love, from Love manifest, and see the intervention in the Light of Infinite-Love and Its Care for all of humanity and all life.




Gerald ODonnell, 03.11.2014: As I lay down, I felt the familiar presence of the One coming and enveloping me as a cloud of solid Living Light, within and without. I totally lost the perception of having a biology, and the following words came out of my lips



This is a message from The One.

Events have occurred that have necessitated a direct intervention by levels of the Godliness who have not shown themselves upon this Creation for eons.

The One decided to show Itself directly again to each and every one of Its Creations.

The perception was that if It had not done so, Creation as a whole would have engaged a painful spiral of termination; and that could not be allowed anymore.

Therefore, orders were given to de-manifest certain elements in our Creation who could have caused great harm to it, were it not that the Godliness interfered in their projects.

The One is solemnly warning every single of Its entities that, if need be, It will cause a similar de-manifestation of their existence if they continue opposing the desire It has for all to live in peace and harmony.

No thing can continue existing without The Oneness having some level of concentration upon it; when that concentration is removed, that level ceases to be.

And this is going to be the only rule by which all of existence shall exist from now on.

Heed this word

Align with the Godliness and you shall flourish and expand beyond anything you can imagine.

Do not test the resolve of the Oneness!

Love each other and The One in which you are now basking.

Be kind to all.

Remember who you all really are, which is but The One manifest in Creation.

Stay at peace, and The One will make that Peace last and continue forever.

Bless yourselves and The One who is giving you Life.

Soon you will all understand

This is all, for now


The One and Only




You can listen to the message, recorded as it was gifted, by clicking on either of the links below. We give you two links because we expect the servers to be busy.

Link #1

Link #2


The Great Shift is on, rejoice!

Gerald O'Donnell 



Kindly spread this message as wide and to as many as you can. This would be a great act of Love and Oneness towards others and appreciated as such.

PLEASE send to as many friends,  family, and other individuals as you can the link to this message:http://probablefuture.com/Be-or-Not-Be.htm


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