*~* True Healing takes place on a deeper level within our Being. *~*
If you want to help someone who is suffering, either physically or emotionally, connect with your
own inner-essence, first! This will ensure that when you visit or speak to the person suffering,
you are coming from a pure source. When you can feel this energy permeating your being,
you are ready to offer a deeper healing that needs few words.
For those who know how to connect with their heart-space by placing focus there, a short time
of quiet contemplation will allow the spiritual energy to expand. The love you feel will be more
powerful and light-filled than words can convey. One then becomes a being of love and light,
ready to sit in peace and allow the person to express their feelings.
Compassionate listening heals on a deep level. You become the light-bearer for the person
who cannot hold that light for themselves, at that time. One will be able to do this for as many
times as the other person needs, or as time permits you to do so.
Just by being a beacon of light and peace can go a very long way in the healing process.
The distressed person feels comfortable, also, that they can share what they need to.
For those who are sick in hospital or at home, the same quietness of light and peace offered by another being is very comforting. When a person is relaxed, deeply, it assists the body to
heal. Reducing stress through just being there for them, sitting quietly and holding that space
of seeing wellness return is a great healer, as positive energy is needed in these environments.
*~* There is nothing more beautiful than to touch another soul deeply. *~*
~ N a m a s t e ~
~ Written by LotusLight ~ Tara ~