I had absolutely the most wonderful lesson I was aboard a space craft and my family came with this wonderful technology which I was informed would be aiding many of us on how to telepathically connect with another and this will be the tool many of us will recieve.
It was a ball shaped device that when you think towards it it lights up when you have a strong connection it gets bright when you don't have a strong connection it barely lights up.
Now after you get it to light up if you think hard enough that you want it to move you can get it to move it was really fun and it teaches you control over your mental capabilities.
I was a bit exausted after the 5th time of activating it and trying to move it though it felt like my mind was clenching too much but I'm so excited to be able to do anything like that it really is amazing!
Ramblingpoet, i know exactly what your talking about sista ;)
its so fun, floating about in a pod i call it, me so naughty i nearly flew it into a bush in coventry UK *oopsy* lol
i drew a pic i can email you it, we can compare class notes, hehe!
Sure if you like that would be cool I don't know how to draw though LOL so I can't show anyone the wonderful technology just describe!
A child's toy. A modern version of the V transmitter device used in the 1950's. Not a big deal. Your mind needs more training. Wait until you can move people by thought alone, computer to computer. Like this site. I was tired of the slow interaction so I tweaked some software into connecting to my brain state. I can send emails to people regardless of their spam filters because it is that simple for me. I do it by thought alone.
as hard as it was in a way it was sorta easy because lets face it I would never be able to move anything with my mind as I am now I litterally had the thing barreling at me at one point and when you do connect it is very sensitive to your thoughts so controlling it is the actual exercise they want you to learn if you have control over your thoughts you win the exercise and I will be able to man a arial vehicle when I acheive control.
I am currently still looking for more participants and more collectors just a heads up still need 100 more people to collect and to manifest as well spread the word please!
I like vehicles that have controls aligned to physical, mental, and spiritual. I passed the test a long time ago, but I have also tried using my power publicly when I get bored. Like when I was six in Oldtown/Newport, Idaho/Washington when I was at the movie, "the little mermaid", when I decided to push my mom's truck across the road into the parking lot of the bar nearby. At some time some people tried to stop the vehicle but couldn't. The truck was still in first gear, lets just say, I was bored.
How about you contact me through the mail. I would love to meet face to face.
David Main, PO Box 88, Ponderay ID 83852
I am not what you call a participant, I make Vimana, it is a hobby of mine.
I have added Marrianna, Kelly, Drexz, you ,Mr ED, Greg Giles, Mayir, Randude and kelly lightchalice to my list of people to collect the jackpot!
If you have Ideas let me know and I will add them!
I will add my manifestation ability to your endeavor, Poet, and thanks for the happy vibes... If you don't mind my suggestion, the natives in your country and mine are in sore need of help, they need shelter, food, education and trauma counselling... not one child should be cold, hungry or unloved, I refuse to rest until this is so.
I understand this very much and I am very good friends with Native americans that are a part of my manifestation of this money and we decided together to make sure as many become comfortable NOT RICH as we can to create a staple for our communities this is the ultimate goal!
Oh that's beautiful! Lol, yes... comfortable is nice, what is wealth? It's so subjective, to me, real wealth is not worrying about survival so that you can create joy in the world around you... support you 100% !