Tolec's Update 1.19.14

tolec andromeda council home image101 Tolecs Update 1.19.14

Thanks to Cheryl for this one!-A.M.

01.19.14  Thank you, all of you, all across the globe for your support.

However, regarding the alleged contact by a Romanian man with an alleged Sirian starship named “Anesh”  regarding the biosphere Xanterexx ["comet Ison"] - 


a.)  I doubt the validity of this contact & this account. Certainly if it was real – it was not with any recognized delegation of the Sirius A star system, a senior member of the Andromeda Council;


which provides the likelihood it was produced by a party possibly in contact with the Sirius B star system… and explains the video’s perspective, its own story line, and certainly with an effort on its own self promotion… serving its own self interests.  Which it has a right to like anyone else… as long as it does not intend to harm others.   However;


b.) that this party inaccurately reported in its video that I did not provide any extensive details, that my own report lacked specific details about the biosphere Xanterexx ["comet Ison"] & its purpose coming to planet Earth;  that my report [other than identifying comet Ison as an extraterrestrial starship] is deficient because of an extensive lack of details, because of certain flaws in me & my own lack of spiritual development… that I embellish or fill in the gaps as I see fit… 


that they badly misquoted me, seemingly without doing thier own research, and did not include any cites or any of the extensive details found in my own video on this topic [now viewed by at least - 111,355 people - across the planet]:  “Tolec Speaks about Comet Ison – Xanterexx biosphere” -


is not only absurd, it is spurious & capricious, it is amateur & insulting to the most basic common sense thinking…  and human intellect.


It is at minimum a partial effort.  And worse, it lacks integrity and seeks to subvert, discredit & dismiss the extensive work effort & details provided by the noble, intelligent & dedicated  people who are executive, senior management members of the Andromeda Council… who continually give of their knowledge… to keep the people of Earth informed.


That the parties responsible for producing the ‘Romanian’ video would release a product that based on its production values – would seek to devalue others – in order to promote their own perspective & notoriety; 


that they would do so in this manner -  is  unconscionable.


Therefore, only deserves this one formal response from me.



You are all certainly welcome to your own assessment & opinion on this topic.   Absolutely.


Wodakote.  Peace, calm & serenity to you all across the globe during this amazing time of change.


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  • it was odd that ALL the satellites were not able to get a focused and clear image of the so called rock. and nasa just plays stupid child, on the on going investigations of the many who do not believe them, for how many times have we ever got the truth from this organization, like the fake moon landing, and the pictures of the studio all of it exposed as a scam to the american people to finance who knows what. if one wants to believe these whistle blowers ((like the former lockeyed  ceo and boss "shucnk" was his nickname, for on his dead bed he told of the spacecrafts being reversed engineered, aliens working with, and some aliens being kept captive as well)) coming forward all the time now,on the many behind the scene operations, are they true, hmmmmmmmmmmmm. smoke and mirrors operations is getting old, as well being insulting even to the least educated person on earth to feel something is wrong and not truthful. 

    blessings to all of us for we are all one

    • Dear rsolor, so it's time for ours all to awaken to the all hide and tactics to Humanity from the Power that have.

      Moon was already visited in 1958 and Mars already visited from 1961 to the best of my knowledge!

      They've hidden to every humanity all this ones as secrete! Even they've incarnated many times as privilege.

      So, we truely awake to this absurdity, free of any specific group's one-way agenda! Seban.

  • The short new update message from Tolec's Side! Anyway, we might compare both claims or positions. But, I think the whole picture on the Ison would not be changed, although Tolec's position might be slightly contradictory on the Romanian man's vid. Different agenda or aspects on the same things? 

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