
Channeler: Brian, the dragon

Hi, this is the dragon. Today, we're going to talk about tolerance, Throughout human history, there has always been a group - quite often bringing a unique energy - that has been sidelined, vilified or repressed.

When one finally gains the respect it deserves, a new group is then persecuted. Or a group has always been repressed or persecuted and light is finally shown upon that. It has been races and women in some cases, and when that's finally getting under control in most more socially progressive nations, then homosexuals are the next group brought to light that need to fight for their rights.

This continues on and on throughout human history. Group after group. And it's time for it to end. We're probably speaking to the quires, or are we? Only about 1% of spiritual people, from where we sit, are free from bias of some sort.

There's nothing wrong with that, and spiritual people tend to be at least somewhat more open than the average person. So, it may not be about homosexuals, but there is some line to draw where even some of you would feel uncomfortable.

Be honest with yourself, and if that's the case, you can work on it. It takes time, but we can guarantee if you work on relieving yourself of biases, you will lose them over time. We tell you that homosexuals will fully gain their rights in short order.

Years in your linear timeline for some parts of the world and in less developed areas, a bit longer. But it has already happened from our perspective. The energy is there. Free will always offers uncertainty, but usually when you see things as 99% or more certain, you can say that humanity has spoken and made their decision.

Now, we tell you that there is another two groups that you do not even expect, for which there will start to be a movement for their rights over many years. Time frames are up to you, however from where we sit, there is still more time as this builds steam. Order of many years in your linear time, but not too long.

We will name one of the groups, but not the other since humanity is not ready yet to hear it. Some of you are, but over 50% of those reading need a bit more time. We don't want to present anything that is not appropriate.

However, these two groups are linked, so we will talk about the first. This group, believe it or not, are what you call children. The term children also includes those that we would not call children ourselves, but we will specify that what we're referring to is anyone up to the age you would term "adult".

That can range quite a bit, however, there are consensus and those are reflected in laws. The laws aren't necessarily correct, nor 100% guaranteed to reflect the consensus, but if they were way off, your laws would be changed.

So it's a good starting point in understanding what you call children. And that differs from place to place, but the judgement of why they are called children are the same. You may not be aware that there is a long history of repression of children.

When it comes to decision-making and leadership, they are often deemed unworthy. When it comes to natural sexual desires, they are deemed not ready, they are not allowed to make their own "mistakes".

When it comes to understanding, they are deemed naive and ignorant. They are viewed as weak. They are sometimes ridiculed by adults. This is no longer appropriate.

As humanity comes out of survival mode, there are important contributions children must provide. They must be allowed to lead with adults. We are talking about a balance. Not domination. Right now, there is domination, and it is adult dominating child. In the past, that was accepted.

Children would get angry about being repressed, but they would bend to the will of the authority figure. They would grow up to repress and over-protect their child. Their minds change and their focus becomes on survival.

So the parents, through no fault of their own but simply a cycle they were beholden to, would perpetuate the cycle. On and on, for all of time. Children have not had freedom since tribal and matriarchal societies where they were allowed to roam free and discover themselves.

At the onset of patriarchal society, they were dominated and forced to submit. There's been even unbalance to that, since at one point in partriarchal society, children were made to work but not allowed much play.

So at that point, they were considered capable, but still repressed and their energies were partially blocked. In your current time, they are forced to play in a way considered "child play" and not allowed to experience anything about adult life until they reach a magical age at which they are usually unprepared.

We are not advocating one form of society over another. No 3d society where the participants remain in 3d survival mode to some degree will ever be "perfect" by the human definition of what perfect is.

We advocate balance, not an agenda but because we see that being the most empowering to you. However, you must understand that there is a long long history that needs to be unrolled. This is not an easy thing.

Before we talk about what's coming, we need to explain the benefits of providing children the freedom they deserve. When you are suppressing children from truly blossoming into full members of society while still children, you are blocking energies. Children come intuitively connected to all-that-is.

They come with an intuition that can provide information that benefits society. They come with new ideas. They come believing naturally in magic and wonderment. They come with playfulness.

They believe in fairness and love and kindness, even if they haven't always learned the right way to express it. They are often leaders, in small bodies. All of that is allowed only within a strict framework. That must end. However, it's not so easy. Children are vulnerable.

We're not talking about to predators, as would pop into many peoples' minds. Yes, there are people who do harm intentionally. But far less than you may think, and that's not what we're talking about.

When we are talking about vulnerable in this case, we are saying they are vulnerable to control and domination. However, children are not weak. They are sensitive. But they are controlled through domination by the very fact they depend on adults, a very physical survival-type dependence that is not appropriate.

They are controlled by the fact that adults assert their greater life experience in this life as a form of domination. When all else fails, adults can physically control children by force. Nevertheless, they are much stronger than you imagine.

There are worlds where children are on equal footing with adults, and they demand immense respect. The world will change that way as well. This is a long track ahead. We said children are not weak and they are intuitive.

They come in with a specific energy and that energy propels them to do things. Things that are sometimes frowned upon. But they know what they are doing, at least at a higher level. They feel what is right.

This causes conflict for the child. The first push from children started in the days of the counter-culture, when current parents of typically adult children were children themselves. They sometimes don't even remember they pushed the envelope. Now, the next push is starting.

They have started going on things such as social media to organize, of sorts - even if it is play to them - and start pushing the envelope of what is considered acceptable. Sometimes, pushing the envelope, they get hurt in the process.

More often they don't. Either way, they often grow up wiser than those who came before, and realize that there is a repression in place. Successively, generation after generation, they decrease the boundaries.

There are those that see this coming, intuitively. There are some who witness it physically. There is a backlash against children pushing the boundaries. There is a fear.

Especially when it comes to sexuality, which is the most liberating of forces and the one society most controls, some children are being arrested for breaking laws that were designed to protect them.

But it doesn't end there. There is a general backlash about the level of communication on social media. There are witch hunts. There is a lot of ugliness and from an energy perspective, we could describe it as a ball of spaghetti thrown into mud and then pressed in a vice then chopped up with a knife and forced down peoples' throats until people suffocate and die.

That's an image only to describe the viciousness of the energy, and hopefully, that gets the image across. It is a fear of loss of control, and it is very real because control is disappearing. But loss of control is nothing to fear. It will happen, and it will make the world a better place.

There are many hurt in crusades that are occurring. Some of it is to clear space for the children to safely assert their freedom, and more of it is to prevent that from occurring. All this ugliness will end, even though those fighting hard to assert continued control think they are "winning".

However, there is no battle to win. There is just a direction towards what is more empowering, and the universe supports people when their hearts say they want to be empowered. Things take time, and that's how 3d works.

However, the end result is what the heart calls for. Decades from now in your time, there will be children leaders. There will be adults going to children for consultation and advice.

There will be more playfulness in society. More intuition. Children will assume their rightful place as full-fledged members of society. They will no longer be side-lined. We give this prediction and it is not guaranteed, but will most likely happen.

For those with eyes to see, there will be a gradual upwelling. This is very important for your evolution. You are leaving survival mode. There is no good reason anymore to repress children in the ways we discussed.

Children are worthy and can be leaders. You need not fear their intuition. You need not protect them from making "mistakes" when no longer in survival mode. Reasons to repress childrens' natural exploration of sexual expression and play will be gone.

Even STDs disappear and people will become more sexually balanced. You need not make the toys for children, selling them on a mass market of mind control consumerism. You need not create a framework for childrens' play and tell them how children are supposed to play.

They will create their own world, and make their own decisions. Adults will be part of that, but they won't control it. This is not about certain star children, or indigo children. This is just about children in general.

This is your world's current history that you have not let go of, and it's your world's future progression to change some of the energies that you carry out of the past. Essentially, children will do what they want.

That may be scary, but it's evolution. Don't take that to the extreme, and we'll explain why in a bit. Don't think of a desert aisle with only children, all trying to survive. It won't be like that. What will happen is children finally being allowed to blossom will enhance society, as we discussed.

How To Help ------------ Now, how can you help? If you do not have children, then identify when children are being excessively repressed around you, by people you know, and maybe speak up.

Keep in mind that children signed onto having specific parents, and everyone's parenting skills are different. Try not to be judgmental. But when you see extremes, you don't need to keep your mouth shut.

Or if you are uncomfortable, just think about it and put that thought out to the universe. It will make changes, even if you don't see them. If you see crusades that appear to be helping to protect children through the media or other forms, but are in fact causing harm to children and others or meant to cause fear and repression, speak to others about it, and describe what's ugly about what you are seeing.

There are a few adults that will take up the torch to push for more freedom for children and they will know who they are when its time. The children will need this in the beginning, due to the domination we described. If you see anyone working on that, and it's obvious, help them in any way possible.

By obvious, we mean through your intuition, you can see what they are doing. Unlike women's rights and homosexual rights, there aren't going to be people marching through the streets with banners.

This is all going to be pretty grass-roots. It's just a different kind of thing. So you may not see it happening. But if you do, help. If you have children, then you need to respect them as a person and allow them the freedom to explore themselves and the world. To make mistakes.

Guide when it's clear they have the intuition, but haven't been introduced to something in the world on a physical level to truly understand it. Provide love and comfort. Lots of love and comfort, because everyone needs it, especially children. However, don't repress them. As long as there are dangers, you can't neglect them either.

However, [the balanced center] is typically far from where the boundary is normally set [in your society] between guiding and being overbearing. Definitely don't ridicule, and always take them seriously. Even play is a serious thing, because it's important for society to play more. You can learn a lot from them.

In conclusion, we mentioned that this is a natural progression and it is necessary for evolution. It is what you will see. Adults and children will work together to make society a better place, and children will be active participants in society and no longer repressed.

There's one more thing to add: First steps will also make things more safe for future "super-psychic" children. Once that starts developing, things will never go back to the way they were since at that point it will no longer be possible to dominate children.

Love, The Dragon


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