Transcending Time and Money

Transcending Time and Money

By Gregg Prescott, M.S.

The Dream World and Time

Did you ever feel like your dream world is more real than reality?  When we dream, we escape the paradigms of time and space.  In our dreams, we never look at a watch or know specifically what day it is.  We reconnect with the ethereal realms from which we came and transcend time completely.  As we know, time is only relative to this specific planet known as Earth.  Our planet revolves around the sun, "creating" days, weeks, months and years.  Other planets have different cycles of revolutions around the sun which subsequently create either longer or shorter days than Earth. so a year on our planet will drastically vary to a year on any other planet.

The Transcendence of Time and Money

In order for the new world to begin, it seems likely that the old paradigms of money and time must collapse beforehand.  Within those paradigms are literally billions of other paradigms, such as money, war, negative relationships, personal issues, etc. 

Duality, as we know it, is changing every day due to the collapsing of these paradigms and in the meanwhile, many people will be experiencing cognitive dissonance (an uncomfortable feeling) with their own individual perceptions of reality.  Those who are more spiritually awakened to these changes will have a much easier time making this transition because they understand the nature of change. 

However, empaths may end up absorbing much more negative energy in the upcoming years as the current paradigms collapse.  If you're an empath, please know that your energy and ability to absorb other people's energy is playing a very important role in this transition.  Please try to find some time for yourself to "recharge your batteries". Meditation will help to accomplish this.

A Question to Ponder

The inception of money has intentionally created most of the stress and fear that people feel in their lives.  Many people will experience insomnia due to monetary concerns while others will have their fears manifest through frustration and anger.  We have bought into this "reality" that this is the "way it's supposed to be" because we've never experienced life any other way.  From an early age, we're asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Free and happy are not acceptable answers in a society that places a value and worth on everything we do. 

What if there was no such thing as money?  What would you be doing with your life?

The answer a person gives tells a lot about that person.  I've asked this question to many people and most will respond by saying they would have a lot of fun.   So let's assume that you've had a lot of fun.  Then what?  Why did you incarnate to this planet?  Most likely, it wasn't to become a millionaire while others suffer.  Ultimately, we all serve a purpose for being here whether it's to atone for previous karmic debt and/or to serve a specific purpose (or several purposes).

On a spiritual level, we're always on a path of spiritual growth, striving to attain the next level of spirituality while making the most out of this incarnation.

With that being said, if there was no such thing as money, what would you be doing with your life?

One Step Backwards and a Quantum Leap Forwards

Money, as we know it, is dissolving every time a bank closes.  With unemployment skyrocketing and the current collapse of the banking system, it has become blatantly obvious that the paradigms are breaking down, yet this is all a matter of perspective.  Other people may view our changing times with fear as they see their monetary investments dissolve before their eyes.  This is merely a reflection of the societal mandlebrot that has brought upon the needed changes that are occurring. 

Everyday, we have challenges and obstacles to overcome.  Consider each challenge as an "opportunity" to overcome that particular obstacle.  Eventually, these trying times will be faded memories of the days in which we were lucky enough to be presented "opportunities" for spiritual growth.  In order to move forward, certain foundations of today's society must collapse.  Be assured that our current paradigm is quickly collapsing in order to usher in the Golden Age.  Also pay close attention to your dreams because they are closer to reality than what you might think.

Gregg Prescott is a child & family therapist who works predominantly with at-risk youth and their families.  He is the author of 100+ Parenting Mistakes and has written a successful program designed to help at-risk youth, children going through the reunification process and parents in need of parenting classes.  His websites, and give an accurate description of what 2012 truly means and are an excellent point of reference when researching 2012.

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