


This was the final program in this special Lift Your Spirit series about The New You, which has seen Linda Dillon join me on air, every two weeks since July 28. Taka was our special ‘sacred sound’ guest. The two of them will be a huge part of The New You Conference in Joshua Tree, California, USA, this coming weekend. Limited Tickets still available.
You can read the transcript (thanks to Janie) and listen to the show at the same time here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/09/09/lift-your-spirit–experiencing-the-new-you

Stephen Cook: Hello and welcome back to Lift Your Spirit. I’m Stephen Cook and, as always, thank you so much for joining me again as we continue our Ascension journey together. Tonight is the fourth and, somewhat sadly, the final program in this special series of Lift Your Spirit programs. 

This is the series where we have been discussing, learning, living, breathing, laughing, enjoying – whatever you’d like to say – the New You, or rather the New Us. And once again, my special guest is Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and author of a soon-to-be new book, which we’ll be talking about a little later in the show…

We’ve got a lot of great information to share with you today.
And if you’d like to read what we’ve talked about in the last three shows, and also today’s show, then head to the Golden Age of Gaia blogsite and search for Lift Your Spirit. I put the last show up yesterday (Saturday, September 7), which was Lift Your Spirit – Embodying the New You. And if you’re like me – I love to read the transcript while I listen, because it helps reinforce what I’m hearing – you can do that, and once again a very big thank you to Janie for transcribing.

OK, It’s time now, I think, to bring on my guest and my special friend, Linda Dillon. Linda, a sound issue again. (We had some sound issues again at the very beginning of this show!)

Linda Dillon: I can’t believe it, but welcome and thanks for persisting and for calling back in. Because I think we’re going to have a really lively discussion tonight about experiencing what the New You feels like, looks like, tastes like. So it would be a shame if BlogTalk just locked us out.

SC: They’re not going to do that. Come on Grener, come on Ashira, come on Ashtar bring on the new technologies and help us get through this show!
Now, we have a very special show today, don’t we Linda. And we also have a very special guest coming on in a little white, and that is a very dear and wonderful friend of yours, Taka.

LD: Yes, Taka and I have been working together since the Council of Love first introduced the 13th Octave, so that’s 18 years ago. Oh, I’m giving away our ages, huh! And they arranged for me to travel to Sedona and meet Taka and we have been working in this sacred undertaking of anchoring the Mother’s Plan on earth ever since.

And he is a phenomenal friend and a phenomenal man. But he’s also a very talented musician. And someone who does sound and breath and meditative healing work. As some of you have noticed – Taka’s channeling from the Golden Age of Gaia in the last year of Paul the Venetian. He’s an artist and a real talent and it’s going to be a lot of fun to have Taka on with us tonight. And, of course, he’s going to be part of the (New You) gathering as well, in Joshua Tree.

SC: For anyone listening now, or anyone who was in Sedona in that incredible energy you’ll probably remember Taka because Linda, as part of her presentation – I think it was on Day 1 or maybe Day 2 – Taka was part of her whole beautiful segment. And he played the didgeridoo, so even if you watched it on the livestream, he was the gentleman who played the didgeridoo.

He’s a wonderful friend of all of us; he’s been traveling round Europe lately and we’re going to talk to him about that. But as Linda said, he will be in Joshua Tree, he will be assisting Linda with the workshops there. That’s Joshua Tree, the New You Conference, which is of course only 12 days away (5 from the day this transcript first went up). Can you believe it?

LD: I can’t believe it. After all these months of preparation and talking about it and all of us working with these materials, it seems a bit too good to be true. We’re almost there.

SC: Well, we are almost there: we’ll talk about that a little bit later in the show… Now, as I mentioned before, in the lead-up to this conference, Linda has been gifted with a whole raft of new information that has seen her lead two groups which I suppose we could call the New You pioneers, re-patterners, the New You Me’s – the New Us, as we decided. And in learning and discovering what they have; they’ve also been taking on the multi-dimensionality of their own New You’s.

I know that we’ve got one lady in particular who’s going to be speaking with us later, Kathleen, who will be talking with us about how she has taken elements of The New You and taken it into the classroom with the children. So we’re going to get to that in a little while.

And as we continue to talk about this; this is our fourth and final episode. The first episode we talked about Who is the New You? The second episode, four weeks ago, we talked about Anchoring the New You. Two weeks ago, we talked about Embodying the New You. And tonight, we’re going to be talking all about Experiencing the New You.

Are there any particular highlights you’d like to mention, Linda, about what we’ve already discussed – just to bring people up to speed before we get talking about how we can experience the New You?

LD: I think that one of the things that we talk about that is pivotal is working with the foundation of who we are is… that’s really understanding your soul color, your mission, your purpose, why we’re here; what is the idea of you.

One of the things that came up – you know, we have regular conference calls for both groups, for the New You webinar series. And one of the things that Archangel Michael brought up this week was the whole issue of trepidation and stepping into the unknown. And he’s continued throughout the week and the weekend to talk to me about this and I thought it might be something that our listeners might be feeling.

And we know that this is the removal of false grids; that fear is an illusion and it’s something that freezes us, stops us dead in our tracks. But when we’re starting with such massive new information – being inter-dimensional, universal laws, new ways of creating – it can be a little overwhelming; this stepping forward into the unknown.

So, while there’s this excitement and anticipation, there’s also this… you know, we’ve been through a lot together and am I ready for the next step? Do I really want to chunk this off? as it were. So, if you’re having some of those feelings, just allow them to come up. And out. And give them to Archangel Michael – because it’s simply part of the clearing and the preparation as we all go forward together forming and re-gridding and re-patterning humanity.

SC: In fact, Julie has got a comment, because she’s been one of the people doing the course with you. I’m just going to bring Julie on now if that’s okay, Linda, because people have been sitting back and saying: “Oh look, I’m hearing all about the New You, I’m understanding what Linda is saying but, goodness me, it’s a lot of hard work”. And Julie, you’ve been doing that hard work?

Julie: Yes. Thank you. Good to be here. I have been doing the work. And there are days when it’s magnificent and beautiful, and days when it’s very unsettling. You know, I’m learning a lot of things about myself I never knew. That’s pretty vague – sorry, I have to get over my nervousness here.

SC: That’s okay, you’re with friends and family here. When you say ‘work’ what sort of ‘work’ do you mean? Just explain. We’re saying there is a process we’re going through here. We do have to commit to it. We do need to work through stuff ourselves. But when you talk about ‘work’, what do you mean in your case?

Julie: Well, in my case, it’s a combination of integrating daily practice – meditating once, sometimes twice a day, and then it’s being willing to really look at the things that sometime we avoid. So, for example, when we have a block or a false grid come up, it’s easy to sometimes just shut the door and walk away and not deal with it.

Because in reality, when we clear those big blocks, we invite in… often big growth periods are involved. Ascension symptoms and fits of fear, fits of joy and odd things going on in our bodies.

So that’s the work I’m talking about. It’s very rewarding work. But it does take discipline. And I guess I’ve been at it about a year now with meditating, so bringing in all these new ideas has just expanded everything I’m doing. I would say that the concepts we’ve been introduced to are sometimes so enormous that you find yourself thinking: “Am I crazy? Do I really believe this stuff? This is insane.”

One of the meditations I did during the class: we were looking at our core issues. And I actually was very blessed – my Akashic record-keeper took out my big book, plunked it down, and turned to the very first page. And I actually was there to witness the moment of my true birth. And that was huge for me. That was beautiful. I cried. And then I was blown away by the simplicity; it’s a lot of information and yet it’s so simple. But it’s big.

SC: So Julie, tell me, when you talked about the things that came up for you that were really difficult, what were those things? I’m sure there are many people now, every one of us has something that someone else has gone through or someone else has gotten over the hump, or through the false grid. What are some of the things that you managed to work through and come out the other side of?

Julie: Good question. I would say for me, the No. 1 thing I needed to work on was the clearing of false grids around fear. It seemed like it was at the root of everything. Do I deserve this? And you really can’t create and manifest the life that you want if you don’t feel like you deserve it. So the work that I had to do, there was a constant forgiveness of myself. That was bigger than forgiving other people.

So really, first of all, releasing the fear, releasing the self-loathing, releasing being upset with myself for being so self-critical. And then filling back in with deservedness and self-love and confidence and clarity. And bringing all that back in, and kind of exorcising the demons. I’ve been a fairly fearful person most of my life. Fear of dying is my core issue. Fear of losing my optimism. And if I feel desperate that way, it’s a big thing to push through that.

For some people it’s fear of being broke, or whatever their issues are. Mine was: “Oh my gosh, I’m gonna get jumped in an alley; something bad is going to happen to someone in my family”. And I had to take those thoughts and really transmute them and then bring in confidence and bring in love and faith.

And so, that’s hard. It’s part of a really daily mindful practice. When you have hard days, it’s easy to be, to just say forget it I don’t believe this, how could something like this happen when I’m on this path.
But I realize, it’s those moments of pushing through and really sticking with it and reaching out for help and receiving it, that you then have a move to a next level.

SC: So Linda, is Julie’s story fairly typical of those of us who are trying to experience embodying and anchoring the New You?

LD: Yes, it actually is. And there was a theme, really, in both groups; a lot of fear, a lot of fear of death, because so many of us lightworkers have been killed, pummeled, tortured, for our belief systems in other lifetimes.

A major theme was betrayal. And so a lot of folks were working on that. And what Julie didn’t mention also, is that she’s been very diligent in her work and in her path. And then even where we’ve come to the conclusion, the work doesn’t stop. It’s just the beginning. But as we reached the conclusion of the course, of course she was faced with a very physical, real health challenge that she received some support from the group and took some trust and faith. Why don’t you mention that, Julie?

Julie: Sure. As little as a month ago… well, first of all, we got into the New You class and we were anchoring all these new skills – but then came the creation. I was going crazy on the creation. “I want this to happen in my life, and this sort of thing and that sort of thing”. And all of a sudden, my beautiful sanctuary home…

I went on vacation, I got a call from the property manager that I wasn’t going to be able to live in the house any longer; then two days later my house was broken into and a lot of very personal items, jewelry items, were stolen that were.. you know, it was upsetting. And I came home and my house was not the same. It had been violated, I felt really upset. But then also feeling like: “Okay, this was an exercise in detachment, and I just have to imagine the new house that I want”.

Then I literally, I lost my I.D. (identity), my state driver’s license. I felt so lost. I was going through kind of an identity crisis. You know, we have our homes, we have our possessions, that’s what we identify with. And I felt like I was floating. It was learning all these great things about myself. Like: “Who am I?

I don’t know anymore” and the house was not coming. I kind of envisioned what I wanted and I was very dedicated to the whole process and I indicated a timeline and I kept looking at houses and said: “No, this isn’t right, I have to throw it back, I have to wait”. And I did.

I kept waiting and just trusting. And there were some times when, yeah, I was losing it. I think I put in my healing request for the Council of Love and the New You group and just kept surrounding myself with the archangels, and please help me release these fears. I was doing false grid releases constantly.

Of course, now I realize that the house became unavailable because to get all the things I had been manifesting, I needed to move (home). And in order for me to move, I needed the money. And so I had good insurance, so when I got robbed I got an insurance payout. And then I did end up getting the house of my dreams.

Linda doesn’t know this part, but I moved over the weekend. And the house is a total disaster. The guy who moved out just left it a complete mess and for the last week I’ve been putting it together.

But you know, when I was doing my creation I forgot to mention ‘move-in ready, no repairs needed’. And so, what I’ve done really is, I’ve rescued a house that’s absolutely lovely, that needs some TLC, and I’m constantly getting validation that this is where I’m supposed to be. And everything played out for me. And because I’ve followed the guidance and stuck with it, I keep getting messages of: “Okay now you’re in position to receive, receive, receive everything you’ve been asking for.”

SC: You know, what you’re talking about, I’m feeling that the new house is almost the symbolization of the New You. You need to do a little bit of cleaning up, but in the end you’re perfect.

Julie: That’s right. Absolutely. And can I just tell you two, that after I signed the new lease on the house and everything was falling into place, a police officer knocked on my door one day and said: “Is this yours?” – and he had found my driver’s license and was returning it. And so I said: “Oh my gosh, I found my identity again!”

SC: Well, Julie, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your experience with all of us.
Julie: You’re welcome. Can I just say one thing on the manifestation front, because I think it’s super important. When the listeners are working on manifestation; start small. Ask for a happy moment, or a validation of your psychic ability, or for something to give you a belly laugh.

I think sometimes we’re asking for really, really big things, before we have the confidence. And I just want to say I built my confidence by asking for little stuff. And then now, I’m able to manifest the big things.

SC: You know, your confidence in this phone call has grown the longer you’ve stayed on the air as well.

Julie: Thank you for having me on. Thank you, Linda, I love you and I’ll see you in Joshua Tree.

LD: I love you too, thanks for coming on. (break in the transmission)

LD: I don’t know if anyone can hear me or not, it seems that BlogTalkRadio has once again blocked us off. So Stephen is in a nether land, not the Netherlands, but another land, so I’m going to continue on here and talk a little bit about what we’re doing in terms of experiencing the New You.

One of the ways in which I think we all can experience the New Me, the New You, is every day, to really start to pay attention with what you’re seeing. Not only with your eyes, but with your third and fourth eye. What you’re feeling, what you’re breathing, what you’re sensing around you in terms of the grass, the trees, the flowers, the people.

Things are changing. And our perceptual abilities and our communication abilities as the New You are growing very rapidly and enormously.
One of the things that Saint Germaine had asked us to do, as healers and builders of Nova Earth, was to write in the air and in the water with the violet flame.

And to just take our fingers – or to hold our water in our hands, just your drinking water – and to program that with love.

So if you see the violet flame coming out of the tips of your fingers, and you just write in big letters in the air LOVE and you send it off – or you write it in the river or the lake where you live or the ocean and you write it in the sand and you just send it off – and that’s a way to really start in a very real way starting to experience and to anchor that sense that you are a re-gridder and a re-patterner of Nova Earth. And, more importantly, humanity.

So this is something I would encourage all of you to do. Now, in that, when we’re writing in the air – for example with the violet flame – it’s important also for us to inhale it: to bring that energy right into our bodies. So often we think we need to be in prayer or ritual or deep meditation, but getting spiritually refreshed – which then mentally, physically, emotionally refreshes us as well – is just breathing in the different rays of colors.

Particularly if it’s your own soul color – although, years ago archangel Gabrielle said: “When in doubt think white, you can never go wrong breathing in the white light.” So if you just write that love in the air and then gather those molecules and bring it in, in through your nose, in through your mouth, down into your chest, into every cell of you body, you’re going to start feeling literally different. And that’s a good thing.

So that’s another way that you can start to experience. And I wanted to say, because I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and the experience that I’ve been having with, say, the New Youbies, the two webinar groups, has been nothing short of amazing. And as I mentioned earlier, we had a chance this week to have some catch-up conference calls and just to see how we’re doing on our creation work.

And we had group creations and individual creation work that we have been working on and to tidy up if there were any outstanding questions, etc.
But one of the things that became clear in both groups was – the first thing that hit me – was the truthfulness, the honesty, the heart support that we have for one another.

And I think this is the way that we are creating new communities, and Nova Earth. It’s that sense of safety and security, to be who we really are, in our actions, and in our communications with one another.

But the thing that struck us all also was how much, how far we have come since last January, when we began this journey together. And as Julie was saying, there have been moments where you feel like: “It’s not worth it. I don’t think I can keep going”. But of course you do, because that’s what we do as lightworkers.

There’s a part of us that simply can’t say: “I’ve died”; that we can’t give up, because we know innately in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, in our very bones we know that this growth, this re-patterning, this carrying forward, being wayshowers, is part and parcel of what we came to do. And what we came to do not only for the Divine Mother, but for ourselves, and for each other.

SC: Well, I’m back (on the air). The New Me is not going to give up. Now I’ve called in by phone. And I don’t know what’s been going on, but Skype on BTR wouldn’t let me call back in. So I rang in on the phone and I’ve left the studio open even though I’m not on Skype. Hopefully everyone can hear me now.

LD: I certainly can, so I assume everyone else can as well.

SC: I’ve been listening to what you’ve been saying. In terms of talking about keeping going and doing all that, what about the extra special sacred energies that are around at the moment. How is that assisting us to experience our new selves?

LD: It’s helping us. Not only are we expanding. What I seem to have noticed in the last little while is that there is an easing in the energies. You know, the energies of the last sixteen, eighteen months – certainly the last year, building up to last December – were so intense. And the energies coming directly from the heart of One – plus the company of heaven, plus the archangels, plus our star brothers and sisters – we have been downloaded, expanded, bubble-wrapped, and set out to dry.

And many of us were really feeling a sense of antsy-ness and anticipation; a lot of ascension symptoms. But now, what we’re feeling is a greater sense of ease. What I am noticing in myself and others is this growing sense of peace. That regardless of what the externals may or may not look like, that internally, within our soul self, within our heart consciousness, we know that we are on track.

And we’re not paying so much attention to the dying third, I think – or the evaporating third, the old illusions trying to grab our attention – we’re really coming to a greater place of knowing and trusting that internal barometer.

SC: That’s what’s amazed me, actually. I can speak from experience. For some reason, even though you say we’re in this calmness and we feel this peace, I also feel an enormous sense of anticipation. But that anticipation is not one of overwhelming excitement or overwhelming anxiety about change, it’s just this knowledge that it has changed, it’s continuing to change. And my gut is that it’s about to really change.

LD: Yes. It’s like everything has been done, it has already taken place, and now we’re just waiting for the opening of the gifts. You know, I have this tradition on Christmas Eve, culturally, not religiously so much, I love Christmas.

And I love Christmas Eve. But after all the foo-fah-rah is over, and everyone has gone to bed, to just sit and look at the tree with the lights on in the dark. And there’s this sense of peace and calm and this knowing of potential. It’s just that there’s a new cycle beginning.

My new year tends to start around December 21st with the solstice or with the change of seasons. So, that’s what I sense in the air right now. Like everything is done, everything is wrapped, the table is laid, and we’re just getting ready to open the presents and celebrate.

SC: And pig out!

LD: Yes. And enjoy a really wonderful feast of all different kinds of delights.

SC: Oh, yum. Now, one of the things you’ve been doing in terms experiences or experiencing the New You is putting things into practice. That’s part of the process. So what are some of the ways we can now put everything we’ve learned, everything we’re feeling, everything we’re doing, into practice so that we’re then experiencing the joy from that.

LD: You know, it is some re-training of ourselves. And it does come down to – if we wanted to have one helpful hint or one helpful tip tonight, I would call it that pregnant pause. That we stop in between when we have a thought – or we’re about to take action, or about to express a negative opinion about ourselves, our situations, or somebody else – to simply stop.

And to think” “Does this feel like love, for myself for the planet, for my fellow human being?” And when we start to introduce that, until it becomes almost second nature, we don’t really think it anymore. Because that automatic flashing yellow light is there, our patterns shift and change. And we start to see and perceive things very differently. And it’s being aware and accepting that your heart consciousness is not only awakened but that it’s accurate.

So that we’ve lived in such a mental and emotionally reactive planet – not east, west, north or south, but the whole planet – we’ve been tied to this mental construct with ego as royalty. So we’re retraining ourselves to experience daily from sipping your morning coffee or tea, to when you go to bed at night to trust your heart and to be in your heart.

I’ve had a lot of people say” “What do you mean ‘to be in your heart’? How do you do that?” And it’s as simple as feeling like your pulling down, you’ve pulled out the plug on the drain of your brain and you’re letting all the energy sink down into your heart so that you’re looking, you’re perceiving, you’re thinking and you’re speaking from your heart center – which is the truth of who you are. It’s where the seat of your soul is. And it’s where, if we’re going to think of somewhere in our body where love lives, that’s the perfect place to go

So that’s what we can do.

SC: And important in there, Linda, is that all of us, all of our hearts are different, all of our journeys are different and Judy is on the line. Judy, you wanted to make a comment about the unique nature of all of our individual journeys.
Judy: Hello, I’m sorry I was buttering toast so I wasn’t really here.

SC: That’s all right. You wanted to make a comment about how each of our individual journeys are very different.

Judy: You know, Linda is far too articulate! And one of the comments she just made sort of stopped me in my tracks, because I got this visual. And she talked about ‘we’re doing the journey and we’re going along’, etc. And I likened it to kind of a foot race; a race from East Coast to the West Coast, when people realize that they can expand and grow and move along and they look at each other and say: “Can you do it? I don’t know” and start anyway.

And so I look over, and I hear someone’s situation or see someone stopped and their shoe has fallen off… and we all stop and help each other and strengthen each other in ways we just can’t believe.

And I had a woman call me to talk about turquoise. She was referred to me by a friend and it ended up – I don’t know what we must have done to get through to know who I was, that I needed this – and gave me a little human thing about salts in the bath and lavendar. But it was like, we’re so getting what we need at every turn, through grace, leadership and friendship and help like you and Linda.

And just because, it’s the only thing I came here for. So, I hope I didn’t take too much time.

SC: No absolutely not. Now Linda, Judy’s story mirrors many peoples’.

LD: Yes, it does. And you know, that’s the thing. I have a saying with my sister that – we talk in code as sisters do – and we say kindness counts. And I think what Judy’s talking about is that we forgot about what it is to be a neighbor. You know, to love your neighbor as yourself.

Well we’ve talked about the importance of loving ourselves, but we also have to extend that to our neighbor. Whether it’s a neighbor in Syria, or Africa, or across the street. And being nice. Being kind. Being considerate. And it may feel like: “Well, I’m a nice person of course I would do that”. But in fact, it’s reaching out and people are starting to notice.

I had a little email exchange today with somebody about a young teenage boy who approached her in the grocery store and had really noticed her energy, and just was gravitated towards her, because he wanted to walk with her and be in her energy field. And she was kind enough to just take the time – the five, 10 minutes – to talk to him about what energy is and what he was feeling and how that can change things.

And it’s those kind little exchanges that have the domino effect and really start to change what our communities look like. Instead of not meeting people with eye-to-eye contact and a genuine smile, it starts to change.

SC: So Judy, you’ve found that as well?

Judy: I have. And I think about… when I hear Linda talk about working from our head, and I realize I think that a lot of my life. Even though, at the age of ten, the voice in my head said: “Something is going on here they’re not telling you about”. And when you’re ten you’re so brilliant, you just don’t know in what area. It’s like: “Geez, how is this going to work out?”

You go through things and you live from your head, because we’re in a world like that. But all of a sudden, when you just think about it, and you see things that appear to be unkindness or injustice or someone gets brushed to the side.

We are all on such an equal plane as God’s children, when we see a person who gets onto the side, there’s no judgment but there’s the opportunity to express, like Linda says, the kindness, the compassion, the reaching out to make it as good as you can, because we are here together. And why wouldn’t we do that.

SC: Indeed. And that’s all part of the New You. Judy, thank you so much, I’m going to let you get back to your toast.

Judy: Thank you so much.

SC: Linda, what Judy is talking about there is really important. I have to say we do all find ourselves stopping and going” “Ooooh, I won’t make that slightly negative comment about the neighbor or what that person’s wearing or make a full analysis of someone’s personality”. We say: “Well, that’s the way they are”, and we move on.

LD: We move on and then we also, you know, start to delight in our differences and the diversity. You know we’re always celebrating the diversity of Gaia and how you know the Northwest is so rugged and beautiful and Australia, Sydney where you live, is magnificent. We see it in our physical surroundings on the planet, but sometimes we don’t see it in each other.

SC: That’s true. Even when we don’t always see it in ourselves!

LD: Yes, that’s true.

SC: That’s what the New You is all about.

LD: You know, one of the things that has been an ‘a-ha’ moment for a lot of folks, is when we come to realize, as we’re working through the various steps in this process, that the starting point, the most sacred union relationship you have, is with yourself. It’s the starting point. If you don’t love and think of yourself as entirely connected and worthy, then we have some work to do. Very often, people think – well no, the very first thing – is the connection with the Divine.

But you can’t even begin to connect with the Divine until you know yourself. Until you’ve decided that you’re worthy enough and that you have that energy of the worth within you. Because, so often, as you go not knowing yourself, you’re asking for help: “help me, help me, help me”; it’s needy, it’s co-dependent, it’s not a creative, full relationship – and that’s not what was intended for us.

SC: Now we’ve all been talking about ourselves, but I know there are also the children of the world that are also going through these processes but may not be aware. Kathleen is on the line and I know we’re talking about experiencing the New You, and Kathleen has actually been putting the whole concept of the New You into practice.

Kathleen is a school teacher and she’s been doing this with the children. Kathleen welcome to our show, Lift Your Spirit: Experiencing the New You.
Kathleen: Thank you so much for having me on.

SC: Tell us a little bit about how you’ve been experiencing the New You and putting it into practice with the children you teach.

K: Well, first of all I want to let you know that I’m an intuitive artist. And I have a business, so to speak, of working with individuals to give them what they need based on what the Divine tells me that they need to have. And I just totally let go of outcome, and trust that whatever is in the picture is what needs to be there.

So I’ve used some of these techniques that I use in my own paintings to bring it into the classroom. And I actually have two projects that I’m working with. One with the eighth grade and one with the seventh grade.

And the first one with the eighth grade is that I have started bringing in the Divine Qualities – the blessings and virtues. And because I’ve been working with them in my own life, and now currently creating some paintings of these intuitive nature paintings based on the blessings and virtues. And when I do these paintings I’m not only doing it for just the sake of doing them, but when I’m doing them I’m putting them out energetically to humanity.

So whoever, energetically, is on some level receiving the artwork.
But as far as the eighth grade… they are to come up with; we talked about the blessings and virtues and the Divine Qualities, and the assignment that I gave them is to see how one of the Divine Qualities that they resonated with would apply to their life.

And how they can use it in their own personal way. And then, because I’m in a private Catholic school, I am able to work with essential religion and meditation and I can do that. I’m not sure they would allow that in a public school, but I’ve taken the liberty and it’s been fine, so far.

The Divine Qualities… a lot of the students are choosing like fortitude and humility, compassion, wisdom, and they’re actually seeing how these qualities resonate with them personally. And I’m having them work with them in that they have to do some journaling and really looking within to see how they’re doing to use them on a week-to-week basis.

Then, I have them put it into an art project. They’re having to create a sacred mandala. And they use this as a meditative tool in the end, to work with. So then we also have the colors.

Now, how I choose colors intuitively, I just allow the Divine to give them to me. To have the students do this: I had them think about their quality and they’re going to reach into a bag of colors and then choose five colors, because there’s five rings in the circle. And they just think about the intention; think about their quality. And whatever colors they come up with, will be the colors that need to be on the mandala.

And then they’re working with the coloring into the different spaces of these. It’s almost like sacred geometry. They will then be given like a sheet, that’s going to explain the vibration of the colors and they have to pick out the qualities or the aspects of those colors and see how they relate individually to the Divine Qualities.

SC: Kathleen, you’re not only experiencing the New You, you’re allowing them to experience the new ‘them’. Linda, how cool is that?

LD: When I heard about Kathleen’s program, what she was doing at school, I was jumping up and down with glee. To be giving the blessings and virtues, the Divine Qualities to teenagers, youngsters, and then allowing them to bring it into their lives and figuring out how they can practice wisdom or fortitude with their friends and their families is just… it was inspirational, Kathleen!

K: Thank you. Can I also share another assignment I’m doing with the seventh grade, also based similarly to the blessings and virtues, but also the universal laws?

LD: Oh my goodness.

K: The students are going to be writing and illustrating a short story based on one of those things – either the qualities or the laws. And seeing how they can incorporate it into a story that teaches a lot about that particular subject. And they are going to gear it to a first grader.

So, they have these buddies – seventh grade is matched up with the first grade, so they meet up during the year for different things that they do together with them. So the first graders are going to meet with the seventh graders who kind of like, you know, kind of give them some guidance – it’s a project that they do together.

They’re going to give them some hints like characters, names, and what they would like to see unfold having to do with that quality.
So the seventh grade is going to explain to the first grade. And then they’re going come up with the illustrations – it can be a cartoon, it can be realistic, it can be shapes or it could be whatever that has real characteristics that show a story over twelve pages.

They even use first grade paper, so they have to learn to read print. So the first grader can really read it. And then, at the end, they can either give the book to the first grader, or just take it back. It’s an expression – would be that it’s a visual – through the illustrations that tell the story and also through the writing. And also teaching a lesson.

SC: Kathleen, you are really experiencing the New You on every single level.

K: Well, I wanted to do something that was just… Well, I was working with it myself.But I wanted to reach a greater number of people – and what better way than to work with the youth.

SC: Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your story with us today.

K: Thank you Stephen and Linda.

SC: Now Linda, there is one very practical way of not only enjoying living, breathing, embodying, anchoring and experiencing the New You, but also being able to share with others.

LD: It’s wonderful. And you know the Universal Laws – which is how the universe works – can you imagine, Stephen, if someone had given us that level of insight at that age?

SC: Oh my gosh. Like we don’t already have it (at that age).

LD: Well, we did. But it’s almost like the adults saying: “You can remember this, and it’s all right and you should use it”.

SC: Exactly. But having that confirmation and allowing that expression of your ‘self’ – their own creative being, their own understanding being – and just allowing to be. And just to be able to express in that way.

LD: Yes. And the kids that are coming up – the youth – are so ready for this. They are so much more awake, and they have taken these energies and incorporated them into themselves; they are ready to fly.

SC: And indeed, we all are. Now just going back to the experiencing of ourselves, one of the things we’re going to be talking about in a little while with our very special guest Taka, is sacred sounds. But one of the other things that we can all do as part of experiencing what we’re doing and grounding and anchoring and embodying it, is breathwork. Can you maybe explain about that a little bit before Taka talks to us about sacred sound?

LD: I will. I will preface what I am going to say is that when we are in Joshua Tree, Christina Mahler – who is also part of several teams and one of the New You participants – will be leading the segment and the part of the workshop on breathwork. So I’m not a professional in breathwork.

And it’s a really specific area.
But let’s face it. We all breathe. And it’s the one life force action and creation that we never really stop.

The only time we ever really stop our breath is when we are doing stillpoint, and bringing to creation that implosion/explosion of our intention. But there are many traditions. In fact, most sacred traditions have various forms of breathwork – whether you do yoga or rebirthing or deep meditation; it doesn’t matter.

But when you start to use your breath and, in particular, follow your breath in the sacred manner, and then use the rhythm of the in-breath and the out-breath to create and to expel energies or to integrate energies, it is exceptionally powerful.

And all you’re doing in breathwork is you’re not focusing on your thoughts. You’re not focusing on the externals. You’re simply focusing on ‘in’ and ‘out’. And there’s no better way, really, in a more organic sense, to anchor energy and to expand your field than to really work with your breath.

So by doing that, we allow ourselves to really bring in the energies of the Divine, of the Universe, of the love, of the creative capacities, and then to bring that into every cell, into the marrow of our bones, to anchor it into our physicality – while we let go of the mental, emotional, spiritual toxins and debris.

So, it’s another way in which we can really break through these infamous false grids. And it allows us to do healing on a very, very deep level. That, in a nutshell, is what breathwork is about.

SC: Well, I want to go back to that thing about when you feel anxious about something or when you get thrown out of your radio program for the third time, you ‘breathe’…. When they say to people who are hyperventilating, just breathe. And it’s so true. I have to say one of the things that Christina has actually taught me is breathwork.

And I’ve been concentrating on my navel area – actually creating almost like a funnel when you’re sitting there pouring oil into a bottle or a jar, that funnel shape. I kind of place that, in my mind, above my navel and then I breathe it back down into the very base of my spine – and that, I find, really relaxing.

I do that when I’m listening to music and I do know that at the end of the show today we’re going to have almost a bit of a combination of that with something that Taka is going to do for us.

But speaking about Taka, let’s bring him on. He’s been waiting for some time; we did have those calls to get through. And just before I do bring Taka in, some of you might remember Taka from Sedona, where he joined Linda onstage to play the didgeridoo. And I remember at the time – being Australian and being someone who’s dealt quite a bit with our indigenous people here – I thought: “What’s this German fellow doing, playing the didgeridoo?”.

And as I found out since – and as I found at that time as well – Taka is a world traveler and he’s a student of major cultures and, like me, he has experienced quite a bit of Aboriginal cultures in the remote Northern Territory of Australia.

Now his observations and his experiences: the way that Australia’s indigenous tribes live and stay in touch with the Dreamtime – and I’m not sure how many of you know about the Dreamtime, but the Dreamtime is the indigenous story of how life was created in connection to the Earth.

And if you ever have the opportunity to go to , I suppose we call it the Red Centre of Australia, you really do get the sense of how our planet and the Earth and the red soil – it’s also something that’s quite unique in Sedona – you can feel, and are grounded by, the energies of the land.

Now on this journey that Taka did and in the time he spent, he was inspired by the ancient musical sounds of the didgeridoo and he found that those sounds transmit transformational qualities and benefits and actually act as a gateway to the time and space continuum known by the Aboriginals as the Dreamtime.

Now this resulted in him taking up the ‘didge’ as his primary meditation tool. And as I said before, Taka will be joining Linda for the sixth consecutive year at the Council of Love gathering when he joins her in Joshua Tree for the New You conference in just twelve (now 5) days. So Taka, I know how busy you are and I also do want to talk about your trip around Europe and the energy work you’ve been doing there. But firstly, welcome to joining Linda and I here on Lift Your Spirit.

Taka: Hi, Stephen. Hi Linda. Can you hear me? (Linda and Stephen: Yes, we can) Okay. Good to be with you. And very well said!

SC: (laughs) So tell me a little bit first off about how you really got involved with sacred sound healing Taka.

Taka: It actually started in Australia, when I was the first time in Australia, and I got in touch with the didgeridoo. I had no intention at the time. I didn’t even know what sound healing was. But when I picked up the didgeridoo and started practicing – the didgeridoo actually works with the breathing, too, of course.

And when we do the breathing work, the breath work, essentially we kind of conform our ‘selves’, we recalibrate ourselves. And I realized this was happening to me while practicing the didgeridoo. And then the didgeridoo actually became an extension of my breathing. I could actually hear and feel how I was breathing.

And this really got me in touch with myself. I could feel some fluctuations – like when my energy would change. Or, for example, like when I may be getting sick soon, I knew most of the time, like three or four days ahead, because I could detect it in my breathing; in the sounds of the didgeridoo.

So this was something very fascinating . And after a while, when I came to Sedona, I started actually playing the didgeridoo in public. And this is when people became aware of it. And I was invited to all kind of retreats, workshops and started doing sessions and even classes in the didgeridoo.

And then I always got, of course, feedback too from people: how they felt about it; what it did to them. And this is when I started my sound therapy work and got in touch with some other sound healers, like Jonathan Goldman and so on and played with them, and they invited me to their sessions and their lessons. And it was just a powerful and transformational time for myself.

SC: Now Taka, you talked about breathing. And I have tried to play the didgeridoo, and there is a very unique way of breathing. Because you have to keep the breath flowing out of your body, constantly. But you also have to bring air in to your mouth so that you are constantly blowing the whole time. Can you just explain a little bit about that process? I can’t do it and I’m fascinated by those who can.

Taka: Yes it does take a little bit of practice. It’s what is called ‘circular breathing’. And the didgeridoo is played a little bit similar to like the trumpet. What has to happen, is a continuous flow of air into the didgeridoo to keep the sounds going.

And that is when the ‘circular breathing’ comes in. So what you essentially do, is you inhale through the nose and you exhale through the mouth – and do this in a circular way. In a circular fashion.

You always store a little bit of air in your cheeks and you push the ‘energy’ through you diaphragm. So it’s a really and intense way of breathing. And it takes a little bit of time to learn this and a little bit of practice and the practice itself is what’s doing the transformation process.

Then, of course, after a while you start doing the rhythm and your playing becomes more melodic, and you integrate actually your words and make sounds with your voice. Traditionally, the Aboriginal people in Australia used to imitate their surroundings, connect with their surroundings. Like the animals…

SC: Yeah, they imitate the birds, the animals..hmm

Taka: Absolutely. And of course, when you do this part, too. But you have to first, you have to listen to what’s going on around you, and when you listen, you actually learn, you learn about the land.

You learn about the Divine life and everything that is part of your everyday life. And all these different aspects at one point create a total dynamic in itself. And that is the only way I can describe it. This how it happened to me and I really di feel that this is my modus…my meditation tools and it served so many different functions.

SC: In terms of when you’re actually – I won’t say performing – I’ll call it work or ‘servicing’ through sacred sound, what is the sacred sound process? I mean, I understand we’re all moved by music and sounds can sometimes make people laugh or cry or make them feel sad…

And certain pieces of music, people will go: “Oh, that’s my favorite piece of music because it makes me happy”. But in terms of sacred sound what are those tones, or what are those rhythms literally doing to both our body, our consciousness, and I suppose our spirit, at the same time.

Taka: This is a very good question. The sounds they trigger energy in us. They trigger ancient memories. They trigger codes, we actually have in ourselves. This goes back even further than, I would say, Earth. This comes from somewhere totally different.

And, of course, this instrument like the didgeridoo, Tibetan horns, you know the rams horns, the bells and gongs and so on and so on…every culture has them. And they all have a similar effect and it triggers something that is stored in our DNA. This is the only way I can describe it.

And it turns us in a meditative state. It opens up this door, this gateway, to the meditative state. And in this state we can get information we cannot get otherwise. And this is, why Linda when she realized right from the beginning when she was asking me to play the didgeridoo this is what we’re usually doing before she’s starting the channelings.

Playing the didgeridoo and using the sacred sounds calms everybody down. It brings everybody right into the space. And in this space of course we are more receptive to all the other information coming in.

So that’s just another aspect the didgeridoo is doing. And when I play the didgeridoo, again to do with the breathing…When we talk about the breath, the breathing is always ‘in the moment’. It cannot be in the past, it cannot be the future, it has to be here, now. And this moment is the only time that it fits.

So when you focus in this moment, we really get the energy that is happening in this room, with this particular person we are doing a session with or whatever. It’s right there. The mind is blocked out and the energy just flows through us. It flows through me and it flows through everybody who is actually listening or exposed to this vibration. Because it’s not only a sound; it’s a vibration. Our whole body is actually absorbing the energies.

SC: I love how you said it takes us right into the moment of now. I hadn’t, I hadn’t thought of it in that way, but it’s actually true. But I was just thinking as well, with anything to do with the sacred sound most of the instruments that – whether it’s the didgeridoo which is carved out of a hollow log or whether it’ a wooden pipe, the pipes of Peru, the Andes and places like that or Mexican instruments or African drums – most of those instruments are made from natural fiber or natural living, or were living, objects and materials. So wood or rocks.

And yet a lot of the modern music is made on man-made instruments. And I know I did some reading quite some time ago about the solfeggio tones and that at some point the powers that be also decided to change the physical tone of the notes so that we lived off a, I can’t remember what scale it is, but it’s a different scale to the original scale that comes from the natural sounds. Which is solfeggio and those different megahertz.

So in terms of what you’re playing, I suppose that natural origin of the actual instrument then becomes the natural origin of the sound. And takes you into the natural origin of the now moment at the same time. Am I making sense there?
Linda: Yes, you are.

Taka: Absolutely, and when you see with the tribal people… you have to see one thing. When musical instruments were first introduced this was major, major technology.

That changed everything in this moment. And of course we see them as primal or tribal right now, but just think about it: the first person whoever blew into one of these didgeridoos, or played the drum – what kind of feeling, what kind of emotions this all sparked. And how important and essential it became to our whole culture; how it transformed us, how the arts took such a big role… it’s unbelievable.

I mean, we take it for granted and, of course, we improved it; a And, like you said, electronic music. Everything is okay, everything is fine. And on this planet everything is still here. From the first instrument to the most modern, most high- technology instruments, everything is still here. And everything is still practiced and that is an amazing thing.

And it brings us back to our roots too, when we listen to instruments like didgeridoos and drums and tribal sounds; of course… It is like rebooting your computer, going all the way back to the beginning where it all started. And then build up our personal energy and bring all these modern aspects in, too.

So it’s just a matter of how, you know, how we can go back and really imagine what took place then – and even go back further, before earth. I’m sure these sounds came from somewhere else, too…

SC: I was just thinking about something Linda said some time ago. And Linda you might want to come in here? Is that rocks and wood are essentially first orsecond dimensional entities or first or second dimension things. So when we talk about the third dimension, the fourth, the fifth, I’m now getting the feeling that all those other dimensions contribute to where we are now. In the case of a rock, there it is making a sound that then becomes music.

LD: That’s right. And the thing is is that I think Taka is brushing on is that I think that some of the sounds and some of these very sacred sounds, what I think of as sacred sounds, is that it reminds us also of our star heritage.

Of where we came from. And some cases, it reminds us of the sound of the Universe, or the angelic choruses. And it reaches that vibration, that literal sound wave comes in and it penetrates our bodies – and not just our physical bodies, but our emotional body, our mental body, our causal body.

Because these sound waves are traveling out of the instrument, in this case the didgeridoo, out through the airwaves into our very core.
And it’s reawakening that memory of who we really are. And sometimes we’ll feel, you know happy and giggly because, ‘oh my goodness’, we remember, and sometimes we feel sad because we’ve forgotten.

Also, I think Taka, you don’t pat yourself enough on the back because, as a performer, as a sacred channeler for the didgeridoo, and for other instruments as well – because you play the flute, and you have drums – you allow the energy of the Universe, of the source, of the love, to move through you. And I think that’s one of the reasons why the Council of Love chose you to start with, is that you never put up a block. You always allow that to flow so beautifully right through you to the people that you’re working with. And that’s an amazing gift.

Taka: Thank you, Linda.

SC: Now tell me, the two of you have been friends for a long time. How did you actually meet and tell us all a little bit about your friendship.

LD: Well, quite literally, when I was getting ready for the first 13th Octave the Council of Love was very insistent that it be one in Sedona. And they told me to go and find these two men. And one of them was Taka. They kept saying Taka.

And I channeled Wakanataka and I kept thinking why am I going to find Wakanataka in physical form? And they kept saying you have to go to Sedona and meet Taka. And he is going to be very important in the future of your work.

And so, I toddled off to Sedona and I think I picked up a local magazine, or you know, one of those what’s up and what’s happening and there he was. And I called him and we met up at a medicine wheel on Rachel’s Knoll and we sat on the edge of the knoll and the medicine wheel and he played and he played and he played and it was like, we got transported somewhere else. And that was the beginning. What’s your version, Taka?

Taka: Absolutely. I remember that. And then we started doing the retreat at The Enchantment (a Sedona hotel) and I was participating in Linda’ first retreat, the didgeridoo there and I saw her energy and I saw what was developing there. She had a function there and she created this space for people to come in, a sacred space. And eventually this was leading to an expanded family.

Everybody became friends and everybody grew to be, sticks together even for this first group and it was a really magical time. And seeing the energy and effort that Linda puts into her work is amazing, amazing to me.

And then of course the whole concept of the Council (of Love) it was so powerful. And it was just keeping on expanding and Linda used to come every year to Sedona in December- shortly before Christmas, usually around the 13th of December she came in there. And I didn’t even miss one of the.

I played and we worked together on each one of them. And this became kind of a marker for me, to wrapping up the year… in the meditation there and my playing instruments and doing the energy work with people. So it was a very important time and I was always looking forward to doing that, working with Linda.

SC: The two of you have also worked together on another project that you’ve been doing for the past six years, which is, I hope I say this right, the Milagro Cross project. So tell me a little bit about that, as well.

LD: Well this came about when we began doing the creation work and it was under the guidance of our Lady of Guadalupe, I think, that we began. And Jesus and Sananda and a number of beings, Gabrielle and Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Divine Mother came in and were very clear in channeling with another 13-er HaraWeaver, that we were going to build a cross.

And it wasn’t a cross of crucifixion, it was a cross of the divine feminine cross. Which, as you know is equal; all sides are equal. And, of course, it’s also very symbolic of the medicine wheel and the direction.

Now what inspired this is my husband has from his family – Isaac had from his family – a very small Milagro that I had on our altar at home. And Milagros, in South America and Mexico, are small pieces of metal or tin or gold, depending on how wealthy you were, that you basically hammered into the wall or the door of the church – the church door, or the wall of the church.

And it was a plea for a miracle. And it was also an expression of belief in the potential that your prayer would be answered.
So there’s all kinds of Milagros – physical things, heart things, angelic things. And so as we began to build this Milagro.

The purpose of it was, as Taka was saying, that when we came together every year, we have been building and this one Milagro cross. And Taka has expanded on the cross that he’s been guided (to make) and now there are several crosses that are in circulation. But it’s to put our intentions into a physical object that holds the sacred energy, because Taka built this. Taka, why don’t you take it over and talk about how you built the cross?

Taka: Well let me go back, 2005… I think, Hara brought me a blueprint of how to, for the size of the cross. And I was tuning into the energy and I got some additional information on what to add. And then I had to build it out of pine wood. I’m an artist as well, so I start building things. I actually did many different projects for the Council of Love, too, over the years.

And this was one of the major projects the Milagro Cross. So it had to be made out of pine wood. It had to be a certain dimension and certain measurements. And it needed a case as well, so I put it together.

It took me about two months and there was a lot of prayer and ceremony involved. Just to initiate it. And, I think we initiated it in 2004 in Sedona, the first time. And then we actually took it to other places, too. We flew it all over the country to Michigan, to the Council of Love in Michigan and we had it in Tallahassee, Florida as well. And of course, Sedona.

SC: So are you going to take it to Joshua Tree?

LD: Oh yes!

SC: Now tell me, what are you two going to be doing at the conference. Just tell us a little bit more about what’s going to be happening in Joshua Tree in 12 days’ time (now 5 days’ time) Taka and Linda..

LD: Oh my goodness. Well,we’re going to cover the waterfront, between the two of us. First of all, let me say, everybody who comes to the conference will be given their choice of Milagro to do in sacred ceremony, to put what their intention and their creation is, on that cross. And so that will be part of sacred ceremony.

But we’re going to travel inter-dimensionally, we’re going to clear false grids, Taka and Christina Mahler and Deborah Cone, who is a gong sound healer, are going to do sound healing.

We are going to have initiations into the 13th Octave. We’re going to travel inter-dimensionally. We’re going to be initiated into the New You which is a very special attunement and meditation to bring people really anchored into the fullness of themselves.
And then in the middle of that, we’re going to have our wonderful colleague and friend Steve Beckow as our meet-and-greet roving emissary, guiding us along. We’re going to have drumming circles. We’re going to go out and talk to our galactic brothers and sisters. We’re going to have FUN!

SC: Well interesting that you say that, I’m just hoping that we can all be there.

LD: You have to be there. This is something, you know it’s time for us all to be together.

SC: Well, if there’s anyone listening who’s got a spare $10,000 (laughing) that they can share, we’ll all be in Joshua Tree. But I was going to say, on the last four shows, people listening to the last four shows we’ve done on the New You, someone said to me the other day: “Oh yes, I’ve been listening to the shows, I know all about the New You”. But really, these shows have literally been just a primer for what you’ll be doing at the conference.

So for anyone listening right now, there is so much more to be done in Joshua Tree in just twelve days’ (now 5 days) time on the weekend of September 20-22. And Linda, as you know, the link for the conference is on the show page right now. And Taka, I’m just going to take a break and have a chat with Linda for a moment. You are also going to be launching your new book at the conference.

LD: Yes I am. Out of all this new information – and the three o’clock wake up calls – a new book called The New You has emerged. And it will be released at the conference.

SC: And you’ll be there to personally autograph and sign that book. And of course that is literally I suppose an accompaniment to the conference and an accompaniment to the shows we’ve been doing for the past few weeks. But as a total picture, the people who have listened to the shows, they’re able to go to the conference and they have the book, then they’ll be able to understand how to anchor, embody, experience anything to do with the New You.

LD: That’s right. It’s the accompaniment is the key. And the book will also include eight download meditations. But the energy of being there in the group on sacred purpose, with sacred sound, in sacred surroundings, and the place is totally inter-dimensional, is a different experience. It’s so uplifting that, oh, it’s not to be missed.

SC: Now Taka, can you tell us what you’re most looking forward to at Joshua Tree?
Taka: It’s the experience with the Earth. It’s the connecting with the people, I also think… For instance, when I first met you at the 2012 Scenario Conference in Sedona, I didn’t point my life… I knew that my life would change but I was not aware it would change like that! So a new paradigm started for me.

I met Christina (Mahler) there and we have done a lot of work together the last couple of months. And we will also bring that energy to Joshua Tree too, of course. And integrate it and share it with the people there. So that’s a whole lot of energy coming in there. There will be very powerful people there and everybody has a gift.

And when we come together we are sharing that – and something comes out of these gatherings all the time. Like I said, I’ve done this with Linda so many times, and it’s always was like that. For everyone who will be there, you will take something out of it for their personal (self) and for the greater good.

For the global and intergalactic. Everybody will get something out of it, all these different applications going on and it’s always amazing to see what happens after this kind of event.

SC: Well they don’t call it the Council of Love gathering for nothing. Now, I’m still planning in my head, I have my passport, Anthony has his passport. We are planning and praying for a miracle. Hopefully, there is an amazing RV about to happen so everyone that’s listening now can be there – or there’s someone very kind who would like to donate.

If you want further information or to book your seat, head to the link that’s on the show page here. Just a couple of other things. Update on Blossom’s event – The Video is now available. That is $20 Australian so go and have a look at that. That was also another incredible energetic download with White Cloud and the Federation of Light.

And before we go, I just want to wish, once more, some very heartfelt gratitude to all of you – the New You. Not only for joining us, Linda and I, on each of these programs over the past few weeks, but also for sending us your New You energy.

And to all those people who called in with their experiences and were part of the show, it has just been fantastic. And also those people who have shared abundance with The Hope Chest – of course, your generosity has gone out to help other light workers in need and members of the team.

And Linda, is there anything you’d like to add at the end of today’s show, before I hand it over to Taka, who’s prepared a very, very special, I suppose, ‘outro’ to today.

LD: I would just like to thank you, Stephen, for having the inspiration to do this series and to begin to bring the awareness of the New You to everybody. So thank you.

SC: Well no, thank you, it’s been an absolute pleasure and joy. In fact, I’m kind of feeling a bit sad because we’re not going to talk in two weeks.

LD: Well hopefully we’ll be talking in Joshua Tree!

SC: Well, I am thinking and praying and planning that I will see you, Taka, Christina and everybody in Joshua Tree in 12 days’ time (now 5 days). And for all of you listening now, I trust that Linda and I have also lifted your spirits and assisted you on your New You journey over the last few weeks.

Now to take us out today, I have to say, Taka has spent hours preparing a very, very special piece of sacred sound healing. So I’m actually going to bid myself farewell and hand over to Linda and Taka who will introduce the beautiful experience that you are about to enjoy.
Taka and Linda, Lift Your Spirit is now yours.

LD: Oh thank you. And Taka, I have to thank you for just preparing this wonderful meditation to finish the series and to finish our time together. As we all prepare to gather either physically or spiritually in Joshua Tree. So, thank you and it’s over to you.

Taka: Thank you Linda, and thank you Stephen. And my love goes to everyone listening and before I give the meditation, it’s a little bit of everything, so I think it speaks for itself. Much love to everybody, and Happy New You.

SC: That’s beautiful, Taka. Thank you so much for joining us on Lift Your Spirit.
Taka’s special The New You meditation:

The New You Conference is this coming weekend. Limited tickets are still available:
For further information and to BOOK NOW click here – The New You – A Council of Love Gathering Joshua Tree Retreat Center

Source:http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/transcript-lift-your-spirit-experiencing-the-new-you-aired-september-8-2013/California, USA, September 20-22, 2013

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Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"yes Drekx, some say the BRICS meeting 22-24 Okt. in Kazan, Russia is the most important event of the year, but we all know the presidential election in the USA is more important"
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"BRICS meeting tomorrow in Russia and planning the next stages of de-Dollarization....
They want a gold-backed currency...This is the future of finance on planet Earth...and leads to the golden age...
If you own silver and gold, expect massive rises…"
1 hour ago
Edward posted a status
Planning to......
* A/C Biz, Embassy, Money.....etc..
* Arrest, Weapon..etc..

Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care.....
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The private western central banking system, is certainly falling.....As advised before, purchase silver and gold.....
The solutions are BRICS currency and systematic alternatives, plus the west re-adopting a gold standard.....Reverse 1971, and…"
3 hours ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
6 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"New blog for those who are interested. https://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-plejaren-and-t..."
10 hours ago
Justin89636 posted a blog post
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book Your…
10 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"War is building up all over the place which is the Cabal's end goal they want WW3 which would end up being a nuclear war. Tensions are rising between North and South Korea, drone strike was initiated on Netanyahu's house. He is okay, Xi Jingping of…"
14 hours ago

The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book…

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Views: 26
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Ashtar Command Global Update!

Happy Friday to You! I have just received the new 'Position of the Fleet' AC diagram…also, the new, explosive Ashtar Command Global Update is coming up!   …

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Views: 57
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