Transformation Part 4: Spiritual
The messages at this site are the result of communications between Mark Kimmel and beings who are not the current indigenous humans of this planet. The communications have been verified as coming only from those who are of the highest Christ Consciousness. There are now 137 messages on this site; they build on each other. For their full impact, read them in sequence beginning with September 2008 (archived below). They detail the transformation of this planet, our place in the universe, and a positive outlook for our future – if we are willing to act. I hope, by presenting them to you, that they spark your curiosity, and a decision to join with others to create a new civilization on Earth. As always I encourage you to seek your own unique truth, and live it.
This is my 17th posting to Mark’s Corner for 2010 that involves communications from off-planet beings and other non-humans. It is with great pleasure that I again welcome Adrial, a celestial of this universe. This communication is the fourth in a series of messages from her that deal with the transformation of Earth’s civilization.
Greeting to each of you residing on the surface from those of us who observe you and wait. Each soul that is currently incarnated in human form on planet Earth is a member of a soul group. These soul groups have been together for a long time, experiencing many, many reincarnations. Among the souls within the group the roles may shift in each incarnation, so that one time it might be father-son, or mother-daughter. The next time it might be son-mother, father-daughter, brother-sister, cousin, friend, or distant relative. Over the past thousand incarnations all roles have been assumed, including dark and light, master and slave, gay and lesbian, perpetrator and victim, as well as angry and gentle. So it is today that most souls on this planet have experienced multiple lifetimes and are here for their final lifetime in this 3rd dimension. They are preparing to move forward, both as individuals and as members of their soul group.
The billions of souls present on Earth at this time are also here to be part of Earth’s transformation. Everybody wants to be present as Earth and her inhabitants ascend to a lighter frequency. Lighter frequency has several meanings: Lighter meaning more light infused. Lighter meaning higher frequency. It is an exciting time for all in the universe, for all are watching Earth if they are not physically present. Earth is moving from under the influence of the dark energy into full brilliance and taking with her as many of her human inhabitants as wish to go. The rest of the universe is likewise experiencing an uplifting in energy, a transformation into an era of brilliance and enlightenment. All attention is focused on Earth as she makes her transition.
You as an individual soul must make a determination at this time. You must decide if you have had enough 3rd dimension experiences, enough of living in duality, enough of living surrounded by fear, and enough experiences of darkness. You must decide if you have acquired enough experiences that you are ready to move on, that you truly wish to live in a new way in the 4th dimension.
As one of the many celestials who serves this universe, I am giving you a universe perspective. We see quite a number of Earth humans ready to move forward. However, we see most on Earth remaining in their comfort zones whatever that may be. This is due to the lingering influence of the dark energy. This darkness has served to change Earth, the schoolhouse planet, from merely a 3rd dimension experience into one of extreme hardship immersed in the darkest of fear. As I have spoken of in earlier messages, you all surrounded by violence, greed, and judgment, you are constrained within structures, and you are manipulated by beliefs. It makes for a wonderful experience of the darkest of the dark, however it is quite possible to have a 3rd dimension experience without the extreme of darkness that is present on Earth. You have lived through it, have experienced all that it has to teach, now rise to the call of ascending to a higher way of living.
We see many souls, who volunteered to come to Earth at this time, stuck in the allure of the 3rd dimension. The 3rd can be quite comforting for those who are well placed to partake of its wealth, comfortable living, and pleasures of the flesh such as an plethora of foods, entertainment, and companionship. Alcohol and drugs play a large part in convincing people that their lives are satisfying. The entertainment and the media play a role also. It is with great disappointment that I report that the vast majority of humans are unlikely to take advantage of this opportunity to ascend to higher frequencies; they will choose to remain in their comfort zones.
What about all the people who are not comfortable in this incarnation, those starving, those imprisoned, and those in poverty? My response is as follows: Many chose to be present on Earth at this moment to experience the great transformation, to experience living in very dense 3rd dimension. A soul born into a refugee camp wanted the experience of living in this denseness, perhaps as an initial incarnation. After Earth’s ascension, there will be fewer opportunities to experience this darkness.
Some souls present on Earth are previously incarnated at the time of Atlantis. They have volunteered to come back at this moment to help overcome the mistake that led to the demise of Atlantis: The choice of technology and rational driven action over the soul choice. They are here working to awaken the people of Earth to their similar situation.
From a spiritual perspective we see many who are choosing to assume the role of lightworker. Some of you are walk-ins who full well know your mission. Some of you are from many other lifetimes and are now advanced enough in your journeys to awaken to the light. In each case you are holding the torch high as an example of right living, and are spreading the truth about the larger picture. We salute you who are working to uplift this planet. Also among you are those who are recent arrivals from other star systems. They appear as humans of this planet, having shifted into human form. They too are working to the uplift Earth and her people.
The energies of transformation that are coming to Earth from the galaxy are uplifting all who wish to be uplifted. The energies coming to this star system are raising all the planets as well as the sun. All is in a process of transforming. It is a glorious moment to be present. Those who surround your planet as members of the vast armada are here to witness your transformation. We who are the celestials are in full cooperation with their efforts to heal the planet and transform its inhabitants. Beyond your sphere there is a wondrous cooperation in and knowledge of the Oneness of all. We recognize that all are interconnected, that all are One with God.
Oneness with God is not necessarily a gentle experience. The rules of the universe are quite specific. They are demanding of all who would live in harmony. You who are on earth are only dimly aware of these laws, let alone follow them. Your lives have been corrupted by the influence of the dark energy who would have you live self-centered lives. It is in this self-centeredness that you serve the darkness.
Let me be very clear, when I speak of the spiritual point of view, I am NOT speaking from a religious point of view. I am not speaking about beliefs. I am speaking from universe truth that is known to all who are operating in the higher densities, the higher energies. There is no belief involved. We know God, we are One with God. We are One will everybody and everything. Just as on your planet, each animal, each bird, each fish, each insect, each planet, each rock is conscious. All in the universe are conscious. Belief does not enter into it. Love and light are the bedrock of all in a universe of Oneness.
The most important thing for you to remember during this time of transformation is to discover who you really are: A soul having a physical experience. Worry not about death; you have experienced it before. Treasure your time in the material with its myriad experiences for soul growth. Discover how to live in the present moment without attachments to the past or worries about the future. In quiet moments listen to the quiet voice of your soul as it guides you through whatever challenges are in the days ahead.