I personally wrote this article, and own the copyright to it, and all rights to distribute it, the only part of this article that is not mine is the image, and is a very common image found on the web-With Love, El-Ano-Ra (Ahsaka Nusa/JediGuardian!)
Dear Hearts,
I hope you are sitting well with you today, God bless you, and God bless your children. I wished to discuss with you something that may be very difficult, but I wish to do it in a loving way, so that you will understand.
As we move more into the Divine Feminine Presence of God, I wished to share some reflections with you from my own life.
Long ago back when the Goddess energy was fully present upon the earth, there were men who devoted themselves to her. This is old aeon past history, that I am discussing, and so these men who were devoted to the Goddess/Feminine, they would become like Woman, they would dress as woman, and be woman, to honor the Sacred Feminine of God.
We have lived in a very sick society, dear Hearts, and I say that with Love, and so when a man/boy is born, who is more feminine than masculine, or who says they would rather be more like woman, we try to put them inside a role, and say they are not man.
But dear Hearts, we are born who we are, and we are beautiful in that image, God's image, God did not create us less, and he/she does not make mistakes, but society says, you cannot be feminine if you are man, do you understand this dear Hearts?
And so some of us back in the 1980's and before, we anticipated the movement toward the Divine Feminine of God. And dear Hearts, back then the energy was not like it was today, and some of us were eunuchs back in egypt, or we remembered the days of the Divine Feminine.
So we said to ourselves, we do not want to be like the men in the world, we do not want to be violent, hateful, we are loving, and kind, and gentle, we are more like woman than man. But Dear Hearts, when I say this, know that we are all made up of masculine and feminine, and that it is the balance between the two that makes us who we are.
And so coming in as men, we said, if we make our bodies like woman, then we will be balanced, gentle, soft, LIKE woman, but men who are kind, caring, loving, and nurturing, who respect, and honor women. And so we sacrificed our bodies and sometimes, dear Hearts, as hard as it is to hear, our sexual organs too, so that we could rise above the sexual, and connect to a Higher Divine Feminine.
Dear Hearts, if I could go back and time, and say, and know, that surgery is never the answer, I would do that dear Hearts, but there are lessons here, that I wish to give you now, with such Love and Compassion.
When we force men to be tough, masculine, or even if we force women to be feminine, we deny people to be themselves. Do you not see, dear Hearts, how our gender roles have destroyed who we are as people?
Think on what society and men, have done to women, but dear Hearts, hear also what it has done to men, and so we came in, and God asks us few men, he said, you have to balance out the masculine and feminine, you have to show the world what a good man is, so they will understand.
So some of us became eunuchs, others of us transformed our body through surgery, oh dear Hearts, we did not understand at the time the spiritual nature of this, nor the detriment of what surgery would do, we only believed society when they told us you can only be man or woman.
But dear Hearts, I wish you to hear the lesson in it, and to understand the sacrifice we made for you, so that you could understand. By being like-woman, we showed other men that they could be loving and compassionate to, we loved women so much, we did not want them to be abused or hurt anymore, and so we sacrificed our sexual organs so that we could eliminate the sexual, so that women would be honored. Do you understand dear Hearts?
But it does not have to be like this, if stop the gendering of our society, and allow us to be us, if we just be, who we are, and not forced into a role, we do not need this surgery to harm and hurt our bodies. If society will let us be us, do you see this Dear Hearts, if society will let go of what they think man is, and allow man to be kind, and compassionate, and loving, and to be gentle to man, do you see that this is what man lacks most? A Mother's love?
So forced to be masculine, man has disconnected themselves from honor, so emmersed in things that are so evil, like pornography, man has forgotten what it is to honor woman as an equal.
Please dear Hearts, do not hate us men who have made these sacrifices, we have done this for you, so that other men would grow up and begin to Love you instead of hurt you, and please understand we sacrificed our bodies for you, because we Love you so. We truly Loved this woman, and we did not wish to see her body hurt anymore. We had to be this example for other men, they would not listen any other way.
Oh I love you so dearly my sisters, and you have a brother who is kind, compassionate, loving, and gentle, who does not see you as sexual objects, but honors you so much for the goddess you are. I love you with all my Heart.
I hope this message receives you well from Heart, and that we can begin to do away with surgeries, and harmful drugs that pollute and damage our God temple, and allow man and woman to be balance in the love of Mother-Father God, and to return to our original Divine Place as loving beings, do not let my sacrifice be in vain, please let it be a Divine Example to Love your children just as they are, for who they are, and not make them be violent, a man should never go to war, nor use women as sexual objects, no good man does such things. No honorable man treats woman as such.
I love you so,
With Love and Light.
Thank you Ahsaka Nusa,
I can olny hope that people will realize that we are all just spirits of light!
i don't know anyone who has bought a lightbulb because it is male or female!!!LOL
Lets hope that the new energies and new light and love will bring people to understand!
Thank you very much! Light and love, john
lost my soul mate/twin flame because i am transgendered. My body is female but my personallity is male. He just couldn't accept me as i am. i met him in his past life and he came back to me but rejected me. please, i wish that everyone could accept a soul for who they are, not the sexual roles that people are forced into.
Thank you Ahsaka Nusa for posting this!
All my love to all souls, John
Now i understand, thank you for posting, the sacrifice won't be in vain, i love u all, my brothers, my sisters :-)
people who live true to themselves are the bravest people on the planet......hearts filled with courage...
Loving others is enough for me.............................
Loving is the answer .............................................
Bless this person for sharing what is so heartfelt within themselves and so genuwine. Their sacrafice is not in vain, and there is love out here too for all beings no matter what they are. I wish there was more of this. Let it be, let it be.