Although some of you may feel that Alex Jones is a "fear monger", I know that there are some of you who appreciate his reporting as I do. here is the latest on the NWO and the Trilateral Commissions plans. They want war with Iran and the US. They want to completely destroy Iran and all of it's people. But there is so much more going on. Here's the link; It was posted May 14, 2010
Another war is only in the interest of making certain factions a lot of money...ask Dick Cheney...he and Haliburton are also implicated in the gulf oil spill...always follow the money..are they trying to destroy BP?? ...then they have the monopoly...
They believe they can be safe underground, when all hell breaks loose and never care about anything else or anyone or the environment or the consequences of their actions...they don't need to, because at the moment they hold the secret power to control... or so it appears.. to them...
But lets be logical, either way this cannot be maintained much longer , from banking with cyber figures, to war-mongering, to creating (far-reaching) environmental destruction, we are rapidly moving towards some conclusion.. either way.
Lets focus on the world we are wanting to live in and hold the ground and lets claim it for the Light and the Future of MAN. We are not alone...! It is their plan to disempower the Lightworkers because that is the only way they can control them..through fear...they know we have the power if we but focussed out of love and compassion, we could oppose everything they do...but it is their great fear that demands of them to constantly devise something to secure the power they are adicted to and have fought so hard for and try so hard to hold on to... Poor sods, I can find some compassion inside for their tormented souls...
Yes, its not easy to love ones enemies...:)..
The last word has not been spoken yet, I have made my choice, I know I am an eternal Being and this is the birthing process...I know all about birthing...:)..
...and one day we will look back and have forgotten how difficult this time was and just like birth, one keeps going until it done...:)..:) it or not...:)..
So, take courage, Creator has not lost the battle or made a mistake...this is all part of a very big plan...and we will make it to the end!
I just hope we are right and do have a bright future to look forward to, that is what I am trying to create. I feel better now thats out of the way. love and peace
I do, however, really appreciate the work he does.