As more and more knowledge is coming in especially from the Extraterrestrials ...Starseeds...Lightworkers changes are required in certain subjects taught in Schools or the kids will be left behind. Some may be Starseeds and they will understand the true knowledge as they awaken but many are not aware of Ascension and true knowledge but just believe in what their teachers teach them and this knowledge in most subjects is misleading and false.
There are some awakened Starseeds that do not like to go to school even and some leave at an early age as they find that they do not fit in.
The Inner Earth Beings said that humans especially children out of boredom and false knowledge are not making progress in their evolution hence Ascension Teachings is very important.
Some of the subjects that need to to taught in School is about Galactic Civilizations and becoming Galactic Beings, Inner Earth Beings, Ascension, Earth Changes...New Earth ...Golden Age, new type of Arts involving Sacred Geometry, new type of healing like Vibrational medicine, new type of music otherwise most subjects like History, Geography and Science have only some truths in them and the rest is a waste of time listening too or learning.
The kids are being brain washed by being fed with false knowledge and beliefs that have been taught for so many years.
Firstly the TEACHERS NEED TO WAKE UP NOW and learn the new true knowledge that is coming in and then make the necessary changes.
I really find it hard to believe that School Heads and Staff do not know that new true knowledge is coming in and they need to change their text books and bring in new subjects as well.
ACC Members what changes would you recommend in School Lessons
Etheric Body
Urantia Book
interesting how you do not mention what the false knowledge being taught is, just that the schools are bad and should teach what you recommend
I hated my high school which was the class of 1992-1997, lol
I found the syllabus they teach very boring and tedious and repetitive, (basically it was the same crap taught over and over.... and noone was allowed to think for themselves and if I did i was told to stop being a rebel and handed detention almost every other week, lol .... !!
and then they called my mother to school and the headteacher explained to her i was very intelligent and the smartest in the class but I refused to listen to authorities and i refused to get grades;) so they made my mum feel horrible and then that made me feel horrible for rebelling... hmm ... so anyway ;
I did ask my history teacher when i was 14 in class to teach us all something aside from Hitler (cos what they taught about him was half truths which i sensed)
AND do you know what she said?
she replied if it wasnt on the syllabus then they wont and refuse to teach it...they follow the syllabus and whats in the books ONLY. Nothing else. No changes.
if your asking these schools to change their teaching policies, they wont budge, they are closely controlled and the school books are mostly filled with miseducation, misinfo... ! That will soon change though, horray!
Oh what would i recommend in school lessons?
If I was headteacher here's what changes I'd recommend:
I could go on, but thats a selective list ;)
I feel very sorry that Schools are still teaching a lot of false knowledge...i do not blame some kids who do not like to go to school and usually these are the Starseeds who like to be creative on their own.
A lot of kids in School do not feel they wish to be there but their parents are forcing them to go and so they are very unhappy at school.