We need jobs and real income-more taxes to pay down the HUMUNGOUS debt-D Trump instills confidence with a positive message about America and Americans -not like the socialists who hate America and all the while lining their pockets with greenbacks-Socialist FILTH!!!
Vatic Note: Wow, what a refreshing speech and rally. He is so honest and forthright, and it is so needed to have someone who is not a “politically correct” professional politician to run for President. We are going down so fast that the only thing that will save us is a non professional politician who is smart enough to read the tea leaves and solve the problems.
The one reservation I have with Donald is his relationship with the “admitted” Khazars of Israel, which I understand is very very strong. Since they wrote the protocols and run our federal reserve and Homeland Security and our military, its dangerous for us to be wrong about Donald. But given the choices, its a better bet than Hitlary, the chronic liar, Clinton or Jeb “the mafia don” Bush. The only other choice was Conrad.
Listen to his speech, oh, and by the way I agree with him about McCain and I am a registered GOPer. McCain works for Rothschild. Yes, he was a hero in Viet Nam because he got shot down, but after that he became a traitor by spilling the beans on all of our military secrets that he had any knowledge of and no one ever talks about it. I was in my thirties when the news hit us about McCain and his treason, and the subsequent special privileges he was given for selling out this nation.
Its not that I “remember” it, its that I will NEVER FORGET IT. The entire scandal was burned into my memory like a branding iron….. there was virtually no resistance on his part. They didn’t even have to torture him. Anyway, watch the video….. both left and right should vote for Trump if he repudiates his ties with Israel.
Full Speech: Donald Trump Brings Down The House In Phoenix, AZ (7-11-15)
PET ROCK: Donald Trump is the new Ross Perot, a billionaire who appeals to poser Libertarians who do not know what the Fourth Amendment is or stands for. And like Perot, he will get another Arkansas cocaine dealer (and murderer) elected to office by dividing the Republican party due to being forced to run as an Independent. This is unless Bernie Sanders also runs as an Independent, and also that Bernie won't be intimidated by death threats from the Democratic party bounty murderers still employed by our Arkansas cocaine dealers.
Trump has donated well over six-figure dollar amounts to the Clintons. The question of why the mainstream media will not address this documented fact is mysterious, and also proves why we must kill our televisions.
Kill your television, while you still have time.
I hope your wrong-this time around this Ross Perot lost some big business accounts-not that it matters to him much-but Trump's putting himself into a precarious position- he owns many golf clubs that run on memberships and a real estate management empire that his children are running -this socialist scumbag gang have gotten a lot of influence and they may use whatever is necessary from their scummy point of view to stop him-all the big money donate to both sides -business as usual-and so far Trump's not flinching