I posted this on Conspiracy theories etc., but so far, only Marique & Cedric noticed it, so I'm posting it here (It's spiritual; Cedric & I share the same opinion that "everything is spiritual".):



The following was transcribed verbatim from:



Twelve New England towns demand 9/11 reinvestigation


04 March, 2010, 07:21


A new movement to reinvestigate the 9/11 attacks is gaining pace in the US. With major public support, 12 towns are set to decide whether to ask the federal government for a new independent probe.


New York is dubbed as the Empire State for its wealth and resources and is rightfully regarded as America’s most famous city, a beacon of fashion, finance and fast paced action.


New Hampshire is the Granite State of so-called self sufficiency. Less flash and cash, most famous for hosting the first U.S. presidential primary.


New York and New Hampshire are more than 200 miles apart, but for all that distance, the two US locations intersect on one issue: the 9/11 attacks. While it was in Manhattan where three buildings fell, the people of Keene, New Hampshire are pushing for a new probe to find out why.


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At 81 years old, Gerhard Bedding devotes nearly all his time to the Vote for Answers campaign. Though the movement for a new 9/11 investigation began in the Big Apple, it’s seeing more success in New Hampshire.


“This is so central to the future of this country. There is no future, as far as I’m concerned, if we do not get to the bottom of this, because we steep in lies upon lies, and soon we do not know what is what anymore,” Bedding said. “I do believe truth matters.”


Apparently, so do thousands of others. Twelve towns are making a new 9/11 inquiry a ballot box issue this spring. Voters heading to the polls will vote on a non-binding resolution that supporters hope eventually sparks momentum and legislative power nationwide.


Hundreds of citizens are expressing a desire to find out “the real truth” and are attending meetings where local experts, such as physicist John Wyndam, present alternative 9/11 theories, specifically surrounding the collapse of World Trade Center Seven and the Twin Towers.


“Basically it is impossible for the top 12 stories to have crushed the lower structure with acceleration. Physically impossible and yet that is what you observe,” claimed Wyndam.

While most elected officials have ignored cries for a 9/11 probe, former Keene mayor Mike Blastos is an exception.


“The two biggest tragedies I can recall other than world wars concerning America was Kennedy’s assassination and the attack on 9/11. And they both remain completely unanswered,” Blastos said.


The 9/11 commission, like the Warren Commission, left millions of Americans doubtful over the official government’s version. Bedding withholds accusations, but demands answers.


“I do not like to speculate who did what, or who let something happening. That should be found out. Building 7 was not even mentioned in the original report. But I do know that a building that has not been hit by an airplane, such as Building 7, does not come down like perfectly controlled demolition.”


New Hampshire was the first colony to declare independence from England in 1776. Only time will tell if the first sovereign US state will be where the push for a new 9/11 investigation could prevail.




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  • To continue:

    “… There are massive amounts of data, the records of money transactions and massive amounts of actual gold bullion, now unaccounted for. Well let’s qualify it further: the perpetrators got away with US$30 billion in gold bullion plus US$1.2 trillion in universal postal credits and a further US$.7 trillion disappeared from the Treasury located in the basement. Between the times the airlines struck the towers, and the towers came down, the Military shut down the subway and the bullion was clandestinely removed on a special train commandeered for that specific task. All other subway trains were stopped from running while this one became the ‘getaway vehicle’. President Bush told us that a videotape that surfaced in December, 2001 was a genuine confession by Osama Bin Laden, shown gloating about the success of the September 11 attacks…. “It’s bogus”, says Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious studies program and likely the world’s top expert on the Bin Laden family. Overall, this was a high technology precision operation and was not run by some exile in a cave. …

    “… the following quote from a work called, ‘George W. Bush is Not a Christian’, by Robert Guffy who teaches English at California State University: ‘Recently more and more Christians are waking up to the fact that President Bush is an imposter dragging the name of their Savior through the mud. A number of books written by Christians, have taken Bush to task for egregious duplicity, one of the latest being ‘Christian Words, Un-Christian Actions’ by John Stoddard Klar.’ Guffy further mentions that Dick Cheney, when asked by a reporter from ‘USA Today’ about being the prime manipulator behind the President’s actions, made this amazing revelation: ‘Am I the evil genius in the corner that nobody ever sees come out of this hole? It’s a nice way to operate actually.’…”
  • I was a new Englander, living in Maine and New Hampshire all my life, and I will give the residents some high credit for not liking the wool pulled over their eyes and for speaking loudly when they feel that they are being misled or just plain lied to, and taking whatever initiative they can to make changes they deem necessary and desirable. I am very proud of that heritage, and many New Hampshirites and Mainers have spoken loudly about issues before, wanting Bush impeached or at least tried for war crimes. Way to go new Englanders......the is an old saying that goes "so goes Maine, so goes the nation"...Hope this is true. The government really really does not want to deal with "ticked off New Englanders.....they are a strongwilled and outspoken bunch, not easily deterred....
  • To continue...

    “The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a research division of Colombia University, is located just 21 miles north of the World Trade Center and monitors seismic activity, as well as developing scientific instrumentation for the detection of nuclear explosions. This facility actually detected a tiny seismic signal at the precise moment when each of the airlines struck the towers, then a much stronger 2.1 magnitude disturbance for the South Tower collapse and 2.3 magnitude for the North Tower. Desborough states:

    ‘Of extreme significance, very large seismic spikes were recorded at the commencement of each quake, before any of the debris hit the ground. Another important anomaly was the fact that all cell phones in the vicinity temporarily went dead, indicating that a strong electromagnetic pulse had occurred in the immediate vicinity of the World Trade Centre.’

    “This led Brian Desborough to deduce that Special Atomic Demolition Munitions (SADM) ‘micro-nukes’ each with the explosive force of one hundred tons of high explosive, were used to bring down the towers. The seismic record and the cell phone failure bore the characteristic signature of this micro-nuke explosion making deliberate demolition the only tenable conclusion. These things cement with absolute certainty that the Twin Towers were ‘pulled’ by demolition explosives and were not brought down by hijacked aircraft. Many, many witnesses reported an explosion, before each tower came down and that is fully confirmed by the seismic and visual record.

    “Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones of Brigham Young University published a paper in which he conclusively proved the World Trade Center buildings could have only been brought down in the manner they were, by explosives. Professor Jones was entirely correct; however, he received no coverage in the mainstream media for his scientific and provable claims. This now goes way beyond conspiracy theory. We must evaluate just how it would be possible to plant these explosives without being observed?

    “Although Desborough was entirely correct in principle, it seems likely that it was C-4 Plastic (that causes an identical electromagnetic pulse), that was used and not micro-nukes. Some checking confirms that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey owned the Twin Towers and some surrounding World Trade Center buildings. The Port Authority’s Press Release Number: 68-2001 from 26th April 2001 was headed; ‘Port Authority to Lease World Trade Center to Silverstein Properties Inc. and Westfield America Inc.’ This report spelled out the richest Real Estate transaction in New York history, valued at $3.2 billion for a 99 year lease. This covered the Twin Towers and two other buildings at the WTC and was approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority. David-Wynn: Miller, a former tool and die maker from Milwaukee, makes claims that he is sufficiently familiar with advanced explosive technology to categorically ascertain precisely how the Twin Towers job was done. He believes that as part of their fit-out, these new owners generously provided each tenant with new office furniture. This furniture included some that had the appearance of solid wood grained timber, but was actually made of C4 Plastic. Somewhat strangely, no office furniture at all was recovered from the wreckage of the Twin Towers – and this suggests that the furniture itself was the explosive. Miller explains that advance technology made it possible for this mass of C4 Plastic, strategically distributed throughout the building, in the configuration chosen by the perpetrators, to be detonated via satellite, at a time after the planes hit the 87th floor. This type of explosion brought into play a massive electromagnetic pulse of expansion coefficient 6.3, that pulverized concrete, steel and glass (collectively called polymer) which is also (would you believe it?) coefficient 6.3. As a result a large portion of the building instantaneously turned to dust, which blanketed the fall of the buildings and was distributed up to 5 inches deep for a mile radius around the site of Zero One. Naturally all cell phones were rendered inoperable by the pulse and computer discs instantly wiped. This all helped in covering a multitude of dubious financial transactions and other sins. …

    “… It is simply not possible for 1300 feet tall buildings to crash to the ground, by gravity alone, in this timeframe [12 seconds]. The ‘pancake’ effect of each floors collapse would of course, retard it further. Burning aircraft fuel won’t do it either. The only way an entire building can freefall at more than the velocity of gravity is with the aid of an enormous electromagnetic pulse. Only a micro-nuke or a massive C4 Plastic blast would do this, so accordingly it becomes very difficult to entertain any other explanation.

    “Actually, subterfuge is even more evident because according to demolition experts, the ‘pancake’ effect of having to overcome the resistance of each successive floor, would retard the fall to something close to 96 seconds. The electromagnetic pulse associated with the use of C-4 would create a sonic boom as we saw, all the windows in the surrounding buildings were take out. Demolition experts can confirm that this would not result from the demolition of a large building using micro nukes; confirming that a larger electromagnetic shockwave pulse was involved such as occurs with C-4. …

  • The following excerpt was transcribed verbatim [E&OE] from the extensively-researched book, 'Strange & Mysterious Anomalies: myths, conspiracies, discrepancies and out of place objects' by Ian Ross Vayro (c2008), JoshuaBooks.com, ISBN 978 0 9804551 8 2, pp. 278-284:

    “Even the most patriotic American would now have trouble accepting that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the September 11th atrocities or that hi-jacked airlines actually brought down the Twin towers. Nevertheless aircraft supposedly piloted by kamikaze Saudi Arabian terrorists somehow justified the U.S.A. ripping into the Afghans and then invading Iraq. At least eight of those Saudi Arabian terrorists named in the press, whose photos adorned our newspapers, are still alive today; go figure. These Arab ‘terrorists’ are absent from the manifests, they don’t show up on boarding videos but we are asked to believe that they took over the planes with cardboard box cutters and prevented eight different pilots of four aircraft from transmitting a four-digit hijacking code, on a ‘fly-by-wire’ aircraft. This is simply impossible! ...

    “This is blatant falsehood”, says Brian Desborough, “because the Boeing airliners involved were of the ‘fly by wire’ type … Whenever fly by wire aircraft are hijacked and an attempt is made by the perpetrators to fly the aircraft to an alternate destination, control of the aircraft is automatically transferred to a covert Federal ground facility, thereby permitting the aircraft to be safely landed at the nearest suitable airport.”

    “Of course, in this situation the controls of commercial airliners are instantly tended inoperative and there is nothing the hijackers or pilot can do to alter the situation. This is standard procedure and even without the diligent, scientific research of Desborough, serves to prove that the ‘official’ story is a pack of lies. … This brings to mind a favorite quote from Professor Martin Buber: ‘Mundus vult decipi’ (the world wants to be deceived).

    “… I personally viewed the film taken from a Service Station security camera of the impact that punched a hole in the wall of the Pentagon. Several eyewitnesses claimed it was a missile and not an airliner that hit the wall and I must concur that this is plainly apparent in the security film. For a start there was the relatively small hole through the brickwork; then we have the situation where the crash site simply did not resemble an aircraft crash site. In a crash where the aircraft is utterly destroyed, it is normal to see wing-tips, wheels, most of the tail and sundry bits as wreckage. The monstrous tail plane, the wings and at least some seats would have been left outside the wall even if there had been a massive fire, which there was not. Not even the remnants of the huge engines were visible at this site. No wings hit the building, nor did they appear to burn up. There is no evidence that any aircraft was ever there at all. There is not even evidence of major fire; the lawn grass was not scorched except for a few feet back! The film showed the impact point, where no aircraft wreckage was visible. We were asked to believe this was an aircraft crash, with no wreckage. It must have been coincidence that the impact point of the Pentagon was miraculously, ‘closed for renovations’ at the time, with all staff moved to the other side of the building. …

    “… Desborough goes on to describe as ‘patently false’ the suggestion that burning fuel from the airliner generated sufficient heat to melt the structural steelwork and caused the eventual collapse of the Towers. He discusses how the Towers were constructed around a reinforced concrete central core and bolstered with massive steel columns of four inch thick steel. There are photos on the net showing that these steel columns were cut on an angle as is standard procedure in demolition. Eyewitnesses reported hearing explosions immediately prior to the collapse of each tower which further serves to refute the official story. MIT Engineer Jeff King correctly states that the ‘squibs’ seen as puffs of smoke emanating from alternate floors on the videos of the buildings collapse, clearly demonstrates signs of controlled demolition. The videos also show building rubble ejected at high speed which would also strongly indicate the use of explosives. King also questions why all evidence was destroyed and the site ‘scrubbed’ to prevent any form of investigation.

    “It is amazing statistic that $40,000,000 was spent investigating former president Bill Clinton’s peccadilloes but just $60,000 investigating the WTC disaster. The supposed collapse of the four inch thick support columns was not explained or addressed in the report. ...

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