Twelve-Year-Old Explains How the Banks are Robbing Us
Twelve-year-old Victoria Grant from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada explains exactly how the banks are robbing us blind and why they need to be stopped.
Wow! We are in safe hands with this next generation.
You can either watch this indistinct Youtube version or go to this better version that cannot be imported. Thanks to Kathleen.
12-year old Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, Philadelphia,
Video has spread via the Internet.”
Video Message
Meet Victoria Grant. When I first saw her speech online a few days ago I knew I wanted to interview this young intelligent Canadian. I gave her an idea of what my questions would be like and she prepared for the interview all on her own in a very short period of time. Victoria is a courageous young warrior for Truth and we can all learn from her example.
Very Inspiring! Thanks!
What we should do is play this Video on large screens outside every Banks in the World...till all the bank staff clear out of the Banks ..and then catch them and take them and leave them on a deserted island
This should go viral! It could probably save a lot of countries in the same boat!
When we are so engrained in every day life, we should take the time to see what the leaders and bankers are doing.
If that doesn't work, then apply to live in Iceland where they figured it out!
The important point is to occupy all the banks all over the world...catch all the staff and find out how much money they have and how many properties they have and then freeze all their money and seize all their extra properties and than put them all on an island away from the rest as corruption is in their bloods.
Thanks for the video Krishna.
This is the truth and it´s time for this world to reveal them.
We have to take back our freedom , because they have stolen it , and they want´s us to be more enslaved with their jew world order
Most of Canada's debt is not to banks.
Q. Who owns Canadian public debt?
A. Here is a breakdown of the largest holders of Canadian debt:
Life insurance companies and pension funds - 24%
Mutual funds, investment dealers, etc - 22%
Non-residents - 14%
Chartered banks and "near-banks" - 12%
"Other" financial institutions also make up a large % of the public debt holdings for Canada, although I couldn't extract an exact percentage for this group.
Other smaller groups that hold Canadian debt include: the Bank of Canada, different levels of government in Canada (federal, provincial, municipal, social security), persons and unincorporated businesses and non-financial corporations.
Nice break-down...But come on...
who do You think owns the Life Insurance companies and pension funds?
who do You think owns the mutual funds and investment dealers?
who do You think the "Non-residents" are?
Its ALL the banks, just dig deeper...
This girl is right on the money. Pun intended. Now if we can just get a few thousand adults in the states to stand up the same way without being thrown in jail for undisclosed charges we might be onto something. ;-) *thumbs up*