In the book "THE CRYSTAL STAIR," channeled by Eric Klein, Jesus Sananda says:
"A twin flame (Twin Soul) is your equal and opposite double, or another aspect of your higher Self, a being which is completely connected with you. Or shall I say, a being who had their origins at the same time as you did. You might say that you were manifested at a certain point into individuality. You came from a TWIN FLAME combination. So, if you are the FEMININE ASPECT of yourself, there is a MASCULINE ASPECT.....There is a being that is your ideal mate. One aspect of Ascension is that generally you are reconnected with your Twin Flame essence. It is quite beautiful. The longing to be reconnected with the Twin Flame----to have the ideal relationship, the ideal love expression----is a very strong drive in human beings. It is the origin of your drive for relationship. At some level you are aware that somewhere there must be an ideal relationship because it feels so natural to you. So the Twin Flame is the perfect relationship for you, the being that is most completely aligned with you and is in fact part of you on some level.....As you grow spiritually, there is something like a magnetic attraction which begins to occur between the Twin Flames. As they grow spiritually, the magnetic attraction between them draws them together at a certain point."
RAssELL John
I also think I lost my twin flame (see my opinions). I have been healing myself for a long time and I feel like a hermit.
If you're looking for something to relate to, try the tarot cards. If you read their meanings and relate it to experiences in your lifetime, it makes you realize how full your life has been.
Don't worry, as long as someone can relate to you or understand you (and is willing to listen), you do belong here on Earth.
I also met my twin flame but was completely asleep, unaware. I had no idea. I felt like I stumbled into another world at the same time I met him. It was as if all the forces conspired to keep us apart. Even now I do not fully understand. So I have spent the last 10 years trying to remember. Only problem is due to not connecting at the right time (wrong timing) I feel like I paid a very big price. Lost about everything including life (but that is another story). I have to wonder as well..will there be anyone else or is there only one? I have even thought maybe if you go through such extreme trama that you are suppose to call on your star family to take you home. That is where I am now in this experience, requesting someone to lead me to my clan. There has not been much assistance. Honestly, I have withdrawn, especially the last 3 years. I have learned that it is not a fair playing field for those not awake and sleep walking. I came in as an innocent trusting baby only to realize there are other players where ever I was sent that probably enjoyed watching another suffer lost in the wilderness. Seems like a rather large price to pay for not understanding things and being asleep. I always believed in the mercy and grace of God but all beliefs have been challenged. It all seems rather sad to me. This is certainly NOT what we have been taught. I have been taught we are surrounded by angels, guides etc...Which by the way I pray 24/7. I do not wait for Sunday morning. I am working toward living all of it. I also do not believe that we choose these lessons - someone is feeding you a line of balony. I remember alot about crossing over but choosing a painful lesson or to incarnate with a special need - nope I do not believe it. Sorry - getting off topic. I sure wish I could find my twin flame again. Loosing him - my life has never been the same.