Here are two questions I have, in case anyone wants to take the time to answer.
1. I was listening to the Bashar 2.0 video, and in it, he says "The energy you put out - is the energy you receive." I believe this to be true, and yet, if this were the case, then why, after 11 years have the perpetrators of 9/11 not been brought to justice yet? Why have father & son Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney & gang not been held accountable for all that pain and suffering?
2. If containment is indeed a reality, (which I'm not so sure of) - why has Benjamin Netanyahu not been contained yet? He's a war monger / terrorist of the worst degree, and he 's running amok right now. Wouldn't you think that if containment were a reality, that someone like him would be priority #1?
The same it is valid for you like Aiyana...
Step out from the line and get involved with some action..
You complain to much yourself but you do nothing to change this present situation..
Great questions Peekay, and I really wish I had the answers, too. I have asked myself these and other similar questions, and all I come up with is just to be patient....there is no escaping Divine Law.
So way do you not put yourself in the line of fire like me and help me and others to change all those bad things for good?
You just complain about all things but you are not get involved..
Step out and speak and do some action..
Tom interesting picture you have..
And i know that from some time ago..
He it was my friend but i will not say his name here..
Well sooner or later it will become two sides..
Them and the people..
And they know that the same like you..
Feather do you think as i think at that with the Kick?
The Justice it will be done Kelly..
Sooner or later..but the people must cooperate for this Justice to be done..
They must be involved in this Justice the same like us..
It does resonate with me that energies come back to bite ya in the butt. I think though that the timing may not be immediate, usually it comes when someone least expect it, and that is why the message is more profound and they don't see it coming then it hits them like a slap in the face and far worse. It may not even happen in the same lifetime, but when they pass it may all come back as a painful excrusiating lesson. When people pass there is a life review, or there is when some people have a near death experience depending on how deeply you get into the "experience"..I have had the misfortune of having had three NDEs in my life and in one of them a life review started. I experienced the pain that I had inadvertently caused someone else that I loved. It hurt unbearably feeling the other person's pain. So that energy came right back at me with a vengeance. So I do believe what you put out there does come back at you, just maybe not right away. So the perpertrators of the horrors in the the world like the masterminds and executors of 9/11 and Benjamin, and all people who have done horrible horrible things will get those horrors back at them, but it may not be till their passing....but I am sure it will. What I did to hurt someone was not very bad at all, it was some thing I said to my Mother, and it crushed me to the bone when I had to experience her pain, so boy are the 9/11 masterminds and Benjamin going to get it..Also I think that people sometimes cause hell experiences when they pass because they have to come to grips with the horrible things they have done. People have had NDE's and experienced a hell like place because they felt guilty. So what goes around does come around.
Be patience Marique..
Them will harvest what they seeded ...
I agree with you Alfred..They will harvest what they have seeded..It will suck being them as they say.