Tue, June 3, 2014

U.K.: Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System Queen not valid monarchLandmark Case Could Stymie Legal SystemWritten by Debra Siddons   

Friday, 27 May 2011 07:51

 If everyone began using this defence tomorrow, in all of the Commonwealth courts and in the United States, the entire legal system could be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks if not days.”

For those of you who have been following the John Anthony Hill (JAH) Case, it is great to be able to share that he was acquitted, on the 12th of May 2011, of the ridiculous and politically-motivated charge of attempting to “pervert the course of justice”. For those of you less familiar with this landmark case, John Anthony Hill is the Producer of the documentary film “7/7 Ripple Effect”. For more details about this extraordinary case and the trial itself, please visit the following links:-


7/7/ Ripple effect http://jforjustice.co.uk/77/

There are two very important precedents that were established with this case that need to be studied in detail. There was a preliminary argument presented to the court to challenge both the jurisdiction and the sovereignty of Elizabeth Battenberg/Mountbatten, which was based on two distinct points. The first point being she was knowingly, and with malice aforethought, coronated on a fake stone in 1953 and thus has never been lawfully crowned.

There are those who may wish to argue that this point is irrelevant, as Judge Jeffrey Vincent Pegden did at the trial, wrongly thinking the Coronation is just a ceremony because she has been pretending to be the monarch for over 58 years. In actual fact the Coronation is a binding oath and a contract, requiring the monarch’s signature. Which brings us to the second point.

At that Coronation ceremony, Elizabeth signed a binding contract, before God and the British people, that she would do her utmost to maintain The Laws of God. This she solemnly swore to do, with her hand placed on the Sovereign’s Bible, before kissing The Bible and signing the contract. Please note well that in The Law of God, found in the first five books of The Bible, man-made legislation is strictly prohibited.

The very first time that she gave “royal assent” to any piece of man-made legislation, she broke her solemn oath with God and with the British people and she ceased to be the monarch with immediate effect. To date, she has broken her oath thousands and thousands of times, which is a water-proof, iron-clad, undeniable FACT. She is therefore without question not the monarch, but instead is a criminal guilty of high treason among her other numerous crimes.

All of the courts in the U.K. are referred to as HM courts or “her majesty’s” courts, which means every judge draws their authority from her. All cases brought by the state are “Regina vs. Xxxxxxx”, which means they are all brought in the name of the queen. So if she isn’t really the monarch, then she doesn’t have the authority or the jurisdiction to bring a case against anyone else. And neither do any of “her majesty’s” courts or judges.

Bearing in mind the legal maxim that no man can judge in his own cause, it should be crystal clear that no judge in the Commonwealth could lawfully rule on a challenge to the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the monarch. It is a question of their own authority, so they are obviously not impartial to the outcome. That is why the ONLY way the question of jurisdiction can lawfully and impartially be decided is by a jury. And that is exactly why John Anthony Hill requested a jury trial to decide his challenge to the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Elizabeth.

No judge under any circumstances can deny someone their right to request a jury trial. No judge can lawfully rule in their own cause. That doesn’t mean they won’t try, it only means that when they do, they are committing a criminal act (just as Judge Jeffrey Vincent Pegden did at John Anthony Hill’s trial) and that their decision is immediate grounds for an appeal and for a citizen’s arrest. The fact that the court and its corrupt judge tried to ignore this particular point is proof that they are well aware they have no lawful authority. That is one of the reasons why this is a landmark case. If everyone began using this defence tomorrow, in all of the Commonwealth courts and in the United States, the entire legal system could be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks if not days.

The signed by E2 coronation oath (Exhibit 1) and the Bible she swore on at that Coronation (Exhibit 2) clearly orders judges and lawyers to obey the Laws of God.

These two factual pieces of evidence ought to be presented at the start, as defence in every single victimless case, or those in progress, where you have been wrongfully charged, and to proceed forth Lawfully.

To make this perfectly clear, the way is available with the two pieces of evidence to shift the cases to begin to use only God’s Laws which demands a trial by jury, to proceed forth maintaining only God’s Laws with judges roles clearly defined.

Whilst E2 is committing treason, explained in full detail in the Lawful Argument, the signed oath orders obedience to all subjects to maintain only the Laws of God.

Judges/lawyers have taken an oath (B.A.R.), thus ordered to comply to Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2 (Bible), and it is as simple as that. People lacked awareness of that which was in place, and there for people to use, but didn’t know. We know now.

For those of you in the United States who may be thinking “hey, we aren’t a Commonwealth country, why would this affect us?” all you really need to know is that these three little letters:- B.A.R., stand for the British Accreditation Registry. It doesn’t matter whether it is the Australian BAR or the Canadian BAR or the American BAR association; they ALL report to the British monarch, who is the head of the BAR.

So thanks to John Anthony Hill and this amazing precedent, we now all know a peaceful way to bring the system down. If enough people ACT and use this simple, bullet-proof defence, we can put an end to this insanity and injustice. All that is required now is for YOU to spread the word to as many as possible so that this peaceful rebellion can begin immediately. Or you can watch the last remnants of your freedoms swept away as the Global Elite plunge the entire world into bankruptcy and WW3 to usher in their “New World Order”.

For additional details about this bullet-proof defence, please visit: http://jahtruth.net/britmon.htm#crimes

By now some of you may be beginning to see the Light at the end of this very dark tunnel and are so enthusiastic about putting this simple plan into motion that you may have forgotten there was a second precedent set during this landmark case.

While the official reason for this trial was to address this trumped-up and frivolous charge of attempting to “pervert the course of justice”, the real reason for this trial was so the authorities could punish John Anthony Hill for making the “7/7 Ripple Effect” which, in less than an hour and using strictly mainstream media reports, completely dismantles the official government conspiracy theory. The film is so credible that even the prosecution at the trial, after showing it in its entirety to the jurors, admitted that the film was made in such a way that it “changes the minds of people who see it.” That’s how powerful the truth really is.

This was the first time this information was shown at an official proceeding and the results were impressive. At least 83% of the jurors felt the film accurately depicted what happened in London on July 7th, 2005 and that John Anthony Hill did the right thing. For those unfamiliar with the case, JAH forwarded copies of the “7/7 Ripple Effect” to the Kingston Crown court in 2008 in the hope of correcting misleading statements made by the judge and the QC at the outset of the first trial of the supposed “7/7 helpers” (who were also found not guilty).

John Anthony Hill was also able to enter into the official record his testimony about what happened on September 11th, 2001 in the United States and that both 9/11 and 7/7 were false flag attacks. He went on to show the jurors the now infamous BBC report of the collapse of the Salomon Brothers building (WTC7) by Jane Standley on 9/11/2001. She reported the collapse 25 minutes before it actually occurred, and with the building clearly visible and still standing in the window behind Jane Standley’s left shoulder, leaving no doubt that the BBC had foreknowledge of the event.

As a result of the “7/7 Ripple Effect” being shown to the jurors by the prosecution and John Anthony Hill’s testimony about 9/11, the truth that those two events were false flag attacks and that the mainstream media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine is now officially on record.

And the “Not Guilty” verdict by the jury is a ringing endorsement of that official record.

This case brings with it a New Hope and the opportunity for a new beginning, where liberty, justice, and peace aren’t just nice sounding words, but a reality. This could be heaven on earth instead of the hell we have let it become by allowing all of this evil to grow up around us. Just as John Anthony Hill has shown us by example, all it takes is a dauntless faith that good will always triumph over evil and the courage to take action to do the right thing, regardless of the personal cost.

All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

by Debra Siddons



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  • @Drekx
    You say surveillance is far worse and maybe it is, but I have yet to meet a surveor that have actually gotten the survey right when it comes to My activity and way of thinking.

    I have been under the scope for the better part of my life now and the amateurish conclusions along with the fact that they ALWAYS gets the picture completely wrong when they compile it, leads me to believe that this surveillance is actually quite harmless even to those who actually HAVE something to hide. Lol :)

    I don't think the western societies are dictatorships. The reason everything goes so slowly is because the people are lazy but they still want due process to be done whereas they elect a bunch of people and give them absolute power over everything from taxes to roads.

    After that they blame Them for everything that doesn't go exactly as They believe they would have done should they have been in the politicians shoes, but the fact is that you truly don't know how difficult the democratic system is until you've worked with it. Thousands of people will have to be listened to before even the simplest law can be made and since the people never give clear instructions of What they want to be done when they want something done, they expect all the politicians to figure this out for themselves to the best of their abilities.

    Such is the nature of having a government in the first place.

    If you want to get rid of what you call "the dictatorship", you're simply going to have to become a politician and make the change from within. Many have tried, but their spark of enthusiasm usually gets broken quite early in the process, long before they get to a position to actually make the changes they want to make. The stronger you burn for quick change, the harder you will fall when you realize how long it takes to create collective change from within a governmental system.

    Self Governance = Loads of Freedom to kill and be killed or Live in Peace to Let Live in Peace, but No Toilet, No Oven and No Youtube and sometimes No Food.

    Democracy = Like working is syrup

    Dictatorship = Like working in a shooting range.

    Communism = Love and Light for Those who Like, Pain and Death for Those who Don't.

    As you can see, you have it quite well in the place You've got today and.. I can think of about 10 million questions I need answered from You before I'd let Any of Your Friends into Any form of Governing position over My Life.

    Personally I thought Obama would turn into Hitler shortly after his election, but since he didn't, I've been forced to re-evaluate my position on him. Taking into account the pressure of having 300 million stupid and lazy americans on his ass demanding he does anything and everything he can to preserve their current lifestyle even though he Knows that That is an impossible task in the long run, would make anyone feel at least a Slight bit of compassion for the poor guy. :)

    I can tell you Mr Drekx, that.. Ruling You is Pain, Suffering and Ungreatfulness in such large ammounts that I personally am VERY glad we don't live at the middle ages anymore since.. Any leader not bound by ethical laws would have exiled You from Functional Society long ago as thanks for your Ungreatfulness, and that would have robbed Me of the chance of having the second greatest research project I've ever had on the mental plane whereas therefore, I am glad we're living Now instead of Then at This Time.  :)

  • Mikey have you spent any time with researching the Blood lines of Royalty and those in the Banking community? Rothchilds, J.P.Morgan's, Rockerfellers etc... take some time and then return with a new perspective.

  • No Barry, it's not just because you are an Englishman that you are offended by those you perceive to have insulted "your Queen." It's because you are a sentimentalist royalist and not all Englishmen share your sentiments....Remember, our nation was the first to overthrough a monarch and create a Commonwealth, in Europe...?? Our nation inspired the American revolution, and they rightly were inspired by our bill of rights, circa 1689-90...."Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....!!" In our bill, that predates the USA, the third facet was "property," the first two were originally our values...


    So as a nation, we have inspired republics worldwide....and this monarchy is just window dressing sentimentalism.....Let's ditch 'em....LOL

  • Get over it Barry neither she nor you are all that...

  • it is a dismantling by the fascist left to create the nwo-those families responsible, and their cronies, want complete oversight of the entire globe from brussels or some other bs leftie enclave-this is being coordinated multi dimensionally and they are overreaching their legal  authority-some of those families are old royalty but not all royals are black hats-and what if the house of windsor gave all their wealth to the treasury? would it be invested to create more jobs or wasted and pilfered ?  What about the vatican and all the other billion/trillionaires -wealth is obtained through birth for various reasons one being responsibly investing it to create jobs. Another way is hard work and a good star chart for the accumulation of wealth/success  (Malcolm's the expert there) or make a silent deal in your sleep with a red devil(no one believes this anymore) get opportunity and monetary success and/or fame then die around 50-60 and serve in the inner dream realms doing some crazy task for a period of time

  • Yes, the key is to not let the surroundings affect or program how you choose to be inside. :)

    • Well AO, intrinsically your statement is correct and I agree that it's a choice how we feel inside and each can create the reality they seek, as the outer is a reflection of the inner...HOWEVER, many are still in dire poverty around the world and I'm honouring the truism of the one humanity, by concerning myself with that issue....OK, so maybe my life is roses, in several ways, but because I can think outside the box and have the means to achieve my goals I can also  serve those who are dis-possessed and in major debts....I can aquaint myself with the plight of humanity and seek to rectify injustice,,,,,That is a choice too...It's not just about YOU or ME....There are bigger issues at play, the collective good and a re-ordering of the world, so that the common good takes centre stage, over the selfish interests of elites within various bodies, such as the cabal and their royal fronts, corporations, dark governments and assorted fruit loops.... such as Kiev plutocrats stoking wars, in Ukraine....to assist western energy companies...and western geo-politix...It's all interconnected and I choose to be aware of such injustice...as I choose to monitor the excess priveledges of royalty...

      I could just say; "I'm alright jack," but instead I like to help the poor and oppressed people everywhere and do so in my own ways...


      We live in a western dictatorship, in all but name.....Survellance is far worse now then it ever was in the USSR, DDR or Third Reich......Obama even boasts about it...My challenge to this global tyranny is spiritual and as we raise in awareness, the dark outer world will be more obviously in need of a change, to reflect that....






  • Do you have private means, with freedom from all debts...?? If so, then you are on that road...If not, then you are deluding yourself....

    I'm free within myself and that is reflected in my physical life, also....Self belief is key, but it must be genuine, lest you become a deluded serf, as many who support the royals are...

  • You sound sentimental about the empire, Mikeil and a closet royalist, to boot, in an age when some of us seek PERSONAL SOVERIGNTY, rather than subjugation by an elite...and compulsory deference to royality and corporations...LOL


    As for the British Empire, you should learn some history and recognise the facts that following the vast expenditure utilised in fighting the Axis powers, in the 1939-45 period, the empire went bust....and rendered heavily indebted to the US...


    The British could no longer afford to run an empire, so had to sell bits off and lose others parts, as independent nations...


    At the height of the empire's territorial reach, around 1921, at 13 million square miles, there was a type of "Pax Britannia," following the defeat of the Kaiser, Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans, but a short lived peace, as the whole set-up was unjust....Colonialism was all about exploitation, albeit there were several astoundingly useful projects, such as the development of railways in Africa and the far east, etc...

    The Cape to Cairo route, if you recall, was an uninterrupted railway, which travelled across a strip of land, painted red on the maps....Very progressive in some ways, just as the Romans were with roads.....However, just imagine the number of native villages that had to be levelled to enable that route to run...??

    British Empire clickable map


    A law of the universe is that there can be no peace without justice......Learn history and study esotericism before you make assumptions, in future, would be my advice....

    • Personal soverignity is not something you Seek to aquire. It's something you Claim. :)

      Personal soverignity is not a thing. It's a state of mind.

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