Against Ukraine War? Obama May Seize Your Assets
Daniel McAdams
March 14, 2014
Do you, like 56 percent of the US population, believe that the US should “not get too involved” in the Ukraine situation? Do you think that the US administration putting us on a war footing with Russia is a bad idea? Are you concerned that the new, US-backed leaders of Ukraine — not being elected — might lack democratic legitimacy? Are you tempted to speak out against US policy in Ukraine; are you tempted to criticize the new Ukrainian regime?
Be careful what you say. Be careful what you write. President Obama has just given himself the authority to seize your assets.
According to the president’s recent Executive Order, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine” (first reported by WND’s Aaron Klein), the provisions for seizure of property extend to “any United States person.” That means “any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States.”
Declaring a “national emergency” over the planned referendum in Crimea to determine whether or not to join Russia, the US president asserts that asset seizure is possible for any US person “determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State”:
(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, any of the following:
(A) actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine;
(B) actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of Ukraine; or
(C) misappropriation of state assets of Ukraine or of an economically significant entity in Ukraine;
The Executive Order is, as usual, so broadly written that it leaves nearly everything open to interpretation.
For example, what are “direct or indirect…actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of Ukraine”? Could that be someone writing an article that takes issue with the US policy that the Crimea referendum is illegal and illegitimate? Could it be standing up in a public meeting and expressing the view that Ukraine would be better off with nationwide referenda to determine whether other regions should become autonomous or joined to neighboring countries? What if a Polish-American appears on a radio or television program suggesting that parts of Poland incorporated into Ukraine after WWII should be returned to Polish authority?
Probably the president will not seize the assets of Americans in the scenarios above. But he says he can.
As the US government moves ever-closer to war with Russia, it is reasonable to expect these attempts to squash dissent and to remove “threats” to the administration’s position. The historical pattern is clear.
Recall Eugene V. Debs sentenced to ten years in prison for his opposition to US involvement in WWI. Recall Japanese-Americans interned in camps during WWII because their loyalty to the United States was deemed suspect.
The stage is being set to silence dissent. It sounds alarmist to read this, agreed.
Probably the president will not use his Executive Order to seize the assets of Americans who disagree with his Ukraine policy. But he says he can.
Careful what you say.
Well spoken....and I hope that nancy realizes that it's not just me who sees through US government hypocrisy.....
Obama can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not all the people, all the time....!!
If you're talkin' wind, then let's hear more of it.....dear Windtalker...!! ;-)
Funny how my name crops up in all dialogue posting you have, whether I'm actually chatting with you or not...?? Always your intent is to blacken my name...I'm not worried about it though, but do observe this behaviour in you....which seems obsessive.
But here you are again, DEFENDING THE US GOVERNMENT and it's totalitarian policies, incongruous with a free society...
So Much for 'WE THE PEOPLE' - very sad
When will you ever take off those rose tinted specs, Nancy....?? The pusche thugs running the show in Kiev, with US and EU backing, are ACTUAL NAZIS, as Ukrainian Jews have learned, to their cost....See this vid in which a rabbi has called for all Jews to leave Ukraine, which has obviously been hijacked by the extreme right, with Uncle Sam's blessing....
You're changing the conversation. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. If the person has a demonstrated history of support for national socialism ideas and concepts spelled out by Hitler, then the person is probably a Nazi. If the person salutes like a Nazi, he or she probably is a Nazi.
And if the "top banana" financially supports them, we as U.S. citizens have a right to call the "top banana" a Nazi sympathizer. While the Zionists and bankers (and both) in Israel turn their backs and say nothing about such support, just as they did in Germany in the 1930's, as they were also Nazi sympathizers. Just like "the top banana."
"You do not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." - Joe Biden, U.S. Vice President
don't forget the muslim brotherhood helped the nazis in WW2 and bama has had them in our white house!
don't forget that lots of Muslims risk their lives to saved Jewish people s during the nazis occupation in Europe.
In 1943, the Nazis asked Albanian Muslim- authorities for a list of the country's Jews. They refused to comply. Jews were then taken from the cities and hidden in the countryside", Goldfarb explained. "Non-Jewish Albanians would steal identity cards from police stations (for Jews to use). The underground resistance even warned that anyone who turned in a Jew would be executed." ... "There were actually more Jews in the country after the war than before—thanks to the Albanian traditions of religious tolerance and hospitality. ~ Wikipedia
Turkey Due to its neutrality during most of World War II, and its unique geographical proximity to both Europe and the Middle East, Turkey and Turkish diplomats living abroad played an important role for European Jews in danger during World War II and the Holocaust, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Muslim-majority Turkey rescued over 15,000 Turkish Jews and over 100,000 European Jews.
Jewish community owed its very existence historically to the centuries-old Ottoman Muslim policy of providing sanctuary to Jews fleeing European Christian persecution.
And this is only a few examples ....
Yes, obviously Obama is bananas and a proven nazi sympathizer, as his administration is giving financial aid and diplomatic/military support to the new nazi "right sector" pusche regime, in Kiev...A proven extremist regime, with notorious members that are on record, making hostile comments directed against Jews and Russians...
If Jews and Russian are running for their lives, there must obviously be a good reason, as nobody escapes their country for anything imagined, Nancy...I just hope politically naive people wake up soon and stop giving moral support to Kiev nazis and Ukrainian plutocrats...
If I compare the number of member comments on my latest ACC discussion about Ukraine, with the numbers on the series of earlier Ukraine related discussions, the differences are stark....Far more comments by members on my earlier forums about Ukraine....
So am I to take it that ACC members and especially some of those from the US (excluding Justin,) have been scared into keeping silent, by Presidunce Obarmy's executive order threatening all dissent on this topic...??
If so, than I'm surprised by the lack of faith people have in spirit.......Nobody should be in fear over the evil usage of an EO to stifle discussion and dissent......
I'll have to make an order for some toilet paper from the USA.... ;-)
Hang on to your U.S. currency. Dollar bills may become cheaper hygiene facilitators in the future compared to any multiple snapshots of a U.S. president who claims raising the debt ceiling isn't increasing the debt.