Whistleblower about to 'lift lid on 1000s of UFO files' is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man 

A FORMER US Naval officer who claims his secrecy agreement with the American Government has expired is vowing to lift the lid on thousands of top-secret UFO files he claims to have seen 

Retired Colonel Charles Halt, the most senior former US servicemen to go public about UFOs and RendleshamJONAUSTIN

Retired Colonel Charles Halt, the most senior former US servicemen to go public about UFOs and Rendl

The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at the Naval Telecommunications Center within NAS Moffett Field from February 1986 to October 1989, also claims he can shed light on the mysterious mass-UFO sighting involving military personal in 1980.

He has yet to be named, but a former British MoD UFO investigator confirmed to Express.co.uk the man is a genuine source, creatinga flurry of excitement within the UFO disclosure community.

Nick Pope, who was charged by the MoD with investigating baffling UK UFO cases, including the Rendlesham incident, said: "I've actually had some personal communication with this individual, and have no doubts about his background.

"It's clear from the language he uses and the information he has that he's a genuine insider."

But Mr Pope stopped short of encouraging the whistleblower to come outinto the open.

He added: "While my own secrecy oath means I can't encourage anyone to divulge classified information without proper authority, I'm obviously very interested in his story.

"As I conducted the MoD's cold case review of the Rendlesham Forest incident I'm particularly keen to hear about anything that would shed new light on this case."

News of the World reports of Rendlesham at the timeNEWSINTERNATIONAL

News of the World reports of Rendlesham at the time


The Rendlesham legend has been dubbed Britain's Roswell after the mystery UFO crash said to have happened outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.

The UK alien sighting happened when three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claimed a "triangular shaped craft" landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26 1980.

It has led to several reported sightings on the night by the public and several books and conspiracies.

The man, who has not been publicly named, is claiming the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK Government had a going project looking at UFO sightings, including Rendlesham in the 1980s.

He has filed a report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) - the world's biggest official alien investigation organisation based in the US, saying he wants to help reach "disclosure".

The disclosure movement among the UFO fraternity, is calling for all world Governments to make public all their top secret files on UFO and flying saucer visitations.

In the report filed on Saturday he said: "I'm not reporting a UFO sighting rather a UFO related experience. 

"I have copies of my security clearances.

"I personally handled, viewed and delivered thousands of documents involving UFO/ET Projects. 

"My secrecy agreement with the US Government expired in October 2014. 

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