UFO group reports New Zealand defence chief resistance to, final release ofclassified UFO documents
February 1, 7:00 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre
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UFOCUS NZ: Abductee Beverly Parsons depiction of grey ET
Suzanne Hansen of New Zealand’s UFO Research, Support and ResourceNetwork has publicly released official correspondence with Lt Gen JerryMataparae, Chief of Defence Force NZ following the decision by NewZealand’s Ministry of Defence to release previously classified detailsof UFO and extraterrestrial-related files.
Lt Gen Jerry Mataparae’s official correspondence indicates that heinitially resisted release of the classified UFO documents, stating “’Itwould require a substantial amount of collation, research andconsultation to identify whether any of that information could bereleased,’ and that he was not in a position to deploy staff toundertake that task, given other work priorities.”
The Ministry of Defence decision to release New Zealand’s classified UFOand extraterrestrial files was reported January 29, 2010 byExaminer.com.
In December 2009, fourteen months later the beginning of intensivecommunications with Ms. Hansen’s UFO group, Lt. Gen. Mataparae as Chiefof Defence stated in a letter to UFOCUS NZ, “I am pleased to be able toinform you that two NZDF officers have begun the task of assessingclassified files held in relation to this topic with a view todeclassification. I would expect that files which are transferred toArchives New Zealand would be subject to extensive embargo periods interms of access by the general public.”
UFO document release follows MOD Dec. 9 letter to UFOCUS NZ
The Ministry of Defence classified UFO document release followed Lt.Gen. Mataparae’s Dec. 9, 2009 letter to Suzanne Hansen.
Ms. Hansen states, “A Chief of Defence Force office spokespersonadvised, ‘The declassification of the UFO files is now a ‘work inprogress’ in conjunction with Archives New Zealand. The files must beamended to meet new requirements of the Privacy Act.’ The Defence Forcewill notify UFOCUS NZ when this process is completed later this year,and the research network will be given the opportunity of access to thefiles.”
Ms. Hansen states “UFOCUS NZ's own archives contain credible anddetailed UFO sighting reports from New Zealand pilots, air trafficcontrollers, and military personnel. In addition, the research networkholds sighting reports from members of the public who experiencedsignificant UFO sightings dating as far back as 1908. Some of theseprominent cases were investigated by NZ Air Force personnel, and she ishopeful the MOD files may contain their reports."
In a later communication to this reporter, Mr. Hansen stated, "The Chiefof Defence originally supported the idea of declassification, butneeded to confer with other officials regarding constraints andembargos. Some files will still remain under embargo."
1978/19 Kaikoura lights at Wellington International Airport
Ms. Hansen reports “It is likely the files will also contain additionalinformation about the renowned ‘Kaikoura lights’ sightings which madeworld headlines in 1978/79.”
UFOCUS NZ staff member and former Chief air traffic controller ofWellington International Airport, John Cordy, witnessed the Kaikouralights on airport control centre radar, and states, “I hope the fileswill validate the reality of the sightings, and vindicate key witnesseswho observed them, and faced ‘trial by media’.”
Mainstream media reports of the classified UFO documents release
On January 23, 2010, New Zealand-based news reports stated “The militaryis all set to release hundreds of pages of secret documentation on UFOsightings across New Zealand. The papers will be released during thisyear itself.
“The files to be released include reports of sightings of UFOs from 1979to 1984, in addition to references to December 1978's Kaikourasighting. The documents are being currently held by the Archives NewZealand and they were originally to be made public this month, but theDefense Force is presently in the process of removing personalinformation from the files in order to efficiently comply with thePrivacy Act.
"’At the moment we are working on making copies of these files, minusthe personal information. Once this work is completed, we are hoping tobe able to release a copy of all the UFO files, including some ahead oftheir release time, within the year’, said a Defense Force spokeswoman.All requests for access to the said files of sightings are currentlybeing turned down as they are under the possession of the DefenseForce.”
Implications of the New Zealand MOD actions for extraterrestrialdisclosure
1. Extraterrestrial, interdimensional and UFO disclosure – Theannounced New Zealand release of classified UFO files may be animportant component of the process of the disclosure of theextraterrestrial presence to the human population, and the developmentof a trans-planetary culture for a post-disclosure world.
2. Interactive communication and cooperation between citizen andmilitary on classified UFO release - New Zealand appears to be a testcase of interactive communication and ultimate cooperation by a militaryauthority in response to citizen requests on classified UFO files.This is in utter contrast to the stone-wall of psyops, disinformation,alteration of NASA images, and dirty tricks performed by the U.S.military-intelligence and political establishment on the citizenry andthe public over the course of 60 years of the extraterrestrial embargo,since the U.S. CIA 1953 Robertson Panel, ordering that all references toETs and UFOs be publicly ridiculed.
3. National UFO file disclosure – The announced planned disclosure ofpreviously classified UFO and possible extraterrestrial-related files bythe New Zealand Ministry of Defence follows the pattern of UFO filedisclosure by NATO countries such as the U.K. (which has recently closedits MOD public UFO reporting Desk), France, Sweden, Denmark, Canada;Central and South American nations such as Mexico, Chile (which hasopened a special UFO investigations unit), Peru, Brazil. U.N. Observernations such as the Vatican have held an extraterrestrial life scienceconference.
4. New Zealand MOD & “Official state ET disclosure” – The announcedNew Zealand release of classified UFO files may be a component of the“openness” policy reportedly developed at a series of secret meetingsamongst 40 high level delegates to the United Nations, starting onFebruary 12, 2008 The secret UN meetings have been reported by Source A,a U.S. Naval intelligence officer who has never been publiclyidentified, and the UN meetings themselves were reportedly triggered by a524 foot wide UFO (of unknown provenance) which overflew StephenvilleTX and the Crawford, TX White House on January 8, 2008. As thisExaminer.com reporter has stated, the planned New Zealand classified UFOrelease may be part of the roll-out of an “official state ETdisclosure” that itself would be crafted partial release of the trueextraterrestrial presence, designed to serve the interests of thenational security state worldwide.
5. Australia and United States UFO non-disclosure – Non-disclosure todate of classified extraterrestrial and UFO files by the United Statesor by Australia, which is a co-signatory of New Zealand in the ANZUSPact, may be a function of on-going secret extraterrestrial liaisonprograms of the United States government, some of which may be carriedout via a secret extraterrestrial-human base at Pine Gap, Australia.
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