By now, everybody has heard abouthow two passengers using Europeanpassports, stolen from tourists inThailand suggest that the greatestlikelihood for the disappearance ofMalaysia Airlines Flight MH370 fromthe Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpurto Beijing, China and that these twopeople using these stolen passportswere suicide bombers.Family and friends awaiting their lovedones at Beijing International Airportcomplain that they were "treated likedogs" by Malaysia Airlines, when theywere not informed of any problemswith the flight until several hours afterit was supposed to have landed.Seeing the radar playback of themoments leading up to the plane'sdisappearance, one may forgiveMalaysia Airlines for not being moreforthcoming, in this case - because theradar playback is not only baffling, itshows two distinct anomalies, as pointedout by intrepid citizen-reporter andYouTube popstar, DAHBOO7.The radar playback depicts dozens ofplanes in flight over the region at thetime. The first peculiarity is seen in thelower left of the screen. A round objectappears in the vicinity of Flight 370 (andamid several others), which the radardoes not automatically "read" as airplane.Suddenly, this round object takes theform of a "plane" on the radar screenand it accelerates at a rate of speed thatmust be at least five times the speed ofthe surrounding planes, heading eastward,over the South China Sea. Then, just assuddenly - the object stops and appearsto hover in place.During this same time, there is someevidence that shortly after crossing theMalaysian Peninsula, Flight 370 was introuble. The radar shows that the planetook three sharp turns: right, left, rightat an altitude of 35,000 feet and at aspeed of 473 knots - just before theradar readings instantly go from 35,000feet to 0, with the plane still traveling atthat speed for a few moments more, at0 feet altitude before it vanishes fromthe screen. As of this writing, this planeremains missing, even though the sea isrelatively shallow where it disappeared.As for the other object described here, itdisappears, as well. There have been noreports about this object - or plane, or whathave you; whether it was a commercialairliner, like the many others in flight overthe region during the final moments precedingthe disappearance of Flight 370 - but theobject in question certainly didn't behave likea commercial airliner.Regardless of whether this mystery object hadanything to do with the demise of of Flight 370- what IS evident is that the radar readingsshown in this clip captured signals from whatfor now, can only be termed a UFO.(Video: 4 mins):UFO in the Radar Readings of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 AlexandraP.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV emailsand videos with your friends and colleaguesby using the "Forward to a Friend" link within thisnewsletter, below.That's how we grow. Thanks.Alexandra BrucePublisher, ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.comDaily Videos from the Edges of Science

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  • if they were taken to an alternate dimension that would explain the phone calls-apparently about 19 passengers got through to this side and then their calls dropped when family picked up -many of the other passengers must have tried also -

  • I believe this may be true and what I'm wondering is when it will be publicly revealed and how.  The Ashtar message doesn't say how long until disclosure and return of the plane/passengers - disclosure will ultimately happen in a big way if this occurs.  I am very excited at the possible happy ending..... for us all.

  • Facebook Scam: Missing Malaysian Plane Found in Bermuda Triangle ...
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