UFO shapes

Must aliens use plate like space ships? If you know some physics, please explain for me the advantages of such a shape.Let us say the aliens come from all over the universe. Then isn't it far fetched to say that all aliens happened to design the same shaped spaceships even if they are seperated by such a vast distance? Why in the first place do aliens who come from stars need a ship? After all they come miraculously as no physical ship can ever even get to arrive here from NEAREST STAR! and if they are such spirit beings, why do they need to leave in a physical planet at all?

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  •  Roaring Harmless @ Drekx

    The shielding concept of a dipole-like magnetic field and plasma, surrounding a spacecraft forming a “mini magnetosphere” the determined effectiveness of a magnetized plasma barrier to be able to expel an impacting, low beta, supersonic flowing energetic plasma representing the ‘aetheric energies’ . Optical and ionised plasma, plasma density, the plasma flow velocity, and the intensity of the dipole field characterises the creation of a narrow transport barrier region and diamagnetic cavity virtually devoid of energetic plasma particles. This demonstrates the potential viability of being able to create a small “hole” in the (‘aetheric energies’ ) plasma, of the order of the ion width, in which an inhabited spacecraft could reside in relative safety.

    The interaction of flowing plasma with a dipole magnetic field: measuremental, diamagnetic cavity relevant to spacecraft protection. It is quantitatively, compared to a 3D particle-in-cell ‘hybrid’ code stimulation, which uses kinetic ions and fluid electrons, showing excellent quantitative agreement. Together, demonstrate the pivotal role of particle kinetics in determining generic plasma transport barriers.

    A major issue and safety standpoint for bio-manned spacecraft is of greatest concern are the energetic heavy particles of which ~90% are protons, 9% are alphas, with electrons making up the majority of the remaining mass. Low-Earth-Orbit at approximately 300km altitude, this close to the Earth the atmosphere is still significantly dense, the potentially lethal damage to biological tissue from exposure to radiation in space arising, for example, from the ‘ ionised wind’ or ‘aetheric energies’ plasma. The ‘ionised wind’ consists of plasma characterised by low densities, moderate temperatures and fast/supersonic directed flows; the actual plasma wind output is highly variable on time scales of milliseconds upwards due to the localised and turbulent origins of the energetic plasma from the surface area, the magnetic field is carried with the out flowing plasma thus attenuate much of the particle flux.

    There is the additional protection created by the ‘inner magnetosphere’. This is the magnetised plasma structure created as a consequence of the magnetic dipole field as it extends out. Since there is an need for the viability of creating artificial magnetosphere structures to provide local protection of spacecraft instrumentation and ‘astronauts’ but these require an impractically large power supply and assemblies to create the necessary field strengths.

    Essentially single particles approaches the necessary magnitude of the protecting field rather than considering collective plasma effects that might be expected to dominate on 3-d hybrid modelling of the plasma-dipole field interaction suggests that more modest field strengths indeed are more effective at creating diamagnetic-like cavities (regions in which energetic ionised particles are essentially absent) that have the potential for spacecraft shielding.

    A magnetised flowing plasma beam is incident upon a dipole magnetic field structure, seeking to simulate such field structures on incident ‘ionised wind’ particles, which outlines the mechanics of the  apparatus, spatially resolved measurements of the principal plasma parameters from the dHybrid kinetic stimulation used on spacecraft protection systems. Analogues to the ionised plasma wind, spacecraft interaction system are of relevance to the plasmas, similar to those using ‘mini-magnetosphere’ like structures as a means of aiding spacecraft propulsion.

    The ‘Light’ plasma confinement device, a modified version used for plasma–neutral interactions and relevant diverters. The plasma in this system consists of a supersonic plasma beam including the dipole magnetic field source and the location with peak densities and temperatures in the range 1017-1019 and 5-7eV respectively the principal components of the device configured for the temperature range.

    The ‘vacuum vessel’, constructed of non-magnetic, is cylindrical with length and of diameter in respect of the device and is pumped by diffusion that are isolated by gate ‘valves’ and located at each end of the device. The field ‘coils’ are connected in series with a single return conductor to cancel the error field, that is the maximum field at the centre of the ‘machine’, this 'light field’ represents the ‘mini interplanetary’ magnetic field. The ‘ vacuum vessel’ is divided by a diaphragm containing a small orifice (14mm diameter) to separate off the “target chamber” in which an increased pressure, corresponding to neutral densities can be maintained, enhancing visible ‘light’ emission and enabling better use of fast or incremental ‘power’. The plasma source is a development of a modified “duo-plasma” source.

    Two dipole field sources are used, a permanent, cylindrical magnet (with a strong field strength at the pole) mounted on a probe manipulator which allowed it to be moved to various axial positions along the target chamber. The second magnet source is a pulsed system formed from a 20 turn solenoid with a maximum current, mounted on reciprocating probe holders so as to minimise the deleterious effects of probe heating by the plasma beam, allow the acquisition of radial profiles (with a spatial resolution) of electron density and temperature at various positions within the target and upstream chambers. As it is obtained in a few tens of seconds, over which time any variation in plasma source output is minimised. By a combination of the radial scanning of the probe system and moving the axial position of the dipole field source, it is possible to obtain plasma parameters around the plasma- dipole field interaction region. The ‘visible light’ of the plasma beam interacting with the permanent dipole magnet and visible light emission (predominantly originates from interaction of the plasma with the background neutrality) corresponds to regions of higher plasma density, and the plasma beam is deflected in an apparently stable narrow layer around the magnet casing. This source produces a dipole field structure but at significantly stronger field strengths allowed the dynamics of the interaction to be utilised.

    Upstream plasma beam characteristics, the interaction of the plasma beam with the static dipole field. (i.e. in a region sufficiently distant from the region in which the dipole field dominates) electron density and temperature respectively. In the absence of the downstream dipole field structure, it would be expected that this plasma would propagate along the solenoidal confining field until it encountered the end target chamber, with no reductions in the peak density or temperature occurring over the characteristic axial scale lengths or beam width, remaining constant along the whole length of the target chamber

    Typically the plasmas produced are supersonic and in the absence of any direct ion energy, this ‘directly’ flows from the relative magnitudes of the floating and plasma potentials. Defining the sheath coefficient in the usual way, in terms of the ‘floating potential’ and a ‘plasma expression’ are due to plasma with an isotropic velocity distribution, subsonic ion flow and no secondary emission.

    Cylindrical was the older style, now much more biwa in shape (tear drop).

  • I would say very possible....I am no expert, all I know is that the ones I've seen come in from a flash of light like an opening and boom they are there. My channelings with these being are more on a personal growth with the light involving my ascension. I get symbols and stuff but nothing about how they travel. Maybe I should ask next time.

  • Thankyou for asking this important question, which allows us to appreciate that the hull designs are not based on conventional aerodynamic requirements, but upon the correct and even flow of ionised plasma fields...

    You will likewise not find any wings, aerons and tail fins on these craft, unlike outer earth jet planes.

    It will also explain how "UFOs" may become "USOs," with such ease and grace.....and in contrast, a jet cannot be converted to the role of submarine....

    See this Plejaren ship being pursued by the Spanish airforce...

  • Dear Roaring,

    The saucer shape or disc is not the only type used by the various star nations...For example, most standard Sirian scout ships are spherial and specialist Atar defense ships are triangular....noting that the corners are slightly rounded and not sharp...

    This is a very specific requirement, and explains why so many atmospheric scout ship designs are based on the rounded curves, rather than more severe corners...So an abundance of bells, discs, sombreros, saucers and spheres....

    To put it simply, this curved hull allows an even flow of ionsized plasma across the surface, from the beam emitter at the top, which emits positrons (positive electrons) down to the implosion reactor motors at the bottom, which absorb the electrons.....which are made negatively charged...

    A smooth rounded hull allows for a more effective and even flow of electrons from the north to south poles....In the centre of all such ships, there is a dipole conductor which extends through the centre and joins the beam emitter to the motors..


    This basic design uses aetheric energies to firstly activate the field, once off ground and not grounded....then with the field in proper flow, an electro-gravitic "bubble" is created around the ship, so that it may utilise it's own gravitational field....much as a "mini-planet"....and electro-magnetic and gravitaional pull of it's own...which is direcional...and gravity is directed, pulling space-time, or folding space-time, in such a manner as to travel from point A to point B, by gravitically folding the spacial distance...

    All atmospheric beam ships are designed to work in 3rd density, and can change densities when required....so transit inter-dimensionally, from the lowest three aethers of solid, liquid and gas...to the higher and finer states of the aetheric, plasma and even higher....BUT, these ships allow a PHYSICAL deployment when needed....and that is their role in the First Contact programme...


    Ascended beings are also able to "naturally" create individual merkabah fields to travel when needed....However, the beam ships are designed to allow equipment and personnel to journey for deployment, as teams...with labs and planetary monitoring devices, such as detachable probes, on board...They return to motherships, which usually operate in space....


    So in summary, in order to effectively generate the desired gravitational effects, through 360 degrees of spherical arc, the described ionised electro-magnetic plasma field must have an even depth and free flow of moving electrons, which would be thwarted by sharp or angular corners, over which the electrons are required to flow...Thus we use rounded hulls in varying designs, which all adhere to this principle...

    Hope this explains in a manner that dovetails, where possible, with a conventional undersatnding of physics...

    Kind regards....!!


    Selamat majon dramu kas….!


    Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (Eastern England Sector)










  • Love the natural cloud formations pics Feather Winger, I have seen some awesome cloud formation in my travels, especially over mountains. The Pennines has in the past formed a beautiful back drop to some amazing cloud shapes...

    The clouds often form around mountains mostly seen near large mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, Andes and Rocky Mountains, and usually align themselves perpendicular to the direction of the wind. Stable blustery conditions at high altitudes and moist air flows over high ground create a series of large-scale standing waves which may form on the downwind side. “If the temperature at the crest of the wave drops to the dew point, moisture in the air may condense to form lenticular clouds.”

    But, as in this case, they can form where no mountains exist as in the clear blue Halifax skyline. A type of cloud rarely seen in Britain, the lens-shaped lenticular cloud, has been observed in the skies over many parts of West Yorkshire. These layers of clouds stack one on the other, and the wind tends to “round off” the front and rear edges of the formation. 

    These Lenticular clouds are often mistaken for UFOs due to their characteristic appearance and smooth, saucer-like shape.


  • The ones I have seen seem not to enter here through our atmosphere. They come in like a flash of light through a worm hole or other dimension and they are instantly here. Maybe that is why a vessel is required, to travel from other dimensions.

  • Because some do need a sort of physical ship and some don`t.

    The shapes and types are al different for the races,

    On Earth a lot of different designs look the same when they perform the same function.

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