Mar 12, 2016

There Are No Alien Abductions,
Only Government Kidnappings
U.S. Government Produced the ‘Roswell UFO Incident’,
Manufactured Most UFOs, Fabricated Multiple EBEs,
Has Even Planned to Stage Alien Invasions

conspiracyThere has never been anything even close to:
The X-FILES Series 10, Episode 1 — “My Struggle”
in terms of exposing a real-time global conspiracy

State of the Nation

Special Note
The following 2016 X-FILES Episode #1 of Season 10 was titled “My Struggle” is by far the single most revelatory and NWO-shattering TV program ever televised.  It contains more raw truth about how the world really works than all the TV shown in America since its inception in late 1930s.  If ever network television has created the opportunity to vindicate itself, this particular X-FILES episode is it.  Anyone who watches this show ought to disseminate it far and wide as many skeptical friends and family will receive  highly radioactive truth through this particular show.  What’s really extraordinary about the highly classified information that is accurately imparted about the New World Order agenda is how obviously true it is.  Evidence now abounds which confirms many of the details of the rapidly forming One World Government.  Even the mainstream media is full of news reports which serve to verify many of the interlocking components of this ongoing global conspiracy that seeks total world domination.  


TRANSCRIPTThe X-FILES Season 10 — Episode 1

The original ‘unofficial’ story of the alien flying saucer or extraterrestrial spaceship that allegedly crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 has always been full of holes. For instance, how does such a technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization crash their spaceship or flying saucer in the middle of the New Mexico desert?  No, it really makes no sense.

Even if you speculate, as many have throughout the years, that the crash was deliberate in order to leave some neat technology and newfangled materials from which earthlings could reverse engineer their own version of a similar flying saucer, there is still a lot wrong with this false narrative.  Certainly the super-generous ETs could have just airdropped the spaceship blueprints over the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.  Or, they could have sent a Morse code message providing the time and date of a perfect saucer landing in the middle of Area 51.

Truly, what has never made sense with either the official account of Roswell or many of the conspiratorial versions of the ‘incident’, is that they are all fundamentally flawed in such serious ways that they are rendered implausible.

However, there is one explanation that in not implausible which clearly indicts the military and the government.  The U.S. Federal Government has repeatedly demonstrated a strong tendency to deceive the citizenry … about practically everything.  Therefore, applying Occam’s Razorto the resolution of this multi-decade investigation will easily lead to the truth of the matter that the FEDs did it … and did it for very specific reasons.

U.S. Government has proven itself capable of perpetrating any deception

In the wake of government-directed 9/11 false flag attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., it is now clear that the FEDs are very into staging fake mega-dramas.  Most of the earth-shaking events of the past 100 years were in fact fabricated by the same surreptitiously controlled governments.  Hence, staging the Roswell incident is really a very small feat, especially because it took place completely out of sight.

The key to this whole conspiracy to majorly deceive the American public hinges on two historical facts.  As follows:

(1) First, that Operation Paperclip guaranteed safe passage for many of Nazi Germany’s most talented scientists and engineers, physicians and technicians, military officers and secret service commanders.  They were also given assurances that they would be able to continue their work under the auspices of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), which later became the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

(2) Secondly, that the U.S. Federal Government has always had a very strong interest in advancing all of the interdisciplinary sciences having to do with genetic engineering, biological warfare and bioengineered weaponry.  The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, that originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, is just one example of biological agents being purposefully released by the U.S. Military.  (The military personnel were actually used to widely disseminate the flu virus around the world as they were deployed to different theaters of war or sent home after active duty.)

The critical point here is that the government has always had a high degree of interest in this type of dangerous scientific research and applied technology.  Therefore, they had to develop ways of testing their precarious methods and theories on real people and animals.  The massive number of inexplicable cow mutilations throughout the USA over the years is just one shocking example of what these government scientists will do for a specimen.

Much more shocking, however, is their staging of countless ‘human abductions’ that were simulated as though the abductees were kidnapped by alien Greys, who just happened to be in the neighborhood looking for some human DNA.  Go figure!?  That these same kidnappers are also skilled in the surgical sciences is all the more ridiculous and implausible.


All Abductions are Government Kidnappings for Experimentation and Tissue Harvesting

Honestly, what a complete and total scam that has been run on a fearful and unsuspecting populace, both here and abroad.  The American landscape is now well known to have numerous laboratories dotting ALL 50 states.  There used to be only one Plum Island ultra-secret laboratory; now there are hundreds of similar facilities performing their unethical and risky experiments under the radar.  So far off the grid and super-secret are some of these high-tech lab operations that they are essentially invisible, even to the U.S. Federal Government.

When viewed in this light, it’s quite easy to understand that these agents and proxies of the U.S. Government can get away with bloody murder any day of the week, as they often do. Hence, systematically abducting American citizens ought to come as no surprise.  They can, and will, and do execute these deliberate abductions to accomplish a number of extremely nefarious goals.  Their objectives have nothing do with National Security, as they often deceptively claim, and have everything to do with transhumanistic bioengineering, as well as seeking their ultimate goal of achieving physical immortality.

You see their agenda is multi-purposeful.  They not only use the human tissues, fluids and other specimens to develop biological weapons, they are also focused on producing extremely exacting biological weapons which target specific bloodlines and racial characteristics.  Each and every staged abduction has explicit purpose in that particular genotypes and phenotypes are pursued within various lines of research and development.   Developing race-specific bioweaponry appears to be especially important to the NWO ruling cabal.

What is also significant to note here is that the U.S. Government has always maintained a massive database, as well as DNA and blood bank, on every American citizen.  They possess all the genetic information necessary to clone virtually anybody.  They also possess the exact day and time of birth of every individual born in the country.  This data provides much useful information based on their clandestine pursuits within the astrological realm of understanding.  After all, a person’s precise birth chart conveys such a detailed blueprint of their life it even contains the exact day and time of death.

Area 51

Area 51

What does all of this have to do with UFOs, ETs and Alien Abductions?

The U.S. Government has been able to manufacture flying saucers since World War II.  It has also been conducting flying and maneuver experiments for the same period of time. Their high tech flying machines come and go throughout the skies of America like a flash, and sometimes they do crash.  After all, isn’t that what these experiments are all about. You test ’em until they have been perfected to the point where they are safe for human pilot navigation.

So, the whole cat and mouse game regarding the authenticity of aliens and UFOs has been purposefully designed to deceive the public about the highly charged issue.  In this way the government is provided with plausible deniability regarding anything that occurs which might catch the attention of a bystander.  The witnesses to so many UFO sightings never know if what they saw is a real alien craft, or one manufactured in the good ole USA. There are in fact “Area 51s” situated as commonly as the labs are now found in all 50 states.

Much of this UFO/ET fraud does revolve around the need for the government to always have an enemy to point at.  The ruling cabal’s pathological need to generate fear seems to be insatiable, and “E.B.E.s” (short for extraterrestrial biological entity) make for the perfect bogeyman of the future.  What better way to keep the masses in check, especially when the nations of the world really do decide to give up the perpetual war economy that has decimated the planet.


Chris Carter expertly used Fox Mulder and Dana Scully to reveal the hard truth

The key takeaway from The X-FILES exposé is that Mulder and Scully finally arrive at the truth about the government-coordinated ruse concerning UFOs, ETs, and periodic alien invasions.  Let’s face it, this was Mulder’s destiny to tell the real story.  Actually it is Tad O’Malley, a conservative talk show host, who does all the whistle-blowing.  Nevertheless,  it was always Mulder’s role to authenticate such a HUGE revelation by lending credence to O’Malley’s announcement to the world.  He has taken the perfect journey via 10 X-FILES seasons which made him a perfect vessel to both hold and help proclaim this alarming yet indisputable truth about the never-ending UFO mysteries.  As follows:

MULDER: No sooner had we defeated Germany than a new threat started appearing in skies over America, drawn to Earth by the latest threat to extinction – the H-bomb. Explosions acting as transducers, drawing alien life forms through wormholes in spaceships using electro-gravitic propulsion. Advanced extraterrestrial species visiting us, concerned for mankind and the threat of our self-destruction, forestalling our annihilation through their own self-sacrifice. The crashes at Roswell. More importantly, places like Aztec. World leaders signed secret memos directing scientific studies of alien technology and biochemistry. Classified studies were done at military installations, S4, Groom Lake, Wright Patterson and Dulce – extracting alien tissue. Tests were done on unsuspecting human subjects in elaborately staged abductions, in craft using alien technology recovered from the downed saucers… including human hybridisation through gene editing and forced implantation of alien embryos.

O’MALLEY: And then the world itself – by any means necessary, however violent… or cruel… or efficient. By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves. In a state of perpetual war to create problem-reaction-solution scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home with tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridged the Constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care, even the military, in clandestine agendas, to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.

(Source: Transcript of The X-FILES Season 10 — Episode 1)

That’s not to say that there are not highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations which exist in within our own Milky Way Galaxy.  There’s no question that there are and that some have visited Planet Earth over the eons.  The historical record is replete with evidence that ancient aliens participated in the development of the successive races of humanity that have populated the planet.

UK Scientists: Aliens May Have Sent Space Seeds To Create Life On Earth

Likewise, The X-FILES disclosures do not dismiss the very great likelihood that many UFO sightings are in fact real ET spaceships.  Certainly, there are MOTHERSHIPs out there in the Universewhich are hundreds of miles long, just as there are starships buzzing around us all the time, most with cloaking technology in use.  However, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between a “Made in the USA” flying saucer from a “Made in Andromeda” one.   Who among us has the experience and expertise to accurately discern between the two?

Ancient Astronaut Theory

Furthermore, these paradigm-shattering leaks by the X-FILES do not even mean that shape-shifting Reptilians or mean-spirited Martians are not living among us at this very moment.  If they possess the technology to fly here from Orion or Mars, they certainly retain the ability to blend in with their human brothers and sisters.  This would also leave open the possibilities for a whole new race of humanoids which are of the alien-human hybrid variety.  These, of course, are the progeny of humans and human-alien hybrids.

Of course, the moral of the story is to be very careful of what you say about the little green men.  Given the profound duplicity of the U.S. Government, those little green men may be the product of experiments gone awry at Area 51, or Dulce Base, New Mexico, or Tonopah, NV, or San Luis Valley, Colorado, or S4 Facility, Nevada.  If they don’t like what you say about them, you just may end up on one of their operating tables at OZMAT (top-secret lab in Great Britain known as the Office of Zoological Mutations, Anomalies and Transformations).  As always the Brits work very closely with their American counterparts to perpetrate this epic deception on the world-at-large.

Conclusion — “The Truth Is Out There”

The X-FILES will go down in history as the first MSM TV program to put the naked truth out there regarding the unfolding New World Orderconspiracy.  In just a 45 minute segment the riveting dialogue downloads more facts and figures about the hidden NWO agenda into the public domain than any other television series.  Which begs the question: Why now?

Major world events are now occurring so quickly and impressively that the truth can no longer be contained.  The Universe itself is facilitating the process of massive and unprecedented revelation on a daily basis.  So much is happening, in fact, that it is now impossible for those who control the MSM to keep a lid on so many dark secrets and hidden truths.

As the floodgates of truth continue to open, humanity can expect a tsunami of once privileged information to flood American society.  All of the Western nations at this point are experiencing similar type of media exposés which are slowly readying the citizenries for what is about to break out into the open.

2016 will undoubtedly be the year of game-changers.  It will also be the year when the whole System is revealed for what it really is.  And, what the end product of their Orwellian system has become—a permanent planetary plantation, where people everywhere have become debt slaves or work slaves or Internet slaves or other slave of some kind or another.  In this way the 1% has effectively set up the plantation so that the 99% willingly give the fruits of their labors to their masters without question or complaint.




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  • I DISAGREE KRISHNA. I talked to two people whose grandmother was at the UFO crash site in Corona, New Mexico in 1947. Both claimed she had her life threatened if she talked about it (and the two family members were very nervous when I talked with them), There are simply too many family members living in that area with relatives who were at the crash site  for this not to be true, and all either do not want to talk about it or will talk under absolute anonymous conditions, as my interview was in White Oaks, New Mexico.  

    The General Ramey memo is the smoking gun that proves Roswell was real. Here's the photo of the memo (along with UFO debris) and it has been deciphered.


    Photo 2

  • Now the question is the Dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident genuine or staged by the UK government ???
  • What The Heck ....Do you still trust your governments ???
    ADAMA The Head Priest Of Telos states that the surface governments are corrupt to the very core
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