Central Banker Appointed as Prime Minister of Ukraine

Kurt Nimmo
February 27, 2014

A reshuffled Ukrainian Parliament installed following a coup last week has voted to appoint Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new prime minister of the country. Yats, as Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. State Department, called him, is a natural choice. He is a millionaire former banker who served as economy minister, foreign minister and parliamentary speaker before Yanukovych took office in 2010. He is a member of Yulie Tymoshenko’s Fatherland Party. Prior to the revolution cooked up by the State Department and executed by ultra-nationalist street thugs, Tymoshenko was incarcerated for embezzlement and other crimes against the people of Ukraine. Now she will be part of the installed government, same as she was after the last orchestrated coup, the Orange Revolution.

Yats will deliver Ukraine to the international bankers. “Ukraine is on the brink of bankruptcy and needs to be saved from collapse — Yatsenyuk has a strong economic background,” Ariel Cohen, senior fellow at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation, told Bloomberg on Wednesday. “Ukraine faces difficult reforms but without them there won’t be a successful future.”

Discussion with the IMF is crucial, US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said earlier this week. In order to cinch the deal, the U.S. government will sweeten the pot. Lew talked with the IMF boss, Christine Lagarde, about Ukraine as he headed back from a globalist confab, the G-20 meeting in Sydney, Australia.

“Secretary Lew informed Managing Director Lagarde that he had spoken earlier in the day with Ukrainian leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk and advised him of the broad support for an international assistance package centered on the IMF, as soon as the transitional Ukrainian government is fully established by the Parliament,” MNI News reported on Monday. “Secretary Lew also noted that he had communicated to Mr. Yatsenyuk the need to quickly begin implementing economic reforms and enter discussions with the IMF following the establishment of the transitional government.”

Ukraine’s story is right out of the IMF playbook. The nation’s corrupt leaders past and present – most notably Tymoshenko, who went to prison for corruption and wholesale thievery – have enriched themselves at the expense of ordinary Ukrainians.

“Ukraine at the dawn of independence was among the ten most developed countries, and now it drags out a miserable existence,” Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko said last year. The nation’s leaders “signed a memorandum with the International Monetary Fund to meet the requirements of the oligarchs, but on the other hand — to timely pay the interest on the IMF loans and to raise the prices for gas and electricity,” Symonenko said.

The Orange Revolution – initiated by NED, IRI, Soros and the CIA – installed a rogue’s gallery of self-seeking sociopaths who further bankrupted a country already seriously debilitated by corruption.

For the IMF and the financial elite, Ukraine is nothing less than a tantalizing bounty. “Its fertile black soil generated more than one-fourth of Soviet agricultural output, and its farms provided substantial quantities of meat, milk, grain, and vegetables to other republics,” notes ABO, a website covering energy resources. “Likewise, its diversified heavy industry supplied the unique equipment (for example, large diameter pipes) and raw materials to industrial and mining sites (vertical drilling apparatus) in other regions of the former USSR.”

After breaking away from the Soviet Union and declaring independence, it was thought the country would “liberalize” its industry and resources, in other words open them up for privatization by transnational corporations and international banks, but this did not happen quickly enough for the financiers and the corporatists.

Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ChV-sCFr7qA for interview with  Arseniy Yatsenyuk

Ukraine to undertake “extremely unpopular steps” as IMF takes over economy.

“The drop in steel prices and Ukraine’s exposure to the global financial crisis due to aggressive foreign borrowing lowered growth in 2008 and the economy contracted more than 15 percent in 2009, among the worst economic performances in the world,” ABO explains. “In August 2010, Ukraine, under the Yanukovych Administration, reached a new agreement with the IMF for a $15.1 billion Stand-By Agreement. Economic growth resumed in 2010 and 2011, buoyed by exports. After initial disbursements, the IMF program stalled in early 2011 due to the Ukrainian Government’s lack of progress in implementing key gas sector reforms, namely gas tariff increases. Economic growth slowed in the second half of 2012 with Ukraine finishing the year in technical recession following two consecutive quarters of negative growth.”

Now that Yanukovych is out of the picture, the banker minion Yats is lording over the Parliament, and thuggish fascists control the streets and guard against a counter revolution that might threaten Wall Street’s coup, the coast is clear for the IMF to pick up where it left off. Ukraine, now one of the poorest countries in Europe thanks to a kleptocracy supported by Washington and Wall Street, is wide open for further looting.

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  • this is good post Malcolm..with plenty objective opinions here and non of the members , actually, arguing ................I wish every post was this diverse and still with noname calling................good job folks.


  • I wonder if EU aren't gonna do an exception in this case since Ukraine is of strategic importance for EU as well. It may very well come to them being offered membership anyway.

  • Well the Talmudists like to keep it in the family...........


  • How could he possibly raise the gas prices for europe when it is Russia that delivers the gas?

    • ACUTE OBSERVER: you brought up a very good point. See comment above.

      • ACUTE OBSERVER: you are correct in the sense that Russia could theoretically "turn off the gas." But so could Saudi Arabia. And we saw what happened to Libya and Iraq when they "turned off the gas" via changing currency valuation of their petroleum: they got invaded.

        The new Ukraine leader appears to be siding with the EU and their Central Bank over the financial aspects of this matter, and this is what the fight is all about. And the mainstream media will not discuss this, because the aspects of central banking will be brought out into the open. AND WE (or at least the banksters) DON'T WANT THAT. 

  • thanks for sharing goldenmind.


    yes, i too feel we and the all the human races on earth are NOT FROM EARTH humans we know of.

    where is the missing link, or bones to connect us to monkeys, like that one set of bones called "lucy".

    i feel we are not alone anymore, and at times i wonder who the 13 families are in by their bloodline d.n.a..

    those longated skulls found not only in peru but all over the world.

    the many scientist that have tested the d.n.a. of these odd shaped human heads and found that they are not of known human d.n.a. and yet we all see it is real, the egyptian kings who pull on those  long head gear comes to mind.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one

  • thanks for sharing folks.

    Nancy: the truth is not always kisses and hugs, and sad to say we the human race have been owned and controled by the few handfull of monster thugs.

    the international banksters and international corporations are OWNED BY A HANDFULL OF MEN AND WOMAN,  these are our masters who pull the strings of their puppet clowns in office so as to look like there is a goverment in that country, the truth is the banksters make and break any goverment that stands up to these monsters.

    now the banksters sons who were trained to carry on the family are sloppy in their planing  of ALL the wars for the human race from where they can steal the happiness of all of us, for our resources always seems to be TOO EXPENSIVE when there is PLENTY FOR ALL OF US, BUT NOoooooooo THE BANKSTERS ONLY CONTROL THE MASSES THU CHAOS, OTHERWISE THESE MONSTERS WOULD BE LAUGHED AT AND THEN PUNNISHED FOR BEING A MONSTER TO THE HUMAN RACE. then use the resources as bait and reward to control their goons.

    think about it, when the homes buildings, streets etc. gets destroyed by war, WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM TO REBUILD THE BUILDINGS, HOMES, STREETS, ETC IF NOT FROM THE BANKSTERS.


    THE BANKSTER CREATE THE TURMOIL SO JOBS ARE LOST, AND WE CANNOT PAID THE LOANS, SO GUESS WHAT, WHO OWNS THE ASSETS ON PAPER. THE CYCLE IS REPEATED ON EVERY COUNTRY THE SAME WAY UNTIL THE BANKSTERS RULE IN FULL VIEW,HOW STUPID, for history always repeats itself and the elite get caught as thugs and bullies and the real troublemakers of the human race everytime, period..............

    blessings to all of us for we are all one

  • I like criticising and making fun of world 'leaders'

    bama,the Community Organizer, will be trampled on by Putin

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