The hole in North Pole is very clear though the hole in South Pole is not clear. There are 4 angle shots for each pole.
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Roger Stone…
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
He's here and still reading because deep inside he's still waiting and longing for the promised change we've all been craving. But he sounds more like Bitter. Often happens when an individual believed so much on something promised but --- unfortunately postponed. Then they've felt betrayed, fooled upon and hurt. And then there is the promise again, the unending promises unfulfilled. The spark of faith is still there.
Hi MAC, you're not alone! ♥ :)
Just send him love and may the light show him how to raise his vibration.
About Admiral Byrd and Operation High Jump, to understand you have to go back to the end of WWII, according to the story Hitler (Cloned Himself) and what the allies discovered in his bunker was actually a clone, (yes I said CLONE!!) Hitler then lead a Battallion of his most devoted and fanatical SS down to the South Pole where they built (New Schwabanland) or the Third Riech once more but in the Inner Earth.
According to the story before WWII even broke out Germany had recovered a crashed disk and this is where they got their disk technology, but later on the Greys (recognizing that Germany at the time were their kind of people I guess) approached the Germans and struck up a deal kind of what the did with the Illuminati guys representing the US (Advanced Technology in exchange for Human Abductions, Cattle Mutilations, etc). Germany had (Stealth Technology, Rockets, Jet Aircraft, Pilotless Aircraft like the Predator?, and were even developing the A-Bomb along with a whole lot of other scary stuff they got by A (reverse engineering of the crashed disk) and B (technology they got from the Greys).
So they had been sending out epxlorers who discovered that there was a hole that led into a hidden world inside the planet. So as a last resort Hitler and company escaped at the end of the war into this hidden world and set up shop there!!
That's why Admiral Byrd and soooooooo many troops were dispatched to engage the enemy and destroy the NEW 3rd Riech!? Who knows of they were successfull or not? I've heard different versions of the story!?
If you want to see how far the Rabbit Hole goes then you get into things like (Operation Paperclip), Underground Bases, Subterrainian Worlds, Underground Exploration, Underground Laberynths and Tunnels, make a long story short, here's my theory:
Admiral Byrd failed one way or another....
With the NAZI's in our government they set up shop here and reconnected with thier Grey buddies.......
They begin building Underground Facilities (Under the guise that we need them in case of nuclear war, that's the "spin") but the truth is that they are expanding the network and connecting up with the base in the south pole........
Now they have 100's of these bases all over the friggin planet, filled with a comdination of (Freak shows and Horror stories) and now they want to A (wipe us out - that's what the aliens want - the NWO just wants to ensalve us and control our minds, bodies and souls) and B (take over the world - the aliens want the this - the NWO doesn't want this)......
So now the NWO doesn't know how to get rid of the aliens and yet take over the world without the aliens and the aliens need the humans but they want to take over the world but can't without the humans!?)
Did I miss anything???
Anyways.....thanx for the post, excellent EXO^_^
- to amplify existing knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electromagnetic conditions in the area.
If you ask me, why would they need so many men, ships, and planes?