UNDERSTANDING YOUR DIVINE BLUEPRINT -- Wisdom from SANANDA -- The Grand Design of "Interacting" Free Will is as Free-Flowing as Water
Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Write janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com today to join our global galactic family! We love you!
By Sananda
Public channeling through Deb Wright of Project: Eagle Triad
I probably misunderstood this, but either Ashtar or Michael or someone said if a person steps outside of the Divine Blueprint, the Divine Blueprint changes to make that perfect for that person.
That was hard for me to assimilate. I went, “Wait a second… there’s a Divine Blueprint and if you step outside of it, it goes ‘Oh!’ and changes.
OK, I think you’re looking at it kind of like schematics that you have in this reality, right? It’s something that’s drawn with pen and paper and the only way it can be changed is if you erase it or white it out or something, right?
OK, let’s think less concretely, shall we? Let’s think of it [the Divine Blueprint] as water. Picture a nice pleasant little pond of water, and you’ve got a gentle breeze blowing, all right? And the breeze causes a nice little motion on the surface of the water. Now, what happens if you drop a big rock in there? It changes the pattern… but it’s still the same exact water that it was. It’s just ‘adjusted’ itself to the intrusion. Well, that is like the Divine Blueprint. It’s more fluid, more accommodating. You have specific choices that you can make in your lifetime, at any one given time a minimum of five choices… minimum… maximum, sometimes a thousand, sometimes more.
But what affects you and your choice can be a multitude of different things. You’re not that calm little pond with just a slight breeze blowing by. You’re in the eye of a tornado, because everything around you is there from everyone else’s choices.
If you were the only being on the face of this planet, that just occasionally had a couple of intruders show up and disrupt your harmony, that would be totally different. But you’re caught in the chaos of almost 7 billion other people making choices, and they all have the same freewill choice that you have. Every time he makes a choice, it might be against what YOU are choosing. And every time HE makes a choice, it might just be in perfect harmony with what you’re choosing. But these three over here are choosing something that’s totally different from the three of you… which causes this tornado effect that just keeps the chaos running with no rhyme, reason or harmony.
Now, if you have freewill choice and 6,999,999,999 other beings also have freewill choice, and none of you are making the exact same choice at the exact same moment, how could the Divine Blueprint be anything BUT accommodating? And I’m only talking one planet here! <laughing> We just talking about YOUR reality, YOUR humanity. Kind of blows your mind, doesn’t it? That is why your scientists have explained that, in your physics, for every action there HAS to be an equal and opposite reaction.
But that’s why most of ‘us’ laugh when they say that, because things cannot be that precise. For action, there IS a reaction, but not necessarily ‘equal’ and ‘opposite’. If that were true, critical mass wouldn’t work because everything would have to be equal and opposite.
Thank you.
We communicate with our galactic global family in Chinese, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English! Can you spare a mere 15 minutes per day to send out intentions to light up the grids for the ASCENSION of MOTHER EARTH GAIA, and all of her inhabitants? Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Write janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com today to join our global galactic family! We love you!
Thank you in advance for being kind in your responses during this Mercury Retrograde.