Hello to all,
I would like to invite all of you to the next Meditation and energy projection for the next Portals.
For the Medidation of the 12-12-12 Portal AA Michael sent us a special decree, you are all invited to read this decree and to visualize the violet flame cleansing Gaia.
We can do our part in this and help transmute energies and cleanse Gaia so that the Portals energies can come to us with ease and so that we are better prepared to receive them.
If you are having trouble visualizing this flame please use this image as a reference:
Before using the violet flame decree please first seal yourself with the tube of light decree:
Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your tube of light
From Ascended Master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I AM calling forth violet fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in Freedom’s name
Till I AM one with the violet flame. (x3)
By Elizabeth Clare Prophet
You can also use this Decree for further protection:
“Archangel Michael above me, Archangel Michael below me, Archangel Michael in front of me, Archangel Michael behind me, Archangle Michael to my left, Archangel Michael to my right, Archangel Michael around me, Archangel Michael within me, Archangel Michael spread the mantle of blue light all around me. Michael blaze forth the light, blaze forth the light blaze, blaze forth the light, blaze forth the light, blaze forth the light, blaze forthe the light and please blaze forth the light and let me feel the protection.” (x3)
Now lets head for the major decree:
I AM a being of the violet flame, I AM the purity god desires
I AM the healing of Gaia, I AM the veins of Love
The violet flame now heals all wounds , brings forth the Light of Gaia,
The flame of seven now reunites to irradiate all souls in its fire.
So it is my desire, and so it is.
In order to make this happen you can join our meditation at:
12:12 pm (London / Lisbon)
13:13 pm (Germany, Belgium, Spain)
11:11 pm (France)
07:07 pm (USA)
08:08 am (China)
If you are not avaiable at these times you can still do this meditation later as it will still be efective.
YOU CAN ALSO JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/events/296185070499882/ The event is public and everyone is invited to join.
Please feel free to report your experience, you can mail it to: amethyst.of.mercury@gmail.com or comment bellow.
When are you all realize, finally, that there is no common god for all, just as there are no common to all the angels.Each planet has its own hierarchy, and on top of its God (Christ ) or archangel (demigod, managing director).Angel, into English can be translated as "belonging to the light (the sun)." The level of development, the angel only one order of magnitude higher simple soul level five (the first a reasonable level of development of the soul), respectively, the archangel, respectively, also above the angel on one level.
Everyone has their own god, and all other gods and angels, him not a decree.
Hey Minerva, Thanks for this I am certainly joining in.
Much love and well being to u all
Haha.....you do that Minerva.....I am eagerly awaiting.....hahahaha....(thinking of another discussion...lol.)
This is nice Minerva, thank you for posting.
Thanks Minerva....awesome....