Universal Breathing Room(Do As One)



About Do As One

The Goal: To serve and connect humanity by establishing a legacy of healthy, conscious breathing.   

The Vision: One billion people will breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012. 

The Method: To share techniques for daily, optimal breathing and enable global, synchronous breathing through DoAsOne.com.

The Story: Do As One was created by three visionary friends compelled to make the world a happier and healthier place on a grand scale. With that vision at heart, they sought to learn as much as they could about the most basic and life sustaining function of a human’s life, breathing.

They met with gurus, breath practitioners, respiratory therapists, doctors, yoga instructors, healers, shamans, religious leaders, monks and alternative medicine experts to get at the core of what the breath means to the human body, mind and spirit. They even interviewed thousands of diverse people to gauge what the general population knows about breathing in order to help determine what needed to be shared and how best to impart the knowledge.

After synthesizing all the information, the founders set forth a grand goal to have one billion people breathe together by 11/11/12. On 07/07/07 DoAsOne.com was born, forever changing the way you think about breathing.

Do As One is adamant about refining and improving the core of it infrastructure so since launch on 07/07/07, we have had major releases of the website on 08/08/08, 09/09/09 and 10/10/10. Subsequent major releases of DoAsOne.com are scheduled for 11/11/11 and 12/12/12.

DoAsOne.com is the online embodiment of the vision, goal, and method of Do As One. People have now come from over 140 countries to breathe on DoAsOne.com. Users have commented that the carefully designed breathing tools have improved their quality of life and enabled them to connect with others around the planet in a unique and exciting way.



So as a Affirmation of our collective intention for Unity Conciousness come breathe with me as One!

I am overwhelmed with the energy of this site it is so wonderful!!! 

Check out the color/charka breathing room/amazing!


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  • The Thirteen Grand Intentions are Unconditional Love, Nourishment, Peace, Health, Oneness, Harmony, Compassion, Joy, Beauty, Conscious Breathing, Abundance, Gratitude and Forgiveness. These intentions are here in order to increase the awareness of an ability that we have but rarely utilize. We call it M.A.S.S. consciousness, which means Multiple Awareness SimultaneouS Consciousness. We believe that the power of these intentions is increased exponentially as people from all ends of the planet breathe them in at the same time. Each of the Thirteen Grand Intentions will appear at designated times on the screen while you are logged into the Universal Breathing Room. As we breathe deep, conscious breaths together simultaneously, we have the opportunity to infuse positivity into the entire grid of Universal consciousness. Please review the schedule below and join us as we breathe in and beam out these fantastic intentions for our own wellness and that of the world at large! This is the opportunity to experience Oneness.

    You can also choose an intention to breathe-in during any of your breathing sessions. We call this ‘intentionizing’ or ‘affirmation breathing’. If you’d like to put in your own affirmation just click ‘Custom’ at the top of the intention list, enter your affirmation in the box and click the arrow button to the right of it to Intentionize.

    • sounds really awesome, I will check it out =)
  • Breathing Basics

    This page provides you with basic guidelines for enacting healthy, conscious breathing.

    1. Narrow your breathing down to your nostrils only – inhale and exhale with the mouth closed unless instructed to do otherwise.
    2. Sit with your spine straight. Don’t strain any muscles in your body. You can sit with your eyes open or closed, palms facing up on your lap or down if you prefer.
    3. Breathing on DoAsOne.com in quiet surroundings is recommended.
    4. Never force inhales or exhales but rather allow all motions of breath to happen as you instruct them. Forced breathing feels very unnatural so pay attention to finding a natural flow.
    5. Breathing should be smooth and naturally rhythmic, never erratic or choppy.
    6. Let go of your abdominal muscles and breathe deeply and slowly into your lower lung area filling up and expanding your tummy. Your navel area/lower abdomen expands first. Then your ribs and mid-lung area fill up next. Finally, the upper lung area fills without straining any parts of your body.
    7. Touch your tongue lightly to the roof of your mouth a half inch to an inch up from the back of your front teeth. This completes an electric charge in the body. It is very grounding.
    8. Allow natural pauses to happen between the breaths. Our anatomies are all different and we must celebrate that difference by simply allowing our breaths to flow with the rhythm of the exercise and feel our way through it. Yogis have for centuries commented about a very peaceful state of being found between the breaths. Search and you will find this peaceful feeling attained between the inhales and exhales of your life.
    9. Never go too deep too quick when enacting conscious breathing. Conscious breathing happens as soon as you think to yourself, “breathe in” or “breathe out.” When this thought happens and your body answers the call-to-action, it is important that you don’t force it by going too deep too quick. Because breath moves energy, this can unearth old emotions and stuck energies that are lodged in your body.

    Many people that are new to conscious breathing discover that they have a heavy feeling in the stomach or a slightly overwhelming feeling coming over them. Always give yourself permission to stop if this happens. This means that old, stuck energies and emotions need to be released before breathing can be relaxing and flowing freely. One can go out in solitude and literally laugh out or scream out these energies, you could sing them out in song, breathe deeply through the feelings, paint them into art or release them in virtually any way you wish. The preferred way is to let the feelings exist and slowly breathe through them. When you do this you are removing the stuck energies from their root. When you shake them out by any of the means of catharsis mentioned above, then you are getting yourself through the moment but not removing the root yet. Breathe through and find your way to freedom again!

    Do As One - World Breathing Room
  • Conspire

    Pre-1386 the word “conspire” simply meant to breathe together or unite through breathing together. After the word and phrase “conspiracy” and “conspiracy theory” were born, the root word “conspire” took on a new meaning – to plot something wrong, evil or illegal.

    Definition circa 1300 From French conspirer, from Latin conspirare “to agree, unite, plot,” literally “to breathe together,” from com – “together” + spirare, “to breathe.” Conspiracy is from 1386; conspiracy theory is from 1909. - From the Online Etymology Dictionary

    Definition circa 2006 To agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal: They conspired to kill the king. - Modern Definition: From Dictionary.com, 2006

    The power of breathing together was hidden for centuries because of the gross misdirection of a powerful word. Do As One is here to unite the world through breathing and reawaken the real meaning and positive power of the word, conspire!


    M.A.S.S. Consciousness

    M.A.S.S. Consciousness stands for Multiple Awareness SimultaneouS Consciousness. For centuries, philosophers, great thinkers, and spiritual leaders alike have resounded that we are all one. Research on the cutting edge of quantum physics continues to prove that we are all connected on a grid that we can’t even see. However, the magic of this connection can be felt!


    When asked:
    What will happen when one billion people breathe together?
    They answered...

    “If One billion people breathe together, I guarantee you, this whole world, this whole planet will become heaven. That is sure.” 
    – Dr. Acharya Yogeesh

    “This would be very good for the planet as a whole. Feeling as One we can even create climate change.”
    –Ram Dass’s comments on Do As One

    “The entire living world will feel at-One-ment with itself as global heart consciousness connects and we experience our inherent Oneness with everyone and everything around us.” 
    – Rabia Hayek, President of Do As One

    “I can’t wait to be there!!! I think it’s going to be a really profound experience for all of us and I think it will do something for the pulse of the human race and the collective consciousness. Because consciously we are saying, let us breathe as ONE, let us unite with the most fundamental, God-given birthright that we have, breathing deep, it is a freely given gift that we don’t have to compete for.. there is enough for everybody. How we unite, it’s going to be profound.”
    – Reverend Andrea Miranda




    On this March 9th; first day of Universal Conciousness, come breathe with me; live ! :)) <3


    [Directs a loving guidance for all in need of group healing; This links you up with THE GRID , Your fellow Earth Angel's are far greater healers than they know (and you) ;) ]

    ONE could be breathing conciously this present moment!! WOW! :D



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