I just received a Email  from United Starseeds, (Reptilian Engery? Owner Dara) saying if your on this site there kicking you off. Why? I also got a personal E-mail from them saying they don't like Starseeds.net  I very much like that site...what is there problem? they want to control how you connect with others? Did anyone else get there E-Mails too. They also posted on there site (United Starseeds) the the Annuaki is behind SaLuSa.

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  • The answer lies here open your eyes people.

  • Well maybe I am, I know one thing I would not ask for her help if she was the last person on the planet, anyway most of you know me well enough and surely I don't come anywhere close to what I am accused of.
    What a strange woman , she sees evil in everything , we should feel compassion for her misguided soul.
  • I have thought long and hard about doing this and in view of the latest posts I think I should, I can only get kicked of of here as well. e- mail from United Starseeds

    The reason for your suspension were to many to list here I WILL say several of them could subject you to criminal investigation. While none of them are directly related tothe fact you belong to AC it certainly does not help your case any.
    I am sorry that you have been hallucinating. These holographic inserts used by the Zetas/Greys for mind control, which you have obviously been subjected to.
    This is one of the primary reasons why we don't encourage anyone to get involved with these Ashtar Groups.

    In any case you are a danger to yourself and others and your posting are highly indicative that you are not in your right mind, while you are under the influence of AC I cannot help you. perhaps you should cry on their shoulder again.
  • Well that will be why I got the boot I posted stuff from SaLuSa and Sheldan Nidle.
  • Here is some info, on different web site's on Reptilian Agenda, from what it seems, they have there own Agenda (Power) and humans to them is nothing more than to control them and eat them. check out ALEX COLLIER on u tube 1994 video, he has a lot of knowledge, I meet him a couple months ago at a Conference.
    type in Reptilian Agenda:

    • It seems like the Reptilian race is not part of the Galatic Federation. they are on their own side/Agenda. for they are not on the Human side. They have a interests in Earth, they like the swaps, caves, I heard they have a underground base under New Mexico, AZ, and UT. and Florida (Swamp) Tied into the Goverenment? I think so. Earth is a big plantet! They see us as slaves, to control and a food source. Look at the Bible, "you old Dragon and snake". It seems to tie into the Reptilian Race. There have been many wars in the past with starseeds on different planets and it seems the Reptilians are on the own side along with the Grays work somewhat together. Also back in Mayan time with Blood Rituals thats seems like how they Shape-Shift.
  • Any group that forbids your association with another group is bordering on cult-status.

    If groups promote themselves as full of light and compassion and understanding and all that fluffy crap then they should be secure enough in themselves and their purpose to allow their members to check out other networks.

    I'm up to the eyeballs in cold and flu meds so I'm sorry if this seems garbled, I'm pretty sure it makes sense.
  • I believe that the United Starseeds site is not letting me join because I'm on Asthar Command. In the application for the site, they asked if you were a member of this site (Ashtar Command) and I put yes, thinking it was to share information across my profiles. But, I still haven't heard from them and I am certain that prejudice is the cause.
    • this is true, especially when we should be coming together, but it is not permanent and it is still their choice to make. We need to focus on the feelings their departure brings up in us, as we are all mirrors to each other, to see how we can grow and learn from the inner reactions that make growth possible.
      • I applied last week to join united starseeds and have been accepted, I found out this morning.
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