Selamat Jarin! We return! Much is happening! The Ascended Masters are working on finalizing the prosperity payouts. These payments are to commence shortly. Saint Germaine is having his World Trust finish up the accounting and disbursement of your prosperity funds even as we now speak to you. Further, our Earth allies are in a position of power regarding several of the required government changes. What remains to be done is for the leftover custodial tasks to be fully completed. With these done, our Earth allies can quickly implement the new financial system. This new system is to be based upon a sound number of selected hard currencies that are already in place at several designated depositories and ready to be distributed globally. The activation of this system depends on the prosperity payouts and Saint Germaine is currently seeing to it that these funds are released. These funds form the legal underpinning of the various scenarios that our Earth allies have in place. We also expect Disclosure to be announced by your new leadership no later than the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

      The new governments are to come to power with several common objectives. The first is to begin a complete reform of government. The former masters of your world were given to corruption, lies, and outright deceit. The countering steps are to abolish political parties and open up government to the general public. This is where we need your active support rather than mere lip service. We intend to ask you to learn about fluid group dynamics and to apply it to this cause. Rebuilding your governments requires an active relationship between citizens and their representatives. This can be the first goal of your new reality in which all of you can have a hand. It is an opportunity for you as a collective to forge an intermediary between the present types of governance and a fully functioning galactic society. The coming times are truly about contact with your spiritual and space families and the wondrous ride to full consciousness. This process is behind all that is now beginning to happen around you.

      We the Ascended Masters of Mother Earth salute you, dear Brothers and Sisters! We come to inform you that the next brief period of your history is to be marked by the distribution of many different prosperity funds. These monies are being given to a variety of specially selected individuals who had the foresight to participate in programs conceived by us and administrated by individuals chosen at random by a number of secret societies dedicated to the Light. These programs, as they pay out to these selected individuals, have a divine purpose behind them. These monies are first of all being given to start a chain of events which create a legion of organizations focused on bringing to humanity the sacred message of Heaven. You are going to be returning to full consciousness. We have been instructing various Light-Workers on how to employ these funds to convey Heaven's desires to you. Our deepest wish is for these changes in your world to happen easily and swiftly!

      As we have stated, the Divine Will of Heaven has decreed that your present reality collective be altered to a fully conscious one. This implies that those who now "control" you need to let go, and we have set up the framework to bring this about. We have received the necessary dispensation from Earth's heavenly tribunals to use our abilities to remove these dark ones from power. This is to be done once the funds, now held by our Brother St. Germaine, are primed and then released by him. Long ago, we all agreed that indeed a time would come when an Age of Light was to appear again on Earth. This is that time! We are therefore prepared to do all that is necessary for your success! We have instructed many Light-Workers on these matters. The time comes for many of these same Light-Workers to reveal what we have been telling them. We are committed to the victory of the Light! This triumph is here! We stand with our allies in the Light and welcome them all in joy!

      We the Galactic Federation stand, as well, with the sacred edicts of Heaven! The Ascended Masters of Earth are fully dedicated to your return to full consciousness. Our fleet has worked with these amazing Souls since we first came here over two decades ago. The present scenarios for contact were originally conceived by them and immediately adopted by us. We have been in contact with your governments in one form or another since the late 1940s. These numerous exchanges until recently were largely ceremonial in nature and quite unproductive. Now we have their full attention. They listen closely and are quick to comment officially on what we offer them. Our intent is to follow the excellent lead of your Ascended Masters, and it is within this context that our Liaisons and Ambassadors are offering a means by which to effect government transition and a new political reality. We expect this new situation to manifest swiftly! The time for your destined freedom has arrived!

      As you can see, much is transpiring to forge a new world for you. We expect you to participate in this process. Many of you have been privy to our messages for a while, and we wish a favor from you. Use your knowledge along with your innate and learned abilities to make your communities aware of what is going on around them. Come together to form a group. This can be either one or two, or many. Use the like-minded among you to create programs which bring these subjects to your community's attention. Here, 'community' can refer to a town or city, or even a much larger area. Whatever the case, be creative. Start by simply doing a service for the community, and then use this as a starting forum for the information you wish your community member, be creative. An art display or brief video can be very effective. The key is to express your joy!

      The recent headway made toward transformation, dear ones, has got to a point where it requires you to come together and help each other. Each of you has some knowledge of how you are to morph into galactic humans. Share this with each other. Create a milieu conducive to talking about these subjects openly and freely. It is one thing to hear this information coming out of a television set, but it is quite another to hear it with the Love and caring that emanates from someone you know. There is no substitute for the personal touch, of hearing it from a friend or neighbor. We intend for this sacred transition to full consciousness to be filled with a touch of the Divine! This work is a sacred task. It is one that began nearly 13 millennia ago and we are now doing what is needed to bring Heaven back to you all. We are your Ascended Masters!

      Today, we explained to you how close you are to your long-sought victory! The Ascended Masters (such as Count St. Germaine, Hilarion, and Paul the Venetian) are completing sacred tasks that are to ensure your freedom and prosperity. The time is upon you for celebration, and for the requisite for you to take on a whole new level of personal and collective responsibilities. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Jarin! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

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  • There was a Light Circle Ezine message that talked about someone impersonating:   Sheldan Nidle, Messages from Matthew channeled by Suzy Ward, and Salusa channeled by Mike Quinsey.  Always listen to your hearts and discern which are true and which messages don't resonate and may be coming from another source.
  • As a member of PAO, I say if this is true it is good news. However, I have to agree with some of these other replies to this post. I am not fully sure I am confident of the intentions of this latest update. I am still very skeptical of things that appear too good to be true. I also believe that an Antichrist can say what we want to hear. I viewed a series of postings on the Galactic Federation of Light about First Contact this last weekend, and a red flag went up. I have been told by my spirit guide about the upcoming Golden Age so do truly believe that will happen, but the videos I saw on Youtube (see my previous sentence) made me question something. They said that in the new Golden Age which is to be a period of Peace that no one will have weapons or can strike another person in violence that their "weapon" would be disintegrated and that if a person said something hateful or in anger against another human being that an invisible force would silence that person from speaking their words. That sounds like what we want is a peaceful society, however, to me, that went against God giving us free will. What happens to Yin and Yang in the New Age and duality? I thought that there always had to be darkness in order to have light? Inquiring minds want to know what this New Age means? Now I have dreamt of being evacuated many times over the years and when I watched the movie "Knowing" I freaked out because it was just like in my dreams. I have embraced the thought of living on the Mother Ship and read what it will be like on the site. But I also have read about deception by many other sources and humans possibly being enslaved by the AntiChrist and the evil not benevolent beings that may come to "help" us. I do not say this to promote fear but I say this as we all must be aware that the possibility exists that we may be lead astray. I seriously hope that my skeptism is wrong here. I know I come from another universe outside this one and am here to spread my message and help the earth and it's people to ascend so I am not doubting the possibilities here, just want to make sure that we all consider different messages. I truly hope this is what we are waiting for. We must seriously trust our hearts but also use our minds to know the difference. Is this what we have been waiting for or a deception by the master of all deceit? Of course I am hoping that the prosperity funds are real because I could desperately use the money, but are we being paid to sell our souls? We must consider everything. We must be aware.
    THE NEW EARTH - Earth Changes and The Ascension of Planet Earth
    Earth Changes and the Ascension of Planet Earth
    • I'm totally with you here.

      I do also believe in the Golden Age and that there is a Galactic community and that we are all part of it. What I find problematic with a lot of the channeled messages is, and I've said this before here, that they promise too much which then doesnt happen and they have the tendency to keep you hooked in a state of expectation, looking towards the future constantly. I'm not sure if that is good thing.

      I would prefer the messages to be more hands-on, giving advice on how to be in the present moment and find joy right now, even before all these alleged events are to take place. In the end it doesnt matter if we are being kept up to date about things they cant really take about in detail anyway. If it will happen then it is enough to say it once and let it unfold and in the meantime teach how to be more peaceful now.

      I like messages like the one from Gabriel from a few days ago ( where the energies that are going on right now are discussed. Often I find myself going "Yea that's exactly how I've been feeling lately" and I get a better context of what is happening energetically on the planet and what I can do or what I can focus on. That is much more practical and useful I find. 

      •  Jetti Blue

         "I would prefer the messages to be more hands-on, giving advice on how to be in the present moment and find joy right now". =================Hey there from Idaho,  I have an idea.  Why don't we just know & self decree that we are in the now RIGHT NOW?  I know I AM.  Where are you?
          And also even if it is a channeled message, we who read it or hear it are creating it a-new right then as we believe or disbelieve it.  I guess I should say, as we 'accept or reject' whatever the message is.  Now.  Surely we do not accept it just because it is in print in front of us right? 

        AhandahkasiiAHA, Brenda

  • Sounds like...


    Take old communist propaganda, give it a new age spin, change the buzzwords and you got a new propaganda!

    "We will infiltrate the money system so that we can control the world (in your favor, and in your name)(supposedly)(hmhmcough)."

  • i had a new dvd, delivered to my home yesterday,it is a current one,called earth changes,pole shift and the new you,by sheldon nidle the galactic federation,after i viewd it ,will add some info about it,blessings eve(solaena)
  • "Antichrist tells you what you want´s to hear , and Christ tells you what you need´s to hear"
  • Wow, so Salusa gives a timeline for disclosure...

    "We also expect Disclosure to be announced by your new leadership no later than the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere"

    He/She's been talking for a while now about prosperity funds and global change of government. I've never been quite sure what to think about it. I often felt just being held in constant anticipation, that's why I stopped reading the messaged at one point. 

    I think I remember there's been given a time frame for disclosure before and it didnt happen. So it's interesting to see if it will happen this time. Start of summer is just around the corner after all! 


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