Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
11 Cib, 14 Yaxk'in, 7 Ik

Selamat Jarin! We return to tell you about some interesting developments! At present, we are working with our Earth allies to secure the formal release of the deliveries. We have also set up the final procedures for the switch from the present corporate de facto US regime to the new caretaker one. This particular scenario has been revised to accommodate many among the Earth allies who feel that a slightly different type of government change is essential, as a result of a series of final discussions with the dark cabal. We are considering these developments within the context of our preparations for our first global announcements, as these last-minute changes may be much more lengthy than expected. The purpose of these final diplomatic exchanges is to toughen up the accords to ensure that the government changeover goes smoothly and without major hitches. These agreements include several separate financial packages that are also receiving some final adjustments. An initial four-month segment is being added to the banking accords that lead to the break-up of the world's largest banking institutions.

These additions in no way alter what is to happen. What they represent is the need for this financial package to be a true indicator of the Earth allies' determination to establish a universally prosperous, hard currency financial system. The precise logistics of this are something that the new President and his new cabinet are to discuss at length with the American people and the peoples of your world. It is to be a decentralized, regional system and will be partially reliant on the spread of the abundance funds that are to be issued on the same day as the temporary regime takes over the reins of power. The exigencies of this timing make it essential that we do what is necessary to ensure that the deliveries go off as planned, and so we have initiated a series of actions using our technology and the expertise of our technical personnel. Hence, these critical disbursements, when finally okayed by our Earth allies, will be done swiftly and easily by our designated personnel. This task is receiving its final prerequisites even as we speak. The drive behind all this is to complete these pivotal tasks as quickly as possible.

This first-contact mission has become fully tasked with setting up global governments that are qualified to receive our contact, although we have already had much interaction with several major and minor governments throughout your world. These diplomatic pursuits have given us a comprehensive understanding of how your global power structure operates. This construct has spawned regimes that are deeply entwined in the wealth creation process of this global structure, and the only solution to our dilemma is to procure basic changes to the very foundation of this power construct. To this end we have recruited powerful groups and individuals seriously committed to an entirely new way of putting wealth and power together. Our growing mutual friendships with these people have resulted in what is about to happen, rendering the dark cabal and its dogged obstinacy expendable. This first-contact mission is about returning you to full consciousness, not assuaging a pampered and hubristic few! This objective was made more difficult by the appearance here of members of the Anchara Alliance.

Members of the Orion Alliance were able to obtain a series of formal working relationships with a number of your major governments. These led to technology exchanges as well as the means to retrieve numerous craft, together with their personnel, which crashed on your world. These accords also included training programs in which members of your military traveled to other worlds to discover how time travel and teleportation operate. Consequently, several missions by your secret military were undertaken to alter your history vis-à-vis Atlantis. These missions ultimately failed. The timeline that you are on has been altered by Heaven and the divine plan, and will shortly deliver you to the great changes we have long been telling you about. The inability of the dark cabal to change this new Heaven-bound timeline is what set off their initial panic. At this point, the cabal is fully cognizant of the fact that a positive first contact by the Galactic Federation is inevitable and underway!

As we have stated, these are the last few moments of this present reality. It is being divinely transformed, along with your planet, your solar system, and you. Many aspects of this reality can be seen to be changing. Signs of this include the rather 'odd' placement of the moon in the night sky and the strange perturbations of many stars and nearby worlds. These are portents of the immense changes that every part of your reality is now going through, and our role is to be a catalyst for these changes. The former Anchara Alliance members who were once in relationship with the dark cabal are assisting us in the preparations for carrying out a successful first contact with you. Know that this is the time when all of this is slated to manifest. A series of astonishing events is unfolding before you!

These events set the stage for what we intend to accomplish next. Your present societies are obligated to mere de facto regimes, orchestrated by the whims of the dark elites who wish to control you as before. These intentions run counter to the decrees of the Light! Therefore has the Light sent us to reorder your world and move you into full consciousness, and we can report that the first part of this remit is being carried out. The governmental and economic structures set up by the dark at the end of the Roman Empire have come to the end of their usefulness as tools for expressing its power. The dark knows this and is trying in vain to create suitable replacements. These machinations lie behind all that has happened from the beginning of this century onwards, and as anyone can see, these attempts have all met with failure!

The cabal's trials and tribulations will not cease until it relinquishes the power now so manifestly lost to them. We have worked diligently with our Earth allies to ensure that this transition continues to manifest as Heaven so decrees. Lord Surea has pronounced that these transformations are to happen now! We, in turn, have stepped up our unswerving determination to justly resolve the whole issue of the dark and their minions. A great deal of subtle change is underway, provoking much upheaval and trepidation in the ranks of the cabal. You need to have the deliveries and a true change in governance. This is happening on many levels, and the final, most dramatic part of this transformation is ready to pop! Our diplomatic and liaison corps is succeeding in preparing the way for this to happen. Their actions are making possible a
first series of truly wonderful announcements.

With this done, we can formally end the UFO cover-up and begin to announce our presence to all of you. This starts the rush to first contact. Your world urgently needs these changes, as Gaia can no longer hold your present reality together. Her only recourse is a series of stepped-up natural catastrophes that can only imperil your existence as primary residents of the surface realm. Moreover, the very diversity that enables life on your surface world to exist is on the verge of extinction. In previous eras, Gaia used surface 'remodeling', like the one you face, to reset the life clock and reestablish the essential diversity. You are critical to what she envisions. This growing dilemma needs a divine intervention, and we are it! We come to reset your consciousness clock and prepare you for your much-needed, new responsibilities.

Today, we brought you up-to-date with some important points regarding first contact. The much-needed events we discussed are underway and we await their imminent conclusion together with the opportunity to roll out your prosperity deliveries and regimes changes. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@... | Website address: www.paoweb.com

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  • absolutely right. The people we have for leaders are complete clowns.

  • Hi folks, I agree with some comments here, that this seems to be information repeated over and over. Though I'm sure most of it is somewhat accurate. Now do I agree that it is a solution, maybe. I've come to see these so called problems that need all this delay after delay as children squabbling over a toy they wont share together. You want to fix some of the problems humans have right now as far as basic needs. Stop charging for rent, stop charging for land and stop taking this worthless ink paper from people for everything related to basic needs, so people that don't have homes right now, can at least setup an old style indian tent till they can make something better and farmers can now share there food freely without having to worry about some ignorant soul with a badge and gun coming to steal there farms and homes. Wow, look how simple that was folks. You see it really is that simple. And all the eye brow furling from folks that fear this kinda of change due to their brainwashing, will just have to get over it already. Hey folks, i just had another mild argument with my father about this very thing. Since he is still in fear and semi brainwashed, he still cant quite grasp the fact that people that are going hungry, while we have farms everywhere and big boxes (grocery stores) with tons of food sitting there. And in this insanity, It seems he thinks this situation is sane and normal. Remember the part in the movie 'Superman' where he flipped the switch on that device that took away his powers and instead of him losing his powers the so called bad guys lost theres. Now make that device a common sense machine where everyone becomes blind of common sense on the outside of the machine and im caught inside. It's rather like being in a twilight zone episode, to see this insanity around me and people think it's normal. Anyway, love is the key.

  • Constantina,

    The real truth is...the Americans have given up their 'power' to the dark forces...when they stop loving themselves and putting all other false hopes and dreams before their souls. False hopes like being judgmental...thinking that when they 'label' someone as a 'bad hat' and want them put somewhere in a group...that is also putting you, your family and everybody else into that same group...and the more people you put in that group...the more energy you are giving it.

    You actually 'empower' it...voicing it out vehemently in writing or speaking it...you're in actual fact...giving them more power. Can you undertand the concept?

    That is the law of the Universe. Mind, thoughts, point of views in all forms...are all like a 'legal stamp' - chopping it and making it 'real' and it will happen as the energy is being sent out to 'your universe' within you...dragging you and your loved ones into it and therefore will experience it too.


    Pres. Obama's personal experience is none of our concern. He is only there to inspire us..to be more than who we are..since he is the first black president. Can you see God's cue to us..that we should look to Pres. Obama and send him more loving energy (as it will be multiplied)...and No...a 12yr old cannot do a better job!! - Period!

    There is no such thing as a 'special few'. It doesn't exist! It is all in your thoughts process, in trying to filter out between 'good and bad' (a dualtity process which we need to get out of) and you allow your 'ego' to get the better of you - again the empowerment of the dark force 'legally stamped' by your 'opinions' and thus activating the strength of the dark ones.

    With all these said - please stop giving your power away. When you label someone bad....you're giving your own power away 'cos you're giving them more energy by thinking and saying it - you've activated and empowered them.

    We're all 'One' and interconnected and our energies are intertwined like 'electricity' running all over the place energising one another...... and when you 'activate' what you think is bad...you've just given it a huge lightning bolt of energy...giving more intense power...and the more powerful it will become. Isn't it awesome?

    The only way to balance this very delicate and entense energy is to keep on saying good things, think positive thoughts, send loving energy to all around especially our world leaders...they all need it very much at this very crucial time.

    When you're on your journey in sending love to all...you start to be a world leader yourself..within your own universe and you are a Lightworker...Warrior of the Light...not in a physical way...fighting...but working within yourself...quietly...that is the most powerful tool..when you're 'sneaking' behind the dark forces and they get hit quietly - very lethal indeed!

    Be more than who you truly are, Constantina - go forth and spread God's light and love - your name says it all!

  • ...and Bush was your saviour? That's my 5 cents!

  • Yes, you are all very right...we need to be our own leaders...and getting our own karmas sent back to us...good or bad. Start with ourselves...our thoughts...our words...our feelings (femine energy) think, speak, write, feel and act from God's light, His love...His tolerance...His non judgmental love.


    I'm 'walking through' a series of past 'evil and cruel actions' like the japanese occupation during world war II in the Asia Pacific region...and I'm trying to get into the 'unconditional love' for them who raped women who were pregnant, throwing babes into the air and using their bayonets to kill them in mid air......and all I'm saying is this...


    We've to get past being judgmental and trying to understand the whys...hows...etc...and instead to allow God and all the lightworkers to do their work without us...adding more confusing thots into this whole awakening.


    If Pres. Obama is from the dark forces...and we get messages from angels...and whoever...that he is doing something good...at times he may not be making the kind of decisions which the whole of USA is going to be happy about....he is from God... we're from God....then this Ashtar Command website..and all other websites..receiving channeled messages..won't matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore...this whole place is just like....someone say something...someone else judge and rebuke...there're no love...no understanding....no tolerance.....he's bad....she is bad....they're bad.....why live in this so called 'miserable world'...painted this way by the mindsets with all these egoistic 'rebukes and complaints'..


    Why is there a need to demoralize the good deeds which souls are just doing the best they know how and adding more negative energy to it. Aren't we suppose to send more love energy and prayers to our world leaders that they will govern wisely and the world leaders will listen to our true 'Boss/God' messages?


    For a good start, we should behave like a world leader ourselves....with integrity, love, to have the courage to be humble...if not...we're in deep deep trouble...'cos the whole Universe is in our heart/soul.... that is the true reality!!


    We all hold the whole Universe inside ourselves...start from there. Good always attract good...we still have time...start now..

  • This reply was deleted.
    • I don't spread negativity, you do, with this comment. I wanna spread laughter :D

    • "if you dont believe any of the info tht is posted on the site then why are you on ashtar command" --Justin 19


      I don't usually believe Sheldon, but I am on AC because there are other things on the site that I like to read about. Would you prefer that every person on this site believe every thing on this site?


      "its getting old with all these negative bs comments dont comment if you dont believe it"


      So people shouldn't be allowed to communicate an intelligent rebuttal if they want to? In the same way that I liked to be warned about the lies I am being told by the government, I would also like to be warned about potential lies being told by wolves in sheeps' clothing. That's what whistle-blowers are for. Would you prefer a world without whistle-blowers? Without people exposing the truth?

      • This reply was deleted.
        • Dude if you go up the thread and see who the "grass" comments were intended for then you might have an incling of an idea!!


          Another thing, If you've read enough of Sheldans channels you'll soon start to see a pattern emerge as to how often he repeats the same stuff over and over and over. I'm not saying what he channels is truth or lies, but a half truth is a complete lie!


          There an old saying: "Keep repeating the lie over and over, then soon enough the people will believe it's their own truth"

          One more thing..........DISCERNMENT! What's true for you might not be true for me, and that's the beauty of the paradox!

    • To whom is your comment directed Justin 19??

  • ..i agree with u here... except for the part that "we need to wait for someone of the light, to take over".. NO, we dont need anyone from anywhere to take the wheel...
    ..what we need is each one of us take responsibility, and leave common sense, peace and unity be our guides, and not any single, or group of humans, or ET's for that matter... whether they are good or bad... the time of leaders must end... we need to be our own leaders...
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