Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Oc, 8 Mol, 7 Ik

Selamat Balik! We return to continue our discussion with you as the world you live in completes another of its Gregorian-calendar years. We come at this time with much news and to proclaim the manifestation of a new reality! The old ways that have controlled your world for the past eight millennia have run their course; the trite reiterations of your authority figures fail to convince; and the economic, governmental, and social underpinnings of your reality are falling apart. The depth and extent of this systems failure is global in scope, and it is apparent that widespread panic is indeed setting in, spreading from one continent to another. Presently, a fake digital bastion disguises the breakdown that lies behind it, but this deception cannot last much longer. What is being perpetrated is a series of monumental misrepresentations which are shortly to collapse in on themselves. Everywhere the need for change grows with each passing day. Our Earth allies have begun to listen intently to what we have to say on these matters, and we are encouraging them to act and to act now!

The banking sham and the huge debt that is engulfing the system portend the start of a global collapse the likes of which your world has never seen. Similarly, governments, especially in the Americas and many nation-states in Europe, are reaching the end of their rope. Civil unrest and other forms of national disobedience are beginning to crop up in many parts of your world, and the more totalitarian regimes are apprehensive about a degree of civil disorder not seen since the days when the communist regimes of Eastern Europe collectively fell. These conditions do not go unnoticed by the dark cabalists, and their henchmen are now flying around the world to assure many regimes of their support and their ability to keep the lid on the growing public rebellion. Their assertions are hollow and are made to maintain some semblance of control and stability, which is being increasingly undermined, by the concerted actions of our Earth allies. Developments are coming to a head, and the time is fast approaching for us to actively insert ourselves into your affairs to turn the tide swiftly in our Earth allies' favor.

Our diplomats and liaison teams are monitoring the global situation carefully and at the proper moment we need to intervene on a massive scale. This intervention will be swift and enable deliveries to be made quickly and easily. The dark cabal is watching the approach of this 'first domino' closely. Despite their best efforts, our Earth allies are unable to push it through on their own, so we have decided to do it in our own way. At the right moment, this special intervention will happen. It will signal the start of a chain of events that is to change governments and usher in a new global, hard monetary structure. We have been over the procedures for these changes many times with our Earth allies and our Agarthan cousins. These events herald the end of your non-disclosure policies, and once we are formally announced, we intend to begin an education program that will make first contact much easier to carry out. Right now, many of you are in a quandary over whether we are benevolent or even truly real! Our broadcasts and ship tours will put these questions formally to rest.

Another aspect of these educational broadcasts is our massive technology bequest to you. Our technologies are to supplement the presently sequestered technologies that the new regimes are to release into the public arena. You are to vault ahead technologically by several decades to make up for the past century during which these discoveries were made and then kept from you. A much-needed new scientific paradigm will be born, preparing you for what is to come. We intend to assist your sciences to coalesce a new paradigm. We discovered long ago that once truth begins to come on line in any given situation, it gets harder and harder for the governments to stem the surge toward full disclosure. We look forward immensely to this technology transfer and all that will follow it, as the situation on your world requires urgent, massive upgrading. Our personnel are ready to go and carry out their assigned responsibilities at a moment's notice.

Now let us look at the sequencing of events as set up by our Earth allies. We have basically taken over responsibility to see that the flood of global deliveries is carried out at the appropriate moment. Further, we have used our good offices to ensure that the new governments are in power by the time this first task is completed. The new governments, especially the American one, have the job of broadcasting the dramatic, initial series of announcements which will lay the groundwork for all we have been talking about in this message. They have a range of immense responsibilities to carry out. In the case of the new American regime, there is the grand task of reestablishing the US Constitution as a true working document, and the first broadcast will address how this is to be done. The next series of edicts will establish guidelines for debt forgiveness and new monetary and international policies.

These proclamations will establish a new reality for America. In this new atmosphere, a number of new governments in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania will have the opportunity to contribute additional global guidelines. These are to be the basis for an unprecedented level of global cooperation and will be enhanced by our good offices and by our own educational broadcasts. You are then to enter a new era in which you, as a people, can reach out and rediscover the true nature of Gaia and reunite with your Inner Earth cousins, the Agarthans, who have waited for nearly thirteen millennia to interact with you without outside interference. Then comes a short interim period prior to your return to full consciousness; a time for celebrating your reunion with and getting to know your Inner Earth family.

We see this coming time as a period when Heaven allows us to be the element 'that makes a difference.' We possess the means to turn our Earth allies into a force to be reckoned with! We have been in orbit around your world for nearly two decades, and this is an unprecedented situation for any Science and Exploration (S&E) fleet. During this time we have been asked to intervene increasingly deeply, all in accordance with Heaven's dictates. Another interesting facet of this mission is the high turnover of motherships joining and leaving the fleet. A further unique aspect is the high exchange rate of motherships between star-nation fleets, giving us a composite made up of members of almost every S&E fleet in the Federation. Normally, the Main Federation Council would not allow such an extensive migration of Motherships!

What lies just ahead of you is Heaven's grand thrust to institute a new fully conscious reality for you. Our part in these proceedings is to make it happen! We take this role very seriously as we comprehend fully what Heaven intends for you. The suffering you have had to endure is now to end. You are ready now to embrace a wealth of facts and astonishing truths that will run counter to what you have long been given to believe. The cabal has fought tooth and nail to maintain those lies that keep them in power, but that option is no longer available. The time has come for you to learn that you are not alone, and for you to graduate to your incredible future as fully conscious Beings of Light. Celebrate, now, the emerging events that are bringing you this imminent and wondrous destiny!

Today, we reviewed what awaits you and ask that you prepare for what is now to happen. Be ready to help your fellows and to inform your community about what is happening in their world. We are to stage a mass landing, and then lead you in grace and joy to your new fully conscious world! Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@... | Website address: www.paoweb.com

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  • There are about 200 millions of starseeds on Gaia , and most of them are believing in this fake channelings.

    Such a pity , when they bear such advanced DNA that they can create a new world by them selves if they knew the truth.

    I would like that the starseeds pondered:

    Wait a minute.......

    The dark hats create theese messanges to make us feel good , and prevent us from using the force we have inside.

    Same fake messanges week after week full of love and promises to make us feel good , instead of searching for the truth why the world almost is going under.




  • Wait, why do we need a global government?
    Isn't that what the "dark cabal" wanted?
  • Yes, I just read this and thought about the word imminent...


    "The time has come for you to learn that you are not alone, and for you to graduate to your incredible future as fully conscious Beings ofLight. Celebrate, now, the emerging events that are bringing you this
    imminent and wondrous destiny!"


    This tell me that they will show themselves within days!!!


    Needs to be!!



    • Fixed! :-)
      • This reply was deleted.
        • The header read "November" instead of "December". Wish there was more I could do. :-)
    • if such a word was truth than this "imminent" arrival would have happened several years ago
    • I hope so, I don't know if its the higher energies or just me growing impatient but change has to happen soon or ... I will sue the Galactic Federation and they will have to pay me a brand new spaceship!
      • This reply was deleted.
        • I wouldnt get too carried away with this guys. Remember they were going on like this at the start of this year and that something was going to happen any week...infact they have been going on like this for years. I wouldnt be surprised if this time next year nothing has happened.
          • I agree, the dates are off since a long time, but something to consider though:


            -If these guys were channeling astral entities or the such it would be possible that it was orchestred/monitored/tolerated by those who guard us along our incarnation. Maybe these channelings had to serve a purpose like expand our minds to new concepts and ideas,to teach us about what might possibly happen, etc. 


            to me it seems that everything in life is orchestrated by a higher intelligence, so these channelings could serve more than one purpose at the same time 


            • This reply was deleted.
              • I hear you on that sometimes thinking about ordinary (3d things) can be very difficult when you feel this high energy or have incredible synchronisities. 





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