1 Ik, 15 Kank’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! Great progress is being made to get your blessings to the correct bank accounts. The dark has continued to try to delay this operation and it has mostly failed. A number of key developments did nevertheless occur. China began the process of moving to a gold standard with the announcement of the gold Yuan in Shanghai. The young royals in Europe approved the shift of vast sums of monies and the ancient families in China transferred a number of last remaining gold depositories into their final positions. As you see, the final preliminary steps needed to deliver your blessings are accomplished, as provided by a series of special agreements signed by all treaty nations last spring. All is currently on a divine timeline and our fleet is watching this complex set of actions closely. We expect that all of the required procedures are to be completed in a timely way. Until then, be patient and know that many of these funds still require some additional steps to be finalized. The dark is finally on the ropes and their long reign is just about over. Your victory is in sight!
As we watch all of this transpiring, we return to those who are mostly forgotten in this long and evolving process. We thank all of those who, over the past few decades, have set up a small, but nevertheless successful cooperative network. This network is serving throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia as the core for funneling monies and ideas to the most rural and often ignored parts of this globe. Your courage is not forgotten by our earthly counterparts or by us. We thank, too, all those who kept up a number of seemingly impossible legal cases that are now beginning to bear fruit. These teams of magnificent volunteers are finally to be paid for their services by us and their incredible legal abilities acknowledged by the dark. These immense efforts were completed under some very violent threats and many that we cannot as yet name are victims of the last vestiges of a long list of unrelenting violence. This is now near an end. The new Republic for America is close at hand and a number of grand surprises are ready to manifest as well.
What is now happening is a joint action that at first required that we develop a sense of trust in each other. The ancient families, and especially the royals, had become used to a sort of conspiratorial atmosphere that encouraged a rather long period filled with mistrust. It has taken nearly two decades to gain their trust. We also ran into the arrogance and stupidity of the dark cabal. This group truly believed that their dictatorship was to last forever. Hence, they saw us as just another group that was eventually to succumb to their directives. This set of beliefs ended when we closed their many underground bases and showed them who we really are. This frightened them and caused the dark cabal to be initially defensive with regard to our first divine messages from Heaven. So, as you can see, the first impression of us, for these various Light groups, was of distrust and a sense of overall fright. These first impressions ended when we turned to the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans for advice.
Our next set of interactions received an entirely different set of reactions. Those individuals who began to have confidence in us forged the courageous policies of the secret sacred societies. Slowly, these various groups of dedicated individuals began to trust us. After a decade of close workings with many of them, our advice is now honored and the great strides made in the last few years are a direct result of this coalition. We built, moreover, a huge main base next to the Agarthan capitol and began to hold detailed planning sessions there. The grand Council of Agartha and the Ascended Masters attended with many of the leaders of these sacred secret societies. This rapport was further extended because of the exciting results created by these numerous meetings. We are presently assured that our main divine purpose to come here is being honored and its success is leading to your full liberation from your former masters, the dark cabal. We fully expect to see many miraculous things begin shortly. Hosanna! Hosanna!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this joyous date to inform you that various blessings are currently in the last phases of delivery. Soon these blessings are to be with you. Things that the dark has employed to block these funds are gone. Thank Heaven and its glories for this! We are shortly to enter an age where these dark rapscallions are no longer in evidence. These particular rogues are to be arrested and a new republic is to be declared, first in America and then in the rest of this divine globe. These events have taken longer than expected. We thank all of you for your continued vision and deep spiritual support of our joint efforts. Gaia is also most pleased with how you have kept this grand vision going, despite all the frustrations that you have encountered. Many wonderful things are coming your way. Be ready for a plethora of magnificent blessings from Heaven and her heavenly helpers.
It is important that you realize just how powerful you truly are. One of the key aspects of this long process is for you to acknowledge from within that your vision is now coming true. The dark seized this from you when your ancestors were first dropped haphazardly into limited consciousness. It initially created a wall between your two primary aspects, the Spiritual and the Material Self. This division created a panic and in this special moment you gave your incredible powers away to others. This is a time when you are to be able to produce a means find a way to begin to take back these personal abilities. As you practice your daily envisioning, you are slowly starting to manifest these lost personal powers. As you receive these blessings and the minions fade from your environment, these lost abilities can begin to emerge. This is to continue as you realize your vision and begin a dialogue with your chosen mentors.
We are also to be a part of this mental and spiritual process. You are to get a better understanding of this as you practice the various ceremonies that you are daily to participate in. These are to be reviewed by your mentor and by us. We expect this to take longer than originally anticipated. You are eventually to reach a point where you can start to see how this is all coming together. When you achieve your initial “ah ha” moments, you then need us (mentors and Masters) to counsel you and prepare you for the last necessary steps. Once this is done, you are to be ready for your time in the Crystal Light Chambers. At this moment, we need to fully assess this realm and invoke the last ceremonies required to move this globe to the point of its final transformation. A final timetable is then to be arranged and strictly followed by all. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we continued our weekly reports on what is happening. These reports are nearing a glorious end. A point is coming when the Sacred Nine of AEION can address you and make a series of most important announcements. Until then we are to continue with these weekly letters! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
China has proved to us to be a splendid conduit for change and transformation of the global economy and financial system....The Chinese communists have beaten western capitalism at it's own game.....Eclipsing the former manufacturing powerhouses of first, the 19th century UK and later, the 20th century USA...
China was chosen because of her ray structures, the national persona of China is the 3rd ray of active intelligence and adaptability.....What a major proponent and exemplar for the 3rd ray she has been......To transform her 1960s economy, which was largely agricultural, into a modern economy, within a few decades, is magnificent....ADAPTABILITY RAY.....Transforming her economy, under the communist party, into a capitalist consumer society and prime holder of western debt, is something that if mentioned in 1960s America, would have been considered IMPOSSIBLE to achieve, by the Chinese "reds."
Creation of the AIIB, a new gold standard and membership of BRICS, are all examples of how the Chinese personality ray has defined modern history, in her own image...Mao Tse Tung would be amazed, actually....He set the scene for this great leap forward and long march...
However, this will not lead to Chinese domination, but rather, breaks the back of American domination, to expedite the creation of a multi-polar world....
Bravo China.....
Earth's conflict is a symptom of neglectful personal experience, in massive scale.
While those souls, which trascended personal learning, doesn't seem affected by this. Those who haven't, are often involved in this conscious calling.
It's everyone's responsability. I was told this before, but I hadn't integrated the perspective of learning into the soul ecuation. So it was like "Oh, poor me"
Which explains why my shadow, or ego, constantly laughed at me. Our ego contains the fear of those aspects we have to integrate, not dissociate from.
He would look at me saying like "lazy bastard" When my consciouss aspect was all light, shine and rainbows.
Which explains my multiple personality disorder, each one, an intent of running away from my personal learning.
This creates, once the conscious aspect is integrated into the fear aspect, a soul personality. A complete and genuine being.
It's not a bunch of people dressed in white, but a whole lot of unique, consciouss and fun beings. Full of personality.
Something that blows my mind, is that there is people which personal learning, in some cases, involves accepting one's gender, despite being the opposite. But no, they end up changing sex instead. Afterwars, they still suffer from characterization, running away from experience. Conflictive and fake in expression.
The same with all the "holy light, holy light" Which wouldn't surprise me after seeing some of the attrocities commited in the name of neglectul experience, as religion. Y'know, genocide in the name of god... in the name of uncondicional love.
I can hear the cosmic face palm from years light away...
Such a way to mess it up!
No wonder why other space cultures intruduced themselves as the family of light. Primitiiiveee souls cling into light, without comprehension of the purpose of daaark.... which makes dark really harmful and distorted.
Y'know, pedophilia on religious circles. Abuse, murder. Everything because you reject an aspect of experience, till it's blown out of proportion, into something harmful to life.
It makes sense why something was "wrong" when I entered the church for first time. Y'know, fearful people on their knees. The whole purity pantomime. Naming their ego "evil" and devil.
Human kind is a fearful race, hyprocrite for the most part. So it means there's tons of things which need personal integration.
By the way, have you seen those pleiadian girls in tight suits? Oh god, the joy of sharing open minds!
No wonder why I was missing home X)
"Come and save meeeeee!"
People is victim of their own negligence and delegation, in regards to the political system, and many other areas too, both personal and as community.
The family of dark, as in cabal and another aspects, is here to somehow catapult you into wholeness, do you get it?
It's like a nice game of evolution, between the both families, which are One. But humans sometimes mess it up, really hard.
What I say is that you're lazy, no, not you. You... ahaha yes, yes you are X) don't lie to me!
The thing is, How much hotter the ground needs to get, before you jump on your own?
Because we're made of fire, basically. We're the fenix, the... t, the fire lizard, which is also a reptilian. A very bad one, not in that way! What I say is, that it's "good" at being "bad" As in evil, it's an evil thing!
What I say is, most suffering is due to our rejection of the experience, than the experience itself. Conflict is prolonged due to our rejection towards such difficulty, from which we must learn, and change as human beings.
This is a learning experience. Your situation won't change unless you change as a person. My feelings won't change, unless I learn to accept my family, despite all. Forgiveness.
What would you learn otherwise?
The situation remains the same, or gets even worse. The one that changes, is you, inside. Once that happens, then you've learnt something new.
That's experience
Agarther I don't see a posting of our official GFL/SH (last weeks) update, on ACC.....So I'll paste it in here....
7 Men, 8 Kank’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! Your world is slowly moving toward the divine resolution of the inevitable bankruptcy of USA, Inc. The American regime has managed to forestall the inevitable. Nevertheless, the time has come for the world’s major governmental change to manifest. The amount of guile and plain outright lying has finally run its course. The continued obstinacy to change of the American regime can no longer be maintained. Too many governments have left its side. Too many major economies have abandoned its cause. This de facto government is now alone and becoming more isolated by the day from its former friends and long-time allies. The world sincerely intends that it gracefully collapse and be replaced by governance more congenial to the changing nature of a new, growing, and more prosperous economy. This is the hope and intent of a number of possible solutions given freely to this suddenly desperate regime. America now requires a major housecleaning. The old ways are no longer even conceivable. Only a whole new outlook will do. The present American administration is beginning to realize this truth and is seeking a means to achieve this noble end.
As the former might of America fades into the sunrise of a new day, a whole new realm full of excitement and prosperity is currently ready to manifest. Count Saint Germain knew that a major set of events was needed to establish the required foundations for this new realm. At the opening of this millennium, America was to achieve its greatest false flag and call it “9/11.” America turned on its own people and wiped out many more lives than reported to create a false sense of security for its ruling oligarchy. This security was shattered by the rise in this world of a relentless force that turned America’s “victory” into the object that was to be the main cause for its ultimate undoing. This set of events led to the “RV” and the start of a global currency reset. These things were the heart of a new financial system. This alone signaled that America’s days as a god-like super power were over. It was to be replaced with a NESARA-born new governance and an unlimited prosperity. These elements were to embody a new realm filled with ETs, Agarthans and a new sense of purpose.
This growth in consciousness was inspired by the arcane work of Heaven. Since the middle of your 1970s, every body guardian was dedicated to the slow but steady growth of consciousness within the heart and soul of surface humanity. This accelerated movement had been inspired by the near collapse of the Sun in the early 1970s. Heaven saw this astrological event as the necessary harbinger for the mission to return its limited consciousness chelas into physical Angels. This operation was to start when a prescribed near-disastrous event occurred. This event was prevented by the sudden and massive intervention of the Federation. Heaven then ordered us to begin an intervention that was to slowly build up till a massive fleet was in place by the beginning of the 1990s. It is this fleet that is to arrive en masse on Gaia’s surface at a set date in the very near future. While all this was happening, your Ascended Masters had commissioned a set of secret sacred societies to complete a process that had been started in the early 1800s.
These secret sacred societies encountered us when we started to explore the lay of the land in the early 1990s. During this decade we developed camaraderie with several of these groups and began a close relationship, which has presently flowered into a close friendship. Through them we were able to begin to plan a “big picture” scenario to be introduced over the next two decades (1990s to 2010s). Our plan was, with our expertise, to simply support what the Masters and the Agarthans intended. This plan has now led us to the brink of success. The dark cabal is essentially defeated and all that remains is to carefully work out those procedures that can ensure that all is successfully implemented. Once this is done, and the Masters' lessons given, we can set a date for the landings upon your beautiful shores. At that time, we can introduce you to our mentors and begin the final steps to lead you to your personal Crystal Light Chambers! Then, you are to be swiftly trained to successfully live as fully conscious Beings of Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! A special time has been reached in our long and arduous journey through the dark period of our lives. A new dawn is coming that was prophesied by Heaven. The Anunnaki are gone and their immoral minions are on the verge of extinction. Only by the grace and mercy of AEON is there to be a glorious era of the Light. The theme of this moment is the divine progression of the Light as it moves through this divine rhythm of a grand transformation. This transformation brings liberation and a prosperity long hinted at by those who feel the eternal flow of these new rhythms of life. We ask that you remain positive and use these divine moments to plan and ready yourselves for what is to come. We Masters waited millennia for this sacred time. Our plans are now being implemented by our sacred societies of Light. It is the moment for you to climb out of the darkness and be seen. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
This sacred time is a most special one for you. The key is to remain positive and highly supportive of your vision. This realm is now changing in its own divine time. This is in its ever-expanding natural rhythm. Do not let the rate of this expansion frustrate you. Change is actually taking place! Be aware of this and know in your heart that a new world of freedom and prosperity is opening to you. This new period is taking shape and is being aided by those who have taken your many positive visions and are manifesting them. Hence, it is important that you strengthen these visions by continuing to support them. We Masters start every day with a series of prayers designed to bolster your efforts. Our combined strength is making a difference. Together, let us walk into this new time and do it by knowing that we are aiding to strengthen the rhythms of this new time!
This process of change is really a process of massive transformation. This operation is, in reality, a change in how you sincerely perceive this realm. It is for this reason that one is profoundly affected by your vision. Our part in this massive operation is to create and hold positive visions of the new world that we are entering together. This is truly a collective effort. Each of us comprises this magnificent collective. It is our way to positively hold this grand vision. Our sacred associates are taking this spiritual vision and forging its manifestation. You can say that we are holding together the divine blueprint for this objective. Piece by piece this vision is becoming real. Nevertheless it is being done using the new rhythms that we have created and continue to hold together. Hence, we can only thank you for your marvelous energies and ask that you carry on until this great goal is reached. Namaste!
Today, we continued to give our weekly report on the construction of the new reality. It has been a long and hard road to travel. However, you have all persisted. This road is now largely paved and we expect to hear some wonderful news shortly. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Hello Drekx,
you posted the update from last week :)
OK, thanks friend... thought it should be included for member perusal...
People suffer because they choose to do so.
Which isolates the emotional aspect from the self, which is our playful vehicle for experience. The person, the cosmic pizzazz, the joy of joys!
So you feel selfless and lonely... and y'know, weird. Paradigmatic duality and such.
Yes, crazy people... But the point is that this crazy... ness means that you're not sharing the pizzazz. Once you express IT, then it becomes goodies in many forms of experience.
To remain isolated on your emotional aspect alone, is pretty much your own negligence as a player.
It's gonna be funny once you get to know "the Cabal"
You all know it already, not by that name exactly. Pretty close, inside of you, even.
What was it? I forgot, but you can ask the other side of me. The fearful one, he sure knows it.