
11 Manik, 5 Kayab, 11 Ik

Dratzo! Around this world, a transformation of unprecedented proportions is taking place. The Anunnaki’s minions are being pushed from power in both the world’s governments and its financial system. This amazing process is being preceded by a series of mass arrests and the sudden resignations of key figures in the global banking system. This is being done to correct a process, which has over the last two decades left this world’s financial system in shambles. Those individuals who have immensely profited from a gross series of illegalities are shortly to pay handsomely for their attempt to permanently put your world in an immense power grab that began in earnest with the sudden departure of their former overlords, the Anunnaki. These formerly dark lords had decided en masse to join the Light and be a positive part of the new alliance forged by the declarations of the Anchara continuum to create a new galactic peace. This enabled the Light, at last, to produce a coalition and carry out the ancient prophecies of ArchAngel Michael.

   This heavenly alliance is aided here on Gaia by the forces of our large fleet, which is staffed by a group of Beings dedicated to making it possible to produce a realm that can free surface humanity. This group initially received a great setback when the American cabal struck suddenly in your Gregorian year of 2001. DEW explosions and an all-consuming fire destroyed the twin towers of lower Manhattan. This audacious event temporarily caused a setback for those who were ready to formally declare NESARA. This legislation was to make possible new governance that was to drive the dark from power. Nevertheless, the wars and a dark plot to take over the globe’s monetary system ultimately failed and the Light’s coalition started to come together and arrange a way to terminate the powers so illegally grabbed by the American cabal. We now stand on the verge of the success of a "quiet revolution" that is making possible a long overdue currency readjustment. These new financial systems are to drive out the dark cabal, swiftly bring this globe an end to debt slavery and produce a worldwide prosperity.

   This set of legal procedures has brought Gaia’s society to the brink of a new worldwide directive. A majority of smaller governments and the international legal system is quickly isolating the de facto American governance. This is bringing to an end the long reign of the fiat dollar and is to cause the collapse of the US Federal Reserve and a return to the US of a non-imperial foreign policy. These new circumstances are to set the way for global peace and harmony. This is to be created by the global flow of monies for innumerable humanitarian projects. These projects are to allow this world to introduce as well numerous innovations, which are successfully to provide the devices to solve the worldwide need for water, power, infrastructures and new alternative medical devices. These projects are as well to provide a means to end poverty and bring this realm a grace-filled prosperity. It is this global harmony that is to be the background for our formal arrival. This is when you are to meet with your many mentors.

   Our arrival is to coincide with the numerous messages to be delivered to you by your Ascended Masters. In addition, you are to learn of the many Agarthans who now dwell among you. They are to let you know whom they are and to provide a series of messages that are to tell you about the wonders of Inner Earth. After these incredible watershed events, you are to have a much better understanding of your true origins and history, which in reality dates back to the settling of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago. These facts are to be the precursor of things you are to learn from your mentors. We wish you to discover more about what the Atlanteans did and how this is to be corrected by the Agarthans and by us. Thus, you have much to learn and absorb. You are as well to move away from money and toward a society based on abundance and your inner set of responsibilities. These beliefs are to return you to full consciousness and a complete reunion with your spiritual and space families. It is as well to put you back on the path to fulfilling your truly grand destiny!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, the world is going through a blessed transformation! Those who have long spread their unique form of darkness are coming to the end of their rope. Long ago, Heaven decreed that this extended night of the Soul was to come to an end as you began to enter the influences of the Gregorian 21st century. At this time, as promised, the forces of Heaven have started strategies, which are very shortly to produce a new world filled with peace and prosperity. We Ascended Masters can now start to see various portents in the sky and water. These sacred signs are pointing the way to this new world. We graciously thank Heaven for deliverance, which is to fully restore to you the relationship given to us by Heaven to watch over and carefully guide your path to full consciousness. Our next series of appointed tasks include giving you a great series of global lessons. These lessons are to be part of what is to make you aware of whom you really are.

   As you grow in consciousness, you readily become much more aware of your relationship to the spiritual. This connection is one that gives you sustenance as it does us. Look upon this growing blessedness as a sign that the great suffering you had to endure is being transformed. These physical and at times, life threatening realities are something we can now begin to alleviate. Thus, we Ascended Masters can use our abilities to bring you merciful energies to transform this deep, dark realm. Heaven provides us now with certain spiritual elements to assure the success of those who have sided with the Light. The days of the dark cabal are numbered. A new world is being born. Those who know where to look can see how those who seek a way from this darkness are winning and those who have long run this realm are failing. Look inside and truly feel this!

   These are indeed interesting times. This world has evolved so that extreme levels of worldwide oppression and slavery are slowly going away. Hence, we can see how our blessings and those of each and every one of you is taking effect more swiftly and more clearly. Those who have opposed these changes can at last see how their powers are quickly fading. The time draws nearer for your spiritual forces to be able to manifest and openly use our energies to help our allies to succeed in their efforts. Heaven is even increasing the appearance of Angels on the Earth plane. We have had increased reports of these Angels aiding our accomplishments. The rise of Spirit is yet another portent of how the Light is transforming this realm for the better. The moments are upon us for the long prophesied triumph of the Light upon the Earth plane.

   Today, we continued with our weekly message. Be ready and able to inform your neighbors about the great events as they take place. Our messages give insights on what is happening around you. Use these to inform others and know that the time for prosperity is very, very near! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



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  • Anyone who may have had doubts as to who the dark cabal were, or are, may now note the definition provided in this update....I say this, as some on this site had even suggested to me that Russia was the location.....BUT I had to correct them then....So for the record, 'twas the "American Cabal," that struck the WTC twin towers, in 2001......What is meant by that, is the fact that it was a P2OG conducted false flag op, and engineered by and for the global domination machinations, of the Rockefeller crime family.......With the full support of their Illuminoid counterparts in GB, namely the Rothschilds...

    • It's a shame that people still believe it  was someone else

      • An open letter to whomever it may concern.

        Speaking of those who brought the World Trade Center down, I bet that quite a number of those who did the manual labor for that, i.e. the ones who planted the bombs in the Towers and so forth, have been quietly bumped off by the higher ups, in order to keep a lid on it .. so in fact, the real organisers, the ones who designed it, the Rockerfellers / Rothschilds and all of their scum criminal Bankster friends probibly got a number of bomb experts and brain washed them or drugged them somehow, got them to destroy the WTC and then secretly popped a cap in their heads after the job was done, secretly burried their bodies and then gave each other freemason handshakes and cuban cigars. I bet they also wasted their families too, or anyone conneced to the people who wired the WTC to collapse.

        Now, I wonder when those Cabal members are going to go down because they seem to be above the law, because they control the law, therefore they are untouchable. Basically, you cant bring these people to justice because they manipulate the entire system from on high .. indeed, the entire game is rigged, its a chess game and they are the dark side who appear to win every time by cheating and if you try to bring them to justice, if you fuck with them, you put your own life at risk because you are then playing with fire and if you play with fire, you are going to get burned.

        However, having said all that, I still have faith in the deeper, higher spiritual energies and I believe that no matter how destructive the Cabal are willing to be against humanity, they will eventually fail. The question is when? The only problem is we dont see much evidence of their downfall as of yet, apart from the occasional corrupt banker getting called out on the mainstream media. The real demons behind it are those Archon bastards and they are not even able to function in our atmosphere without burning up themselves.

        To my understanding, the only way to end it all is by not complying, to focus our attention elsewhere yet always bearing in mind that we are sort of in a spiritual war with those who do not have our best interests at heart, so that the pin head Archon and all of its minions can no longer feed off human fear, but it will take a huge awakening of conciousness to nail it, because it wont come about simply by a few eco friendly and freshly awakened souls signing petitions on facebook etc, those Cabal scumbags need to be removed but how do you worm your way into the demons lair and take them out without putting your life at risk? Relax I hear you think, all is as it should be. Wrong, all is not as it should be.

        Strange how all is in Devine order, and yet we are all still stuck in the control system to some degree or another. I dont see any UFO craft comming en masse from any benevolent star system until humanity reaches full conciousness and to my understanding, that appears to be not happening tommorow morning folks and until that moment arrives, which would appear to be quite a ways off, we will continue to get in line, pay bills, be obedient citizens, drink the cool aid, eat GMO foods, stare at the TV drug, stay in a trance and wait until its our turn to pass away.

        Personally, I do not foresee the downfall of the Cabal as imminent, as is widely suggested by certain channeled materials, instead, I see a long, slow boat to China. Sorry my good friends, I stand with you as your brother, but I am not hypnotised by any monthly updates, nor excited am I about the prospect of something like financial relief for the masses which more and more, appears to me to be nothing more than an elaborate joke at this stage. Each to their own, but I am inclined to believe that I will believe it when I see it.

        Cant wait to see the Queen of England being led away. Same story for the Pope. I am looking forward to the day when the Rothschilds and every other psychopath on the planet is taken down but I about give up on reading about things that continually promise much but deliver little, if anything at all. Everything is speculation. I am not stupid, millions of people are asleep but I am not one of them. Indeed, we are at the tail end of the old paradigm and a new world is about to unfold, but its still a mess, its still stinks and there is a HUGE clean up operation to get stuck into. I am not being negitive here, but realistic and its going to take DECADES, not days or weeks or even a few months for this world to fully heal .. face it, its going to take years and years because there are just far too many people in the world who are loaded to the gills with the Archontic poisen, flowing through their bloodstreams, pulsing through their heads, clogging their hearts and marinating in their minds and without their wakefullness, the rest of us are only dreaming! If you think everything is peachy creamy because you believe that something big is about to happen, dream on. The only big thing that is about to happen is nothing. Nothing is about to happen, because thats what always happens, nothing. People love to cling onto the hope that we are all on the verge of something monumental but ... nah .. I dont need anyone to proove me wrong, right or otherwise.

        Oh by the way, if something extrordinary does happen then I can be forgiven for thinking otherwise, right? .. because by then it will be so mind bending that this coversation will be long forgotten about in the ecstasy of it all and so until then, lets just say, its buisness as usual.

        Peace out !

        p.s. Stick, Drekx. lisa and anyone else who may be reading, this is NOTHING personal towards any of you guys .. just my current thought flow, its good to see you all by the way.

        • ~I hear & respect what you're saying, brother Luke... & I count myself among the countless unsung voices that are sick & tired of being sick & tired. Given the remaining, seemingly endless, levels of Archontic manipulations, distancing oneself from 'extraordinary' promises that are always just out of reach is quite understandable... frankly, I feel 'getting mad'... getting outraged... about the current state of affairs on the Gaian Matrix is an essential component of our Awakening. The 'it's all good' mantras ran their course long ago... the only way to break free from the Timeloop is by directly confronting the ways it continues to hold us all, to one degree or another, in mental bondage. So, from that angle, the Intent behind your open letter should resonate with anyone who is serious about finding ways address a Cabal, that despite messages like Sheldan's, that go back decades, is still very much in 'the game'. ~InLight555 

        • "......the cabal will fail , it will . Universal and earthly energies are much stronger than anything they concocted in their sick minds . Critical mass consciousness have been tipped over to the good side. Now , its a process that will not take a day , week or a yr but we are on the right track. >>>>>>>>>>I cant wait for the cabal to be removed and true purpose of good humanity will be manifested on mass scale.................

          • I cant wait for that either Michael .... however, it seems like we have to wait .. and wait ...

          • Right, Michael... It's always a good reminder that we are powerful co-creators in this whole process, and that whatever we are focusing on is what we're using our 'power' for... and that is a moment-by-moment practice/discipline.

        • Dear friend I believe the only end to this whole mess lays in our hands because we have free will and the free will law must be the obeyed.... People need to realize the truth and band together as one strong entity of truth and light....I'm getting those poems together love vya do arest friend.....

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