
7 Ik, 0 Vayeb, 11 Ik

Dratzo! The world is beginning to “crack” into two major parts! The dark cabal is furiously as well as unsuccessfully, working to maintain its millennia-long advantages. These traditions are straining under the forces of the Light’s broad legal attack. There are as well limitations being forced upon the dark’s fraudulent worldwide banking networks. Almost weekly, the dark attempts to create a situation that can eventually lead to war. These strategies are as well failing. In fact, a pattern of gradual collapse is now the norm for this cabal and its many minions. Meanwhile, our earthly allies are jointly discussing how best to finish off this former group of global power brokers. A new monetary system awaits the time for its formal declaration. This proclamation is likewise waiting for the final grand push, which is becoming a sure fait accompli for the Light. What is presently missing is the addition of the governmental portion of this growing grand alliance. In many major governments, those in charge are currently arranging for the needed redirection of governance that is to restore the rights of their people and permit a series of major arrests to happen.

   The stage is being set for a true quiet revolution, which is to allow your world to return to a state of peace and unheard of cooperation. The dark shudders daily at the degree of progress that our earthly allies are steadily making. This story is still mostly unheard by you as it is surrounded by a vast cloud of dark misinformation. The idea is to confuse the masses by maintaining through lies that nothing has really changed. We deeply wish to rise above this set of “smoke and mirrors". We repeatedly ask our earthly allies to disclose at least in part what is truly happening. Their reply is that this great disinformation helps them by making the cabal believe that its odd strategy is somehow working. It allows them as well to move forward in their unique surreptitious manner and at the right time to spring a new reality on the dark cabal's leadership. We feel instead that a more up-front campaign can work as well, as it can keep you somewhat “in the loop." The earthly Light forces continue to stay adamant that it is basically a self-defeating strategy due to the nature of how the cabal operates.

   As these strategies move forward, we can see how the Light intends to push the dark from power. To the dark cabal, wealth and power are everything. To them, their ability to be immune from the laws, which govern everyone else is a sign of just how important they seem to be. At work, the Light is slowly surrounding the dark with alternatives that promise to be overwhelming to them. This process, they mutually cite is how this once powerful enemy can be conquered. The dark, in turn, continues to depend on strategies that right now are mostly not working. This is because the Anunnaki are no longer in the picture. In fact, these former overlords are advising the earthly allies on how best to defeat their former charges. Hence, it is expected that some time in the next months this strategy of the Light is to yield the expected results. The fall of the dark cabal is in reality only the beginning. Our landing is to come only after new governance and a new financial system are fully in place. Before then a number of events are to happen. These are to set the stage for your meeting with your mentors!

   All of these amazing events were a part of a prehistory that was put into motion by the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had agreed with Heaven not to make any further modifications to what the Atlanteans had done to you. Yet, the Anunnaki dearly wished at the proper time to change you drastically into dumbed down human robots. This robot was to be their slaves and allow the Anunnaki to move into the inner circles of the evil Anchara continuum. This plan meant that first the dark had to make your ancestors completely compliant to their every command. The result was the three golden ages. This process was to fail and after the great flood, you were deposited across this globe. The dark overlords knew that soon Heaven was to revisit this realm and free you from the confinements imposed by the overlords and their minions. Our past monitoring of this solar system and especially, Gaia constantly revisited this process. In these visits, we encountered the Anunnaki and reiterated the numerous decrees of Heaven cited to us long ago. These told of your liberation and return to full consciousness.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This world is being prepared for a most blessed event! Long ago, Heaven permitted a dark overlord to rule over this land provided that a certain number of special rules were carefully followed. If the Anunnaki greatly veered from these agreements, a perilous situation was to be swept away like so much unclean water. The Anunnaki followed these divine edicts and were able to dominate humanity for nearly 13 millennia. The treaty of Anchara ended this rule and brought peace to this galaxy. We are the ones who carefully watched these scalawags and faithfully reported any small breaches committed by them. Now we are in a most sacred time, which is to allow each of you to at last reach a reality that is to be filled with peace, freedom and prosperity. It is to be a time when we can freely walk among you. Even now, it is much easier to help you than before!

   The rising energy of consciousness forms a reality in which your concentrated focus can truly achieve miracles. Every reality has energy, which is normally quite weak. Use your added ability to focus as a tool to accomplish goals. The increased amounts of spiritual force can over a short period of time permit you success. To do this, abandon all negativity and frustration. Ever keep in mind that each such exercise requires not only focus but as well a great deal of inner projected positivity. Grow this asset inside you by providing a calm and helpful energy. This is to be the foundation for what you intend to do. Once you feel positive and spiritually strong, begin to take a time per day in which to project this energy. As the details of your positive projections grow, you can start to see how these visualizations are to permit you to alter your reality. Then like a snap of lightning you are to succeed!

   You live, blessed Ones, in an age that is at the very pregnant point of switching from evil to Light. Numerous events are coming to fruition. These events are to quickly change how you look at this still limited reality. The sacred point is that together we are ever expanding and thus allowing you to succeed. Take advantage of this and use your own positive energies to accelerate this change. Become even more aware of the exciting possibilities and join in by adopting your own version of these visualizations in order to move this realm into a new era of Love and Light! Together, we have the ability to greatly strengthen the actions that our earthly Light forces are taking to provide the freedom, peace and prosperity that you so righteously deserve. We intend to daily open up the means to aid you in this most blessed series of events. Together, dear Ones, we can be victorious!

   Today, we continued giving you messages that outline what is happening now! Everywhere on this sacred orb, individuals have come together to remove the power of the dark and push them to the sidelines. There is still much to do. Nevertheless, the time of freedom and victory is very, very close! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



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  • WW3 will not be permitted to manifest....All nukes will be stopped on the ground, by GFL defence fleet formations....The west has been trying to provoke Russia into war over Ukraine, for months now....There will be no general war...Our Earth allies in Russia, UK, Germany and America, will not allow it's actual occurrence, in spite of dark desperations to stage it....

    The Sirian Atar warrior prepares for the possibility of war, always, in the hope of maintaining the peace....And so it must be....

    • Well lets pray it don't come to that

      • Totally agree, my beloved.....Drekx x

    • The question arises, if all nukes are to be stopped on the ground by GFL defence fleets, then why dont they stop every single soldier carrying a gun, or why dont the stop all civil wars? .. why do they not bother to stop anyone who is fighting in a war? .. be it a smalltown conflict or a larger one?

      • Well, human beings have the right to bear arms.....It is in the US constitution and endorsed by Master R.....However, atomic weapons are far more serious than small arms....as you may well appreciate...The GFL seeks to preserve the genetic integrity of humanity, without playing the role of disciplinarian....if that makes sense....So there are certain things that human beings can do, but a line is drawn they cannot pass, now....The GFL can only operate with earth allies to arrest wars...It cannot dictate behaviour....BUT, as most humans do not agree with a new world war, their collective freewill is honoured, and so it will not be allowed...Small conflicts, like in the mid east, cannot be stopped by the GFL, only by sane earth humans...if they were to be made known...Indeed, the hatred of the people on both sides causes a dynamic to war, there...Over religion, politics and limited resources...That must be addressed locally, as international agreements will not always be respected by those locals....For example, how many UN resolutions are needed for Israel to abide by, before it actually listens and acts in good faith, for peace...??

        • To my understanding, the notion of violence was actually something that the Aeon Sophia endowed humanity with, according to John Lash at least. He speaks of mankinds ability to act out in a violent way because it is written in the Naghamdi scriptures by the Gnostics that Sophia, now known as Gaia, Mother Earth, was an impestuous, young torrent of divine energy who infused the ability to love together with its oppisite, and thus, through humanities big sleep, we see centuries of unrest.

          Now, all of this is, of course, a myth, the myth od Sophia .. but I am going back farther than the US constitution here. People have been bearing firearms all over the world, since the begining of time, so therefore the fact its written in the US constitution is neither here nor there. Furthermore, I have no idea who Master R is, but anyone who endorses firearms sounds a bit odd to me. However, until such time when all human beings fully awaken and realise that any weapon is a symbol of fear in itself, we will unfortunately continue to see conflict in the world.

          How many UN resolutions are needed for Israel to abide be? ... Well, peace comes from within as you know and therefore it will arise within each soul, one soul at a time and possibly without the notion of UN resolutions at all. Every living soul, with the possible exception of a few, elite parasites, have peace in their conciousness. When someone holding a weapon comes to the realisation of the divine within him/her, then their weapon will fall to the ground. When it dawns on them Drekx, when they wake up to the Universal truth of divine unconditional love for themselves and for all humankind, because everything else just dosent work, not least, the United Nations I dont think.

          So in effect, UN foreign policy is part of the Matrix illusion and actually has no strenght, because the real strenght resides in the hearts of humnkind, not in intelectual war and peace talks. Of course, there are complete lunatics running amok in the world, insane human beings who are filled with the Archon infection, people who have zero knowledge of war games yet they are loose, roaming the planet, loaners with dark psychopathic agendas and so it is not only the idea of stopping Nuclear bombs or slowing down local, civil conflits but purging the Archontic virus out of humanities minds, and that can only happen with an awakening of conciousness. Its a pity there wasnt a limit to free will in a way, but then again, all is allowed in this Universe and sometimes thats just down right lousy ... Lol ..  

          • Well, Master R is also known as the Mahachohan...Or lord of civilisation....He assists the process of the evolution of human civilisation in North America and Europe..."R" stands for Rákóczi...one of his Hungarian incarnations before he ascended....

            He was also known as Saint Germain, in another incarnation, which is well known among American esotericists...And historically, he helped draught the US Constitution, which was the first historical document giving the COMMON MAN the right to bear arms...Up to that time, only Kings, Princes, Generals and Captains, had the right...If you see what I'm getting at....And Master R does not promote gun ownership, he simply endorses a document that allows the individual citizen the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS...A sovereign right for FREE MEN, who are not slaves, nor chattel...It is the RIGHT which is key to this...not the weapon itself....A weapon in itself is harmless in peacetime, in safe and responsible hands....It can only be deadly for the right reasons, such as defending one's family from tyrants, or usurpers...and yes, history is littered with tyrants...Should your right to have knives be curtailed, as you may possibly stab someone...??? Should Parliament prohibit your ownership of a lawnmower, as the blade may cut you, or a neighbour, while gardening..??Should we take away cars from everyone, because of the potential for deadly road rage...???

            You see the important factors here now...?? FREEDOM....?? INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS...?? So are we children, or adults......and who should decide...?? Well, we have to allow the individual certain rights, while prohibiting the angry child from blowing up the entire school with a nuclear device....So thought and morality has to play a role...

            Humans should not always blame their behaviour towards belligerence, on mercurial beings called "archons." You could blame the unbalanced astral body though, if you like...the uncontrolled devas of unbridled human emotions...

  • Well, there you have it friends, our latest Lighted update, which as you can clearly see, bodes well for all our futures and emphasises the necessary individual stance, with regards to the collective momentum forward to the golden vision...

    Indeed, like master chess players, our powerful earth allies in the legal spheres, have created a situation that expands the full process of law, even to those dark ones who once thought themselves immune and above it...And so the dark trembles, as the arrest warrants grow in number...with the names of prominent Illuminoid famiy members included and not just their dark subordinates and flunkies......They tremble with fear, just as the King of France trembled, at the prospects ahead of him, following the French Revolution...Or as King Charles Stuart trembled, after his defeat following the second English civil war...Oh how the mighty have fallen....And what I seek to impart, with the direction of Master R, who helps direct and enfold western civilisation, is that history may give examples of monolithic power structures, which may dissolve and crumble, when challenged...That is happening again...And this time, the macheavellian power elites themselves, succumb, in actuality, albeit, continue their expert cover-up, of a "business as usual" surface status...

    Indeed, though demoralising for those who struggle outside the loop, we can allow these dark buffoons to believe in their own propaganda, if it helps in their defeat, much like Hitler in his Berlin bunker, surrounded by Soviet forces....This time, the war has been fought in legal and financial fields and the dark are on the ropes...

    All in spite of not receiving too much surface coverage, of the many secret happenings, that bode well...for reasons explained...EACH can visualise their own positive outcomes, in their own unique ways, to add to the greater mix of harmony, love, co-operation, evolution, quiet revolution, abundance, health, enlightenment, empowerment, sovereignty, self-confidence and charity....Have faith that all we say is TRUE...It is...All true....We have spent longer than originally planned to bring it all to fruition, but have not ceased our push forward...It grows stronger and bolder...Nothing can really stop the momentum, now....Keep an open heart, keep the faith and know that our victory is assured...

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Hi friend, well yes, on current trajectory, it could well be months...But I do advise all readers, like yourself, to add your own energies of POSTIVE OUTCOMES to the collective mix, as suggested...The dark has always cultivated an energy of powerlessness and hopelessness in many people...That must be halted and reversed...So all should behave, as if........Remember, time is illusory....It is the now where we exert our true power...So, be positive, as if the outcome has already arrived, manifested...And then you will see massive leaps forward in your own life, that will join up with the rest of us...The collective can be assisted this way...Remember your own sovereignty...?? Never forget the power it has and you have...Wield it in service...You are not simply a bystander, but a contributor...

        Maintain the energy of hope, and avoid getting yourself down, reading all the gloom and doom, from so many conspiracy jockeys, on the net....Knowledge of conspiracy is one thing, a feeling of hopelessness that it cultivates is another...So be positive, always...

        • So true darkness flees from the light.   So we must love more be patient more be of service more especially of thos e that may no t understand. We must burn brighter than before so the dark is revealed.  Love is key especially for those lost and stumbling g in the dark in hopes that it will lead them out.... Love you

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