Stephen Cook of:
It’s now a month since I wrote the letter, made the video, did a radio show broadcast, and set up the petition to the world’s ‘leaders’ asking that they Tell Us the Truth in 2014.
I’ve also spent countless hours writing to many world leaders’ offices and various media outlets around the world to try and get a better foothold for our message.
So where are we at today? Well, over 13,000 people have viewed the video and just 3,564 have signed the petition so far – mind you, these people are literally from all over the world!.
But, like unity consciousness and building our new world, one man cannot do this all by himself. We all need to keep the impetus up if we are to have our voices heard on such important matters.
It’s now over to all of you and your friends, family, work colleagues and neighbours to take up the baton and make this petition effective – and have our want and need heard, loud and clear.
Here’s the petition link – please send it everywhere you can!
Use your email, Facebook, Google+, Twitter accounts etc. We all know the rule of ‘word of mouth’: if everyone of us sends it to 20 people, then they may send it to 20 more and so on.
Let’s hold our World Leaders accountable to tell us the truth – about everything. But WE ALL have to make this happen.
Wouldn't asking the world leaders to tell us the truth, be much like asking a criminal to give you your money back after he have robbed you?
Seems like a rather pointless exercise in my eyes. ;)
Because online petitions always solve our problems...