The horoscopes included in this report include Jeffrey Dahmer ("Chef Jeff"), Ted Bundy ("Friendly Ted"), John Wayne Gacy ("The Killer Clown"), Charles Manson ("Helter Skelter"), Richard Ramirez ("The Night Stalker"), David Berkowitz ("The Son of Sam"), Angelo Buono ("The Hillside Strangler"), and Edmund Kemper ("the Coed Butcher").


Traditional Uranian Astrology Formulas Used

This was a simple selection that concerned formulas from the texts "Rules For Planetary Pictures" (Hans Niggemann) and "Dial Detective - Investigation With The 90 Degree Dial" (Maria Kay Simms).

Type-Two formulas for murder include Mars + Hades, Uranus + Hades, and Hades + Vulcanus. Type-Three Planetary Pictures that are based on these three Type-Two formulas include Mars + Hades - North Node, Uranus + Hades - North Node (and both of these define "connections with murder"), and Hades + Vulcanus - Uranus ("horrific or unusual murder"). 

Introduction To Lilith ("The Black Moon") From

Black Moon Lilith orbit


To truly understand Lilith, no matter our gender, we have to become aware of our feminine sexual nature that cannot be contained or controlled. While Pluto will shove sexual needs aside, giving in to taboos and creating the field of energy that has to burst at some point, Lilith won’t stand for this dismissal and repression, and has the need to fight for her rights. The subject of female sexuality has been evolving with ages, but it still hasn’t reached the point in which it is equal to that of man. Modern Christianity hasn’t really moved very far from the point where Eve is the best manifestation of women, and it is hard to say when the role of Lilith will be accepted and if it ever will.

The strong inner need to express the energies and the anger of Lilith is in fact very good for the overall energy of our society. Venting in this field takes some of the pressure off the sign of Scorpio and Pluto, making us less turned to destruction, blind hate, and circumstantial tragedies. However seemingly incoherent with the vision of chastity, Lilith is in fact the purest form of feminine sexuality, and her lack of tact, subtlety and control is what makes it an outcast. All interpretations of this magnificent angry lady have to be taken with absolute caution, for touching the point where it causes pain, triggers all sorts of negative emotions in a person whose chart we try to unveil. Lilith is always an ugly breakup, a misunderstanding and disrespect in its core, and it won’t be easy to interpret it as anything less than what it is.

Description Of Black Moon Lilith From

Black Moon Lilith is like NEPTUNE/ERIS. This part of the Lilith myth corresponds to the forbidden fruit episode, where Lilith comes back as a serpent. The serpent represents occult knowledge, while the apple representing sex or enthogens. Neptune is very much like a psychic sponge. The zone has shamanic qualities, a similar effect to using drugs to break down the barriers to the unconscious. Like deceptive Neptune when drugged, this zone can let in the demons as well as messages from the spirits

Hence, the Black Moon represents "the forbidden fruit" in terms of sex and the actions that lead to sex, and potential aggressive actions at best. Since many of these serial murderers had sexual issues, I decided to include the Black Moon in my research on these scumbags.

Uranian Astrology Findings

Traditional Description of Uranian Planets


Tradtional Meanings for Non-Uranian Planets & Zodiac Components of the Horoscope



Below is a table of the traditional Uranian astrology formulas used for murder. All of the cells with enclosed points that correspond between the formula and the individual are direct conjunctions with the formula. I did not use any midpoint trees; I wanted absolute direct correlations between the formulas and the murderers without details. This explains for the many empty cells on the grid.


Other Uranian and Non-Uranian Formulas

This table below includes both midpoint trees and Conjunctions; direct Conjunctions get first priority.

The Uranian planet Admetos is included since it represents "death, separation." Lilith Black Moon is also included in this analysis, along with the Uranian Type-Three Planetary Picture formula for "an illicit relationship by force" (Venus + Hades - Vulcanus).

I selected two formulas pertaining to the occult. I noticed when I was a psych tech that patients with direct or indirect involvement with the occult may experience phenomena that result in mental breakdowns or violence encouraged by inter-dimensional forces. And because psychiatrists and police officers will not consider involvement with the occult as an activity that can lead to violence against society, it is often a "part of the puzzle" that must be looked at since inter-dimensional forces feed on energy that arises due to violence or violent acts. Thus, I included two occult formulas. The occult and applying it to sex is represented by Hades + Apollon - Black Moon, and individual activities with the occult is represented by Hades + Apollon - Mars. 

Because sexual issues seemed to be prominent with many of these serial killers, Venus + Mars was also analyzed.

8111046869?profile=originalAnalysis of The Serial Murderers / Rapists

David Berkowitz: "The Son of Sam" and

"The .44 Caliber Killer."



Berkowitz killed 4 women and two men via a Bulldog .44 caliber pistol in New York City during the summer of 1977. He claimed that a dog named Harvey was commanding him to kill. He also claimed to be a part of an occult group that murdered people, but the police didn't believe the story. I think that there is some truth to it; Berkowitz had Hades + Apollon - Black Moon = Midheaven / Moon. He also had a midpoint tree of Poseidon ("the light, the highest belief") equal to the midpoints of Hades / Apollon ("occult; magick") and Cupido / Admetos ("isolated groups of close friends").

Berkowitz reportedly loss his virginity to a prostitute who gave him syphilis, and many of the women he murdered all had the same hair style and hair color. There were reports from wig dealers in New York of sell-outs of blonde hair wigs in summer of 1977; all the female victims of Berkowitz had brown to dark brown hair.

Moon / Hades is often associated with prostitutes, and Berkowitz had this placement equal to Mars + Hades - N. Node. Also note that Venus / Neptune ("deception in relationships") equals Uranus / Hades. Berkowitz probably blamed his sexual issues on a prostitute, and probably also on women that were all similar in some way. This may be due to the strong role of the Moon in the formulas, and with the Black Moon equal to Aries / Jupiter ("worldly success") there may have been a real issue with sex that resulted in Berkowitz gaining pleasure in murdering as a substitute for this absence of sex.

Hence, my overall astrology analysis of Berkowitz reveals that there was probably a great absence of sexual activity and possible anger about this issue. And Berkowitz may have responded to this issue by murdering women (and two men with them) that may have resembled women in his life that he felt hurt him, possibly with sexual connotations. Involvement with the occult and acting out on instructions from inter-dimensional forces may have also played a role, but probably to a lesser degree. He knew what he was doing. 

John Wayne Gacy

"The Clown Killer"



John Wayne Gacy killed 33 young men, and all but one was killed via strangulation after getting hand-cuffed.

Gacy was repeatedly beaten by his father in his youth, yet he vehemently refused to state any hatred for his father during his interviews with the police.

Gacy stepped over the line into "forbidden fruit" while he was married. This included involvement with wife-swapping parties, involvement with local pornography, and visits to local prostitutes. It is unknown if he ever was involved with the occult, although the two occult formulas I provide indicate it was very likely.

Gacy would also begin to socialize only with young men during his married years and reportedly invited them to view pornography and have drinks while viewing the porno with him. He would also offer these young men $50 for involvement with oral sex for reasons of a "scientific study."

Gacy began to sexually assault young men after this "socialization period." He would divorce his wife on Mothers Day after telling her that he was bisexual, and would then proceed to torture, rape, and murder young men via getting them into his house via deceptive ways. Gacy had Neptune / Vulcanus ("mighty deception") conjunct his Uranus / Hades midpoint, so he was probably good at luring young men into his house where these very mean acts were committed.

My astrology analysis of Gacy indicates that he liked to rape and murder due to a strong Mars + Hades - N. Node placement and a strong Admetos placement. The attraction for sexual violence with young men may be attributed to Venus + Hades - Vulcanus ("forced illicit sex") equal to Aries / Mercury ("encountering of young people").

Gacy's Black Moon placement defines someone who underwent "disgusting transformation"  (Pluto / Hades) into a monster who really enjoyed the "forbidden fruit" offered by the Black Moon.

Richard Ramirez

"The Night Stalker"



Richard Ramirez murdered thirteen people and sexually assaulted eleven people (including a nine-year old girl). Similar to John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez had a violent father who liked to beat him. But unlike Gacy, young Ramirez had a strong attraction to a cousin who was a decorated U.S. Green Beret. This cousin reportedly liked to show young Ramirez his Vietnam War photos of Vietnam women he raped and murdered, and he also showed Ramirez how to do physical holds on people as a means to subdue them into submission.

Ramirez would commit his first major crime of attempted rape (as a teenager) while working at a Holiday Inn in 1977. From 1984 to 1985, Ramirez would go on a string of performing murders and rapes in California, and become known as "The Night Stalker" by a sensationalized media.

Ramirez was an avowed Satanist and would never express any remorse for his crimes. One judge wrote that his murders "exhibited cruelty, callousness, and viciousness beyond any human understanding."

Ramirez had the Aries point in all three of his traditional Uranian astrology formulas that registered conjunctions to formulas that defined "murder." And all of these traditional midpoint conjunctions suggest strong success and probability of horrific murders, especially Uranus + Hades - N. Node = Aries/ Jupiter ("great success with horrific murder"). Hence, Ramirez would make "an impact on the world" (Aries) in regards to horrific murder. And yes, a sensationalized media also helped to make this impact of The Night Stalker onto the world.

With the Black Moon equal to Moon / Zeus ("the creative or fertile female"), Ramirez was probably attracted to committing crimes against women who had a certain innocence about them. Participation in the occult is well-defined with Hades + Apollon - Mars equal to Uranus / Neptune ("escape into the beyond; shocking appearance from the unknown").

Jeffrey Dahmer

"Chef Jeff" and "The Milwaukee Cannibal"



Jeffrey Dahmer raped, murdered, and dismembered seventeen men (with many of them young and gay) between 1978 and 1991. He reportedly ate some of his victims, and was also involved with necrophilia with non-dismembered corpses.

Dahmer killed his first victim at age eighteen in 1978. He reportedly knocked out and then strangled a male hitchhiker who refused his sexual advances. From 1985 to 1986, Dahmer would sneak sleeping pills into drinks of victims at a gay bathhouse and then rape them while they were unconscious. He got his membership card to the bathhouse revoked due to complaints from the gay patrons he raped.

From 1987 to 1991, he would target young men, lure them to his apartment, and knock them out with sleeping pills. He would then rape and murder these young men, and either dismember them for body parts for eating or keep their bodies intact for necrophilia purposes.

From an astrology point of view, Dahmer would have "great success in activities" (Mars / Jupiter) that were involved in "connections with murder and very mean acts" (Uranus + Hades - N. Node). Mars / Apollon is associated with "successful activity," and this equals Black Moon. Hence, Dahmer would achieve much success with sexually-related activities considered to be "very forbidden fruits," along with murder. There were no indications of involvement with the occult according to the formulas.

Venus + Mars is equal to Aries / Kronos, and this defines sex as being "a great event" for Dahmer. The problem was that Dahmer demanded that his partners keep still and lifeless, and this may be what started the use of putting sleeping pills into drinks of potential sexual partners. Dahmer's need for this type of sex was so intense that he reportedly kept a male mannequin in his grandmother's closet when nobody was available.

Angelo Buono

"The Hillside Strangler"



Angelo Buono Jr. committed 10 murders (with his cousin) from 1977 to 1979. The victims were all women under the age of 28, and all were raped and tortured before they were murdered. Strangulation was the preferred and main method of murder, and the bodies were dumped in the hills of Los Angeles.

Buono and his cousin were aspiring to be pimps in the prostitution business, and their first murder was a prostitute who double-crossed them. They both decided it was more fun to rape, torture, and murder prostitutes instead of making money off of them. So they moved to Los Angeles to start an auto upholstery business, and spent nights cruising the streets of Los Angeles looking for victims.

Buono and his cousin would carry fake police badges and make phony arrests of women after dark. Prostitutes were the main target, and they were driven to their auto upholstery shop for sessions that involved torture, rape, and murder. Forms of torture included electrocution and injection of caustic substances into the skin.

Buono's formula of Mars + Hades - N. Node ("murder") strongly implicates potential with murder of women since it equals Venus / Admetos ("death of female persons").

Buono's chart also featured Aries / Mars ("physical activity having world impact") equal to his Venus + Mars placement ("sexual activity"). He probably had a huge sex drive with this placement, along with a strong need to kill his sexual partners. And with prostitutes snatched from the street, he could do both.

As mentioned with Berkowitz, Moon / Hades is strongly associated with prostitution.  Buono's Black Moon is equal to a midpoint tree consisting of Moon / Hades ("prostitution") and Saturn / Pluto ("depression"). This may be defined as Buono's "forbidden fruit" to be desired may have been to seek out prostitutes (or women after dark that resembled prostitutes) and make them as depressed as possible in some way, probably via torture and rape. And then killing them so they won't have to face jail-time for doing these horrific acts.

Charles Manson

(" Helter Skelter")

Charles Manson

8111048070?profile=originalCharles Manson remains the epitome of what many define as the ultimate human monster. He is currently serving seven life sentences for conspiracy to murder.

Manson's first major crime was armed robbery at age thirteen (!) Other crimes include pimping out teenagers for prostitution, auto theft, passing bad checks, and transferring stolen goods across state lines.

Before he brainwashed and instructed his cult following of disenchanted youth (many being women) to commit the Helter Skelter murders, Manson spent half of his life behind prison bars. While in prison at a young age, he was subject to being gang-raped, participating with other inmates with raping other inmates, and learning to play the guitar. He was reported to be a dangerous prisoner by some prison records, and other prison records referred to him as "Charlie the Politician."

While in prison Manson learned about methods of controlling others via brainwash techniques from Scientology and the German Nazi party. He also reportedly studied occult literature from The Process Church of The Final Judgment while behind bars, and this church believed that Satan and Jesus were the same person. This church was also a split-off of the Church of Scientology, and this may have been where Manson learned about Scientology's methods of controlling others.

Manson's Uranian astrology readings in this project are by far the most intense of all of the eight serial killers I've profiled. The fact that he has Uranus + Hades ("murder; a very mean act") equal to his Midheaven ("reputation, legacy") indicates that his legacy will definitely be one that is known for murder and a very mean act.

One formula that really stands out for him is Hades + Vulcanus - Uranus ("sudden terrible murder") equal to Mars / Kronos. Hans Niggemann defines Mars / Kronos as "the kernel formula for the great leader and great organizer." This defines Manson perfectly with his role with Helter Skelter, still defined as one of the most horrific acts of murder in human history. 

Manson has both of the Type-Three Planetary Picture occult formulas well-versed and well-connected. The formula "activities involving the occult" (Hades + Apollon - Mars) equals North Node / Apollon ("connection with many"). The Type-Three formula Hades + Apollon - Black Moon ("occult activities or knowledge that involves sexuality or forbidden ways") is equal to Jupiter / Kronos ("the lucky and successful manager").

Manson probably could have been someone very astute in the field of ceremonial magick and music, but he spent half of his years behind bars while growing up to be an adult. And this type of metamorphosis has a tendency to turn young people into dangerous adults who may pose future threats against society, especially if they can't have their way.

Edmund Kemper

"The Coed Butcher"


8111047676?profile=originalEdmund Kemper murdered eight women, his paternal grandparents, and his mother. He reportedly shot his grandparents when he was 15 years old, because he "just wanted to see what it felt like to kill grandma." He then shot his grandfather in the driveway to prevent him from finding out that he killed his grandmother. He murdered his mother and eight women during a murder spree in the early 1970's.

Kemper's murdering spree started with five female hitchhikers he picked up that were attending college. He would take his victims to isolated areas where he would shoot, stab, or strangle them. He would then take their corpses back to his home where he would commit necrophilia and then dismember the corpse.

Kemper requested the death penalty for his crimes, but California revoked this in 1973.

Kemper was very big, standing 6'9'' tall and weighing 250 pounds. He would use his size and strength to overpower his murder victims, and this may be defined on his chart with Vulcanus ("great power and strength") equal to Uranus + Hades - North Node ("connections with murder") and also Zeus ("well planned activities and leadership") equal to Hades + Vulcanus ("murder, a mean act").

Similar to Jeffrey Dahmer, Kemper had Mars / Jupiter ("great success in activities") equal to one of the two Uranus + Hades murder formulas in the posted traditional Uranian astrology formulas section. 

Kemper's Admetos equals a midpoint tree of Black Moon / N. Node / Black Moon, and this may indicate that murder of desirable women and then separating these women from others (in more than one way) was a "forbidden fruit" that he could not resist. He reportedly called these homicidal urges to kill women "little zappies."

Ted Bundy

("Friendly Ted" and "The Chi Omega Killer")


8111047701?profile=originalTed Bundy murdered thirty women. Some of these murders involved Bundy breaking into apartments and then the victims getting beaten up by Bundy (usually with a metal rod or a piece of firewood) while they were asleep. He would then hand cuff them, rape them, and strangle them to death. He also reportedly slept with the corpses of his victims, and performed necrophilia with them.

Bundy would also wear a fake cast and fake arm sling (which may have also concealed a metal rod) and he would then ask future female murder victims (usually college students) for assistance to carry books and papers to his 1968 Volkswagon Beetle. He would then hit them when they weren't looking, hand cuff them, and drag them into his car. FBI forensics would later find hairs of three of his victims in this Beetle.

Bundy also made a female college student disappear from a well-lit walkway in a hotel. The team of forensics couldn't find anything related to blood, fibers, hair, or footprints.

Law officials currently suspect that Bundy may have killed more than thirty women; Bundy's lack of cooperation makes it conservative to state this number at his confessed number of thirty.

Bundy decapitated at least twelve of his victims, and kept their heads in his apartment for memorabilia. He also took pictures of his murdered victims.

Bundy described himself as "the most cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch you'll ever meet."

Similar to Buono, Bundy had Venus + Mars equal to Aries / Mars. This strongly implies a very strong sex drive, but as is the case with Buono, the presence of key murder formulas in the traditional Uranian astrology section imply an attraction for murder.

Bundy's charm and good looks was what he used to draw women to him when he was not breaking into the living spaces of women. This is very well defined with Bundy's Hades + Vulcanus - Uranus ("sudden terrible murder") equal to Aries / Venus ("the power of attraction for friendship and intimate relations").

Bundy's Black Moon equals Chiron / Jupiter. This is a tough one to define, but my guess is that it defines Bundy's "forbidden fruit" to equal "success with evading surveillance and custody" (since Chiron can represent advanced technology involved in surveillance or spy equipment that monitors people, and Jupiter represents good luck). Bundy had escaped custody twice for his murders and rapes, and instead of seeking someplace to hide, he would go back to committing murders and rapes after his two escapes. Bundy got away with his murder spree for a long time, and after escaping from custody and surveillance twice, he may have thought he was untouchable. He probably really enjoyed raping and murdering women and then escaping from those seeking to incarcerate him.

NEXT TIME: a Uranian astrology analysis of the CIA and the NSA.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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