Don't get me wrong. There are some good people who work for the CIA and the NSA. And these good people are probably a very large percentage of the employees of these two Federal government agencies. CIA headquarters still has that carved-in-stone quote that so many people ridicule yet so many CIA employees hold dear with their employment concerning truth:


This group of decent employees are a part of a set of Federal employees who not only swore and obeyed their oath to protect the U.S. Constitution, but these same employees also probably took the time to read the U.S. Constitution.

This is a crucial point. U.S. Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson (of the Obama Administration) couldn't explain the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution AT ALL to Senator Rand Paul when questioned about the role of privacy for U.S. taxpayers.

Click for this very embarrassing moment in U.S. History.

Hence, there are employees of the U.S. government who DO NOT acknowledge the importance of the role of the U.S. Constitution that they swore an oath to. And there are even higher-ups in the Federal government who openly ridicule the U.S. Constitution. George W. Bush called the U.S. Constitution "just a G0ddamned piece of paper." And there are some new Muslim immigrants to the U.S. who believe that Sharia law trumps ALL the laws in the U.S. Constitution. 

Analysis of the CIA and NSA must consider the fact that U.S. taxpayer beliefs in importance of ethical behavior have diminished to all time lows. This may explain why Government of today attracts the wrong kind of people: people in positions of power who will sell their soul and have sex with their family pets if offered the right incentive. Or be black-mailed with the right incentive.

The capabilities for abuse of power from the CIA and NSA were revealed by Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Edward Snowden exposed incredible evil capabilities of the NSA with his revealing of the Prism and XKeyscore NSA systems of surveillance. Julian Assange exposed incredible evil capabilities of the CIA with his revealing of the CIA Vault 7 database.

And if anyone out there believes that there are no employees in these two agencies who would not use such tools to gather black mail evidence needed on a certain judge or to get information needed for murder of a certain U.S. reporter, I've got some of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction for sale to you.  

Hence, the NSA and CIA are agencies of great power. And yes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And as we analyze these two agencies in reflection of such tendency for corruption, one must look in the mirror and ask:


Uranian Astrology Midpoints For Analysis

"The Good" - this will be Neptune / Vulcanus. This midpoint defines "mighty deception." And you can't be a good spy agency unless you are good a deceiving others.

"The Bad" - this will be Neptune / Apollon ("financial embezzlement") and Neptune / Kronos ("government-sponsored deception"). This is where corruption begins to "cross the line." And no, "every government employee" doesn't do this.

"The Ugly"  - this will be Hades / Kronos ("the high level criminal") and Uranus / Hades ("murder; a very mean act; shocking occult rituals (i.e. child sacrifice or torture)").

Please don't laugh about the occult rituals description. There are former Army intelligence officers who worked with the CIA and who have been accused of Satanic rituals involving children. One such person founded a prominent chapter for Satanism practices on the west coast. 

The Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA was founded with Harry Truman signing the National Security Act of 1947. He reportedly woke up at 5:00 AM (as he always did), put on his glasses and slippers, and then signed the act.

The National Security Act of 1947 was signed four days after the commencement of the Bretton-Woods Agreement of 1947. The Bretton- Woods Agreement would designate the U.S. dollar as the sole currency linked to all other currencies of the world, making it the premier currency for use in international trade.

This was a very powerful "spoils of the war" for the post WWII U.S. This agreement would require an agency to protect such an advantageous position for international trade and finance. And because the National Security Act of 1947 was signed days after this agreement, it is my opinion that the original role of the CIA is to protect and enforce the Bretton-Woods Agreement, i.e. protection of the position and role of the U.S. dollar.

The potential for abuse of power with the CIA was recently revealed by Julian Assange of Wikileaks. His exposure of the CIA Vault 7 database (with the info probably provided by a law-abiding member of the U.S. intelligence community) was probably the most serious security breach in U.S. history, and probably for good reason: the Vault 7 database included instructions on how to rig the computer electronics in new cars so that they can crash, as well as how to pin child pornography onto the computers of others in a way so that it can't be removed (an alternative media news site called Republic Broadcasting of Texas claimed to have had this done to their computer).

I view Julian Assange as a hero for revealing these horrific capabilities of a government agency that I pay taxes for.




The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is private corporation whose stock is owned by some of the most powerful banking groups in the world. It is no more "Federal" than Federal Express. It is the Federal Reserve who lends out money to elected members of Congress who promise their constituents a piece of the U.S. Treasury in return for votes (or campaign contributions). And yes, the Federal Reserve has yet to deny a majority of any of these financial requests by these elected officials. Proof of this is the fact that the national debt has now exceeded $20 trillion (and was doubled under the previous Obama administration). No wonder Congress was so happy with the courts approving of Emminent Domain; the government can always throw the Grand Canyon or Yosemite Park at the Federal Reserve (unless the Chinese have already spoken for these lands. We owe them money, too).

Because the shareholders of the Federal Reserve represents a cartel (since the U.S. government can't borrow from anyone else), cartels require special help to "protect their turf." This is revealed by the horoscope below: 


The use of "national security" as a reason to protect the money supply is evident with the chart of the CIA. Just as "the environment" of the Federal Reserve revealed the presence of very serious criminals who may be very good at protecting the money supply, "the environment" of the CIA reveals involvement with banking and a similar presence of dangerous criminals placed there for additional protection of the money supply.

This is revealed by the chart below:


Now on to the analysis of the CIA with "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly."

"The Good"


The CIA has Neptune / Vulcanus VERY CLOSE to the world points at zero degrees Aries. This is a very powerful position for deception capability.

Now on to the midpoint tree breakdown:

8111050871?profile=originalInterpretation For Above:

"The entity will have a powerful ability to deceive others. This will include success with use of political areas for financial embezzlement and with use of groups of friends involved in organized crime and revolutionary activities. Advanced technology involved with communications will be a part of this success in "mighty deception" of others, along with assistance from important military leadership who are spread far and wide on the planet." 

"The Bad"


Neptune / Apollon ("financial embezzlement") was a key part of the "mighty deception" midpoint (Neptune / Vulcanus). Involvement with the elected branch that approves funds for some of the CIA's operations ("politics," or Mars / Poseidon) is also a key part of CIA's strong midpoint positions for "great power to deceive" and "financial embezzlement ."


Interpretation For Above:

"Financial embezzlement will be based on a reputation for surprises and involvement with politics. Probable success for such theft will include the spread of ideas and propaganda via deceptive actions from unpleasant and secretive associations, along with help from international friends who are enlightened with the use of such propaganda that may include very mean acts and possibly murder."


Neptune / Kronos ("government-sponsored deception") has risen since the death of President Kennedy. And the MC /North Node midpoint ("reputation for connections with many") indicates that there are probably many in the elected side of the U.S. government who like the idea of having an agency that can do large scale deception, as well as use deception to guard the money supply. DON'T BELIEVE ME? Look at how well the U.S. public was fooled with the deception of Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction (after he rejected the use of the U.S. dollar for the pricing of his oil for international trade).

8111049896?profile=originalInterpretation For Above:

"Government-sponsored deception will be successful due to a reputation for connections with many and possession of many secretive weapons. Also related to this success is involvement with secretive groups who protect the money supply, involvement with black markets, illegal financial markets, services that are vile and illegal, and political areas that are subject to embezzlement due to certain successes involving certain types of debates or conflicts (i.e. blackmail)." 

"The Ugly"


The Hades / Kronos midpoint ("the high level criminal") is equal with North Node / Black Moon ("connections with illegal or illicit areas") and Hades / Zeus ("horrific creations or acts of war"). To repeat myself, I am aware that all employees of the CIA are not involved with such activities named above. It's that handful of employees that get rapidly promoted in the CIA ranks that may fit this description. And I can think of one or two U.S. presidents that were reportedly rapidly promoted while working with the CIA.


Interpretation For Above:

"The entity-role as a high-level criminal will be due to connections with illicit or illegal areas, and involvement with creation of or acts of war that are vile and disgusting. Included in this criminal profile is the reputation for assistance from the military for murders and assassinations, and to have no sympathy or emotional response with these activities."


I selected Uranus / Hades instead of Mars / Hades since there is a special element of "a shocking and mean act" and "murder" that is associated with Uranus / Hades. Also note that both midpoints of Mars / Hades and Hades / Vulcanus are included within the midpoint tree for Uranus / Hades; this indicates that the CIA is very much involved with murder (as well as very mean acts). 


Interpretation For Above:

"The entity will be prominent for murder and very mean acts due to a reputation for involvement with illegal and illicit areas. This is also due to a reputation for friendship with those involved in murder and capital crimes who are not only educated about methods of horrific types of murder, but also enjoy in taking part of such activity on a world-wide basis. A feeling of contentment with association with the money supply may be another reason for the enjoyment with these described activities."

The National Security Agency

In 1951, CIA director Walter Smith sent a memo to national security advisor James Ley that requested the start-up of an agency to improve the gathering of communications intelligence. This request was quickly approved, and would become known as the National Security Agency. They opened their doors for business on November 4, 1952, at 9:00 AM.


The one thing that I really like about this horoscope chart above is the Mercury placement. My horoscope chart of Edward Snowden has the star of Formalhaut (4 degrees Pisces) Conjunction with his Midheaven, and when Snowden had the transit of Neptune Conjunction Midheaven in May of 2013, his reputation would suffer disappointment (but not his status for being a hero) after he would begin to publicly leak information about the NSA surveillance system of U.S. citizens. This Neptune transit would also form a Square to the NSA Mercury placement in the 12th House; Neptune Square Mercury defines "disappointments in communications with others." 

I say hooray for Mr. Snowden. Like Assange, I view him as a hero.


The Role of Chiron:


J. Edgar Hoover was probably the most prolific user of surveillance technology. He reportedly had recordings and files that contained the most controversial and damning of information on important U.S. citizens and elected officials. And his use of this "surveillance capability" (Chiron) and information gathered from such for the use of  "deceptive propaganda" (Neptune / Poseidon) will be a part of his "legacy" (Midheaven).


Richard Nixon had a similar love for surveillance technology. He reportedly carried special recording equipment in his clothing that allowed him to record all of his conversations. And he started doing this once he was elected president of the United States.


Finally, let's look at the NSA. Cupido has a lot to do with "corporations," and Uranus has a lot to do with "computer technology." Thus, it is fair to say that Edward Snowden was correct when he said that the NSA was in bed with every important technology company in the U.S.


"The Good"


The formula for "mighty deception" (Neptune / Vulcanus) is very close to being exact with Chiron ("surveillance technology"). This equality does not traditionally meet my criteria for orb rules, but as was the case with the CIA and the Federal Reserve charts (pertaining to the Ascendant), I sometimes make exceptions. I learned to make rare exceptions ever since my analysis of the horoscope of the death of Michael Jackson; transiting Mars / Hades was within 10 minutes of equality with his natal Sun position relative to the time death. 


Interpretation For Above:

"The ability to deceive others in a powerful way  will be successful via surveillance technology used for deception and with the technology companies that make this technology. A continuation of inventiveness with such technology will also be important, and this will concern technology that involves public communications. This deception will also concern involvement with powerful military leaders and weapons units that are subject to the power of the state, along with secret groups that seek to transform others by illegal and illicit ways and methods."  

"The Bad"


The NSA has "great creative ability" (Jupiter / Zeus) with "the ability to persuade (or steal) funds and money" (Neptune / Apollon) from the government.  


Interpretation For Above:

"Financial embezzlement will be successful due to creative activities involved for such embezzlement. This will include people involved in secret services or organizations with powerful connections to the government who are involved with advanced communications technology that is world-wide. Success in embezzlement may also be due to the use of very mean acts and use of creative arts and sciences that involve deceptions that affect philosophy, money, and public communications."


The Neptune / Kronos midpoint ( "government sponsored deception") includes the Aries point and Pluto / Poseidon midpoints ("seeking to make an impact on the world by transforming the ideas and world views of others") as part of the midpoint tree for this "government sponsored deception."

This is a very powerful formula that suggests that certain elected officials with U.S. government possibly work with the NSA in an effort to try to change world views by possible manipulations with international communications and such.

8111048875?profile=originalInterpretation For Above:

"The involvement for government-sponsored deception will be done with technology in the environment that is illegal and deceptive, and used with foreign communications on a worldwide-basis. The use of propaganda is possible with this technology, along with the use of services that are vile and disgusting. A separate area of the government made up of vile and disgusting organizations will also be a part of this government-sponsored deception, and their goal is one of seeking to make an impact on the world via changing ideas or world views."  

"The Ugly"


One formula for murder popped up for "the high level criminal" (Hades / Kronos), along with Chiron. Hence, the NSA can order murders and assassinations via their use of sophisticated technology. NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart claimed that the NSA tried to kill her via the use of high powered microwave technology aimed at her residence (which causes severe DNA mutations that lead to rapid onset for cancers).


Interpretation For Above:

"The potential for being a high-level criminal is strong due to friends in the environment who are involved with murder and capital crimes, along with a world-wide reputation for deceptive communications and disgusting activities. Much success is possible with high level crime due to advanced technologies used in coordination with such criminal activity." 


Please note there is a repeat of two midpoints above: North Node / Hades and  Cupido / Admetos (sorry about that).

"Murder and very mean acts" (Uranus / Hades) are very well pronounced for the NSA in areas that concern Moon / Mercury "public or community-type communications" (except for such public communications seen on Twitter or Facebook that call for the assassination of President Trump), and such murders are planned via "creative use of art and science" (Zeus / Apollon). 


Interpretation For Above:

"Murders and very mean acts may concern public communications and be conducted via creative use of art and science in the environment. Groups responsible for these murders and very mean acts are not a part of the general population and use institutional technologies for murder and assassination. Other technologies may also be used for very mean acts that involve creation of debates, conflicts, and wars."

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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