The following email message from Dannion Brinkley ( was transcribed verbatim [PLEASE CLICK ON 'MORE INFORMATION...' and 'TAKE ACTION' NOW IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE.]:
Hello Everyone:
My dear friend, Dr. Nick Gonzalez, the Dr. Gonzalez of alternative cancer treatment in NYC, just emailed this about supplements and the bill Rep Henry Waxman of California introduced as a sleeper that has passed the US House of Representatives. We need to mobilize our constituencies to prevent it from passing in the U.S. Senate in DC. Please forward this on to all your networks, and thanks! Please call your representatives and ask them to vote against this dangerous bill. Then, on a light note, I have attached our Teo flyer, and I want everyone to join this magical journey in July!
With Purpose,
Dannion Brinkley
Congressman Henry Waxman of California never gives up, he slipped a provision into the "Financial Reform Bill" that gives the FTC unheard of power to investigate and regulate supplements. Apparently nobody knew about the provision, they are so dumb down in DC. Just when we thought things had quieted down. This has already passed the House; we most mobilize in the next days to alert our Senators and express our concern. Below is the info. It doesn't seem as onerous as the McCain pathology, but it still opens up the door to undo our health freedom and freedom of expression.
Please read -- this is a stealth de facto attempt to impose the New World Order's Codex Alimentarious upon the American people!
Best wishes to all,
Nick Gonzalez
Congressman Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House; Please Take Action to Prevent Same Thing Happening The American public is becoming fed up with “sneak” provisions tacked onto largely unrelated bills that are likely to pass. A glaring recent example was tacking onto the Healthcare bill a complete change to student loans. Often the “sneak” provision is so buried that hardly anyone is aware of it. The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), recently passed in the House of Representatives, includes language going far beyond finance inserted by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA). This language could be used for an end run around the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplement regulation by the FDA. The Senate is expected to vote on its finance “reform” bill as early as this weekend. We need your help to ensure that it is not amended to include a similar provision going far beyond finance that could be used against supplements. Please take action now. MORE INFORMATION... TAKE ACTION
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